Donald Trump

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red w. blue

Well-Known Member

Amin Al Husseini meets with Adolf Hitler in November 1942, weeks before the decision to implement the Final Solution which sent Europe's Jews to the gas chamber. The Third Reich provided Amin Al Husseini with a salary and appointed him Head of the Hanzar SS Division. The Hanzar Division was made of Nazi Muslims and implemented the genocide of 250,000 Serbs, Gypsies and Jews during WWII.
Yes muslims ie arabs and Persians were with hitler. Persia changed its name to iran and it means ARYAN so you can understand their hate of jews.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Well, get your popcorn ready because BarryO's transformation wasn't the right thing to do, thats for dam sure. Whats happening in Germany and it's neighbors right now is just a taste of whats going to happen over the next year , and Trump doesn't have any say of what happens in Europe. So think what you want. /
I was just talking to a friend in Germany that told me she's afraid to go out after dark anymore.
The refugees are mobbing and sexually assaulting women.
New Years was the worst but it's happening everyday.
Wonder why we don't hear about this on the news?? haha



Well-Known Member
That's disgusting.

Is that actually something he's running on?

How can anyone be behind that? Muslim is NOT fucking ISIS.

It's like saying The Westboro Baptist Church properly represents Christianity.

It is the SAME THING as comparing ISIS is to The Muslim religion.

People are silly silly geese sometimes...
Westboro should be clamped down on as a hate organisation.

If they were called the SS theyd be shut down pretty quickly, I don't see the difference.

red w. blue

Well-Known Member
So, Wikipedia is lying?
Or you're just writing a work of fiction and that's your opening premise? :mrgreen:
I put down what I know and I am going to be more truthfull then almost anyone. As for wiki theres half truth and missing truth there. Buck posted link of wikis that said Germany was 101% religious, how silly is that?


Well-Known Member
What you think
and what you know
are two different things, though.
That's a true fact man.

People often talk about their opinions as facts.

Based on the opinions of other people stated as facts (news sources).

I like opinions. No such thing as a wrong opinion. Just different ones.

red w. blue

Well-Known Member
That's a true fact man.

People often talk about their opinions as facts.

Based on the opinions of other people stated as facts (news sources).

I like opinions. No such thing as a wrong opinion. Just different ones.
I don't get mixed up, and mostly will say 'I think" when I give an opinion. If you read my posts I think you will note this.


Well-Known Member
What you think
and what you know
are two different things, though.
I know what I think.What do you know?
THIS is all I see going on here...


I don't get mixed up, and mostly will say 'I think" when I give an opinion. If you read my posts I think you will note this.
Oh hey, I wasn't calling YOU out or anything. Just stating facts.

That wasn't an opinion, it's just what I have observed. In Some scenarios. Not ALL.

I often see you write "IMO". I like that.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
The word ērān is first attested in the titles of Ardašīr I (q.v.), founder of the Sasanian dynasty.

The Sasanian dynasty represented the last Persian lineage of rulers to achieve hegemony over much of Western Asia before Islam, ruled 224 CE–650 CE.

Not knowledge...only information.

View attachment 3584192

Lets get back to the OG post.

Rape. Rape culture.

It doesn't matter the religion. It doesn't. People taking advantage of people that they feel are beneath them. They take, because they think it is their right.

But why? Why do some people do this, and others don't?

Why do YOU think?

Oh fuck I'm high - I thought this was the other thread.

This is embarrassing....hahahah

Soooo...trump? fak.

red w. blue

Well-Known Member
The word ērān is first attested in the titles of Ardašīr I (q.v.), founder of the Sasanian dynasty.

The Sasanian dynasty represented the last Persian lineage of rulers to achieve hegemony over much of Western Asia before Islam, ruled 224 CE–650 CE.

Not knowledge...only information.

View attachment 3584192
So with this you should know that I'm right arya was one of high rank/aristocrat and there was more I disrember to sleepy, indo Iranian/europen used Aryan. The Iranian word aryanam means land of the Aryans. The name Persia was changed by a delegation of Persians in Germany to iran the meaning is Aryan. What I have given IS information. What you gave was data.
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