nitro harley
Well-Known Member
No, this is where you are wrong. There are quite a few people in this country that care what Trump said. People that want a plural society, where everybody is treated with respect, care. Muslim Americans also care. Roughly 7 million people are Muslim. Not a large group. Trump can bash them without worrying about losing their vote. Its called demagoguery. Its a tool that some politicians use to attract less informed people -- ones that are attracted to arguments using prejudice or irrationally easy solutions. Its not something that I'd like our next President to be good at.
I get it. You probably like Trump over the other Conservative candidates and are willing to overlook a few words made during a debate that didn't apply to you. Unlike @MrStickyScissors , I don't think you give one thought about Muslim Americans, much less actively dislike them as a group. You just want yours and fuck everybody else. Typical conservative.
Well, get your popcorn ready because BarryO's transformation wasn't the right thing to do, thats for dam sure. Whats happening in Germany and it's neighbors right now is just a taste of whats going to happen over the next year , and Trump doesn't have any say of what happens in Europe. So think what you want.
Here is an american Muslim saying Trump! is doing the right thing about Muslim refugee's.
I was a little shock that Louis Farrakhan agree's with TRUMP!