Donald Trump

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So have I just been given misinformation about all the hate speech and fear mongering?

I don't mind being wrong, its no skin off my ass.

I just want to know.

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Ok, that's kinda funny...

I am sure you under stand that the left wing media in america have an agenda to trash talk and use the free press to further their agenda. When they are popping like zits because their shit don't work on Trump!. That should be a sign for most people to ignore what you read about someone they don't like.

Its time to turn this country around and Trump! is the man for the job. TRUMP!
I am sure you under stand that the left wing media in america have an agenda to trash talk and use the free press to further their agenda. When they are popping like zits because their shit don't work on Trump!. That should be a sign for most people to ignore what you read about someone they don't like.

Its time to turn this country around and Trump! is the man for the job. TRUMP!

Hey man, I'm Canada.

I didn't read anything. I heard a story about it on CBC. Not even many sound bites, just people talking about him.

One of the people was a supporter, so it wasn't THAT biased. I just found myself agreeing with what the non-supporters said.

That golf thing is funny. hahaha
Let me explain:

He is saying that the sins that have happened due to Christianity (and let's just lump in every religion in here because Christianity isn't particularly special in this accord) cannot be denied.

And in his mind (I am guessing) cannot be forgiven.

Angry people have killed other people for years because of religion.

So using "Christianity" or any other religion when talking about OTHER sins seems...counter productive.

I'll give you my take on it - cause you're here.

Some people (like my cute ass nanna, bless her soul) liked being a Christian. She liked church and singing and believing that she was a part of something bigger. And I think that's nice.

But some people, and they are now the minority thank fuck - use these religious teachings to justify their hate, violence and murder.

So what do you do?

I think it's unfair to say "all religion is evil". Because my nanna wasn't evil. She just liked church.

But one person in the world dies because of some psychos religious beliefs and I think it's not worth it.

What do you do? I don't know.

Figure that one out and you win the powerball!!!

Happy Monday. Good talk!
It's obvious what makes people become radicalized. Atheist's disgust for people who believe in god is the most common. Then you have religion. When people start memorizing verses from the Quran or Bible or whichever, they progressively become radicalized. When people spend their free time going to after hour bible study 3 nights a week church 3 times on Sunday, and hang a picture of Jesus in every room they start to become radicalized. When people go to the Mosque all day to learn everything they can about Muhammad, don't let their wives show face in public, pray five times a day, and interpret their holy scripture literally to the point they mutilate other people in the name of Allah, that is a sign people have become radicalized
It's obvious what makes people become radicalized. Atheist's disgust for people who believe in god is the most common. Then you have religion. When people start memorizing verses from the Quran or Bible or whichever, they progressively become radicalized. When people spend their free time going to after hour bible study 3 nights a week church 3 times on Sunday, and hang a picture of Jesus in every room they start to become radicalized. When people go to the Mosque all day to learn everything they can about Muhammad, don't let their wives show face in public, pray five times a day, and interpret their holy scripture literally to the point they mutilate other people in the name of Allah, that is a sign people have become radicalized
Good post man. I agree!

Ever seen the documentary "Jesus Camp"?

Franklin D. Roosevelt said at Madison Square Garden, Oct. 28, 1940: “We guard against the forces of anti-Christian aggression, which may attack us from without"

FDR said in a Fireside Chat, April 28, 1942: “This great war effort must be carried through. … It shall not be imperiled by the handful of noisy traitors – betrayers of America, betrayers of Christianity itself.”
"Lord, redeem us from our sins" "save us from our sins", "set us free from our sins" are popular phrases in Christianity. Its from the bible.So I don't need to ask what he meant if I already know. He was trying to come up with something cute, by using Christians own words against them, to make them look bad. I understand the Marxist known as pada completely. More than you know..
I wasn't saying it about you. More about them.
I wasn't saying it about you. More about them.
Ok, so what do you think about Trump keeping it real, and telling it like it is? Do you value cander? It's a refreshing alternative to political correctness

"Football has become soft like how the country has become soft. What used to be a violent hit, a great tackle, now results in penalties never called in the past against such Hall of Famer defenders as Dick Butkus and Lawrence Taylor. You used to see these tackles and it was incredible to watch. Now the whole game is so screwed up." -Trump

Reno, NV 1/10/16
I'm not saying some of the things he says don't make sense.

I'm saying he's a douchebag.

I know almost everyone in politics is a cunt or a douchebag, a lot of the time. You probably kind of have to be to get that high in your career. Step on a few necks and whatnot.

But is he the LEAST douchie? I think have to read some more about Sanders...
Nice butts for sure. I like round shapely butts, pretty faces, and boobs that holla "yes please". But I'm not in to man ass. Just not my thing
I don't know...I've seen some pretty nice man ass.

Had sex with my buddy in October I call "Captain America", because he's a total gym rat. His ass is fucking nice.
I don't know...I've seen some pretty nice man ass.

Had sex with my buddy in October I call "Captain America", because he's a total gym rat. His ass is fucking nice.

Gym sex is the best. It's a multiple position workout for sure. All types of equipment padding and bars to hold onto. The big yoga ball is my favorite. It basically does all the work for you. Just need to keep the momentum going.
Gym sex is the best. It's a multiple position workout for sure. All types of equipment padding and bars to hold onto. The big yoga ball is my favorite. It basically does all the work for you. Just need to keep the momentum going.
I've never had sex in a gym!

You baaaaaad!
Would we all agree that no one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes? Heres what I find odd, you only hear these politicians talking about how they are right. Why do you never hear any of them admit any mistakes they have made. Only reason I could come up with is thats its not about honor and doing what is right at all costs, it's about winning. I can't seem to get behind that.
We cannot allow trump to take the white house. It would hand the republicans the tri-fecta of all 3 (Senate/House/Pres)....they would push thru an agenda of "NO" that would set the country back decades.....nightmare scenario.....bad bad bad
Defund EPA, Planned Parenthood, ACA, ect kick 30mil people out of the country destroy families
Would we all agree that no one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes? Heres what I find odd, you only hear these politicians talking about how they are right. Why do you never hear any of them admit any mistakes they have made. Only reason I could come up with is thats its not about honor and doing what is right at all costs, it's about winning. I can't seem to get behind that.

So you're denouncing politicians for this yet lauding Trump? He's Mr. I've-Never-Done-Anything-Wrong-Am-Always-Right-100%-Everything-I've-Done-Is-On-My-Own.
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