Donald Trump

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Real Christian churches opposed the Nazis and we're shut down by the Third Reich, with the only "churches" remaining were in or associated with the National Reich Church. Which was more of a fascist government program focused on a single doctrine promoting national socialsim. In other words, the Nazis were not Christian, but they were Socialist just like Bernie Sanders
Mostly agree. However, Mussolini and Hitler by some accounts were atheists. There was some weird neo paganism among the Nazis too. Hitler did persecute Christian churches and did worse to others until the war got hot. Then he put out a mandate that churches were to be left alone until after the war or get shut down if they crossed a line of resistance. The Nazis had a problem with Jesus being a Jew, so they had that to deal with too.
Very honestly, I didn't see anybody trolling in this thread. Not you or anybody. The back and forth in this forum is pretty wild for sure but I gain most from those I disagree with most. So, no I won't put people I find IRRITATING on ignore. Not you, and not others like desert dude. Vile people, yes and boring people I ignore too. Boring is the worst. You aren't boring and neither is UB..
I put vile people on ignore.

And they will never come off. Ever.

It's cool. I have my reasons. And they are valid.
Real Christian churches opposed the Nazis and we're shut down by the Third Reich, with the only "churches" remaining were in or associated with the National Reich Church. Which was more of a fascist government program focused on a single doctrine promoting national socialsim. In other words, the Nazis were not Christian, but they were Socialist just like Bernie Sanders
All the spin in the world won't redeem the sins of Christianity
See the problem is it appears these immigrants will out work any american x 3 any day of the week , its like putting 3 americans to work in a field

Bullshit, more parroting Obama style. I am and have lived in the heart of Mexican naturals and aliens and like anybody, you have your dedicated workers and your low lifes that are on the dole, much less lawbreakers for illegally invading our sovereignty. Case in point, one of the guys that built our house has a network of Mexican friends, so, I asked him if he could get 3 others to help distribute pallets of turf on my back yard one Saturday morn. I paid EACH $10/hour, cash in hand, no govt. tax taken out. By 9:30 a.m., after about an hour of work, they were drinking beer. It was kinda of an in-your-face arrogant thing to do as I was paying them good money. They got the job done but lost any future chance to earn good money with me again.
Mostly agree. However, Mussolini and Hitler by some accounts were atheists. There was some weird neo paganism among the Nazis too. Hitler did persecute Christian churches and did worse to others until the war got hot. Then he put out a mandate that churches were to be left alone until after the war or get shut down if they crossed a line of resistance. The Nazis had a problem with Jesus being a Jew, so they had that to deal with too.
Not only that. Nazis worked with Muslims to exterminate the Jews. That is where the term "Islamo-Nazi" came from. Christians don't team up with Muslims to kill Jews. It doesn't make any sense. Christians read the bible, not pamphlets distributed by Fascist governments. I hear people often times claim that America is a Christian nation. Especially in the 1930's. If Nazis were Christian then Germany would have been our Allie during the war, or perhaps we never would have gotten involved.
"won't redeem the sins" ? Do you mean redeem us from our sins? Nothing you ever type makes sense.
Let me explain:

He is saying that the sins that have happened due to Christianity (and let's just lump in every religion in here because Christianity isn't particularly special in this accord) cannot be denied.

And in his mind (I am guessing) cannot be forgiven.

Angry people have killed other people for years because of religion.

So using "Christianity" or any other religion when talking about OTHER sins seems...counter productive.

I'll give you my take on it - cause you're here.

Some people (like my cute ass nanna, bless her soul) liked being a Christian. She liked church and singing and believing that she was a part of something bigger. And I think that's nice.

But some people, and they are now the minority thank fuck - use these religious teachings to justify their hate, violence and murder.

So what do you do?

I think it's unfair to say "all religion is evil". Because my nanna wasn't evil. She just liked church.

But one person in the world dies because of some psychos religious beliefs and I think it's not worth it.

What do you do? I don't know.

Figure that one out and you win the powerball!!!

Happy Monday. Good talk!
"won't redeem the sins" ? Do you mean redeem us from our sins? Nothing you ever type makes sense.
Some people on this forum act like have a personal grudge against christianity.

Very quick to point the finger and say, this is who you are, yet they know nothing about you.

Here's a thought: How about judging individuals as individuals instead of groups?

People are not good just because they identify as one thing or another. People are not bad because they identify as one thing or the other. It is their actions and their heart that makes them good or bad.

How about asking them what they mean when they make a statement, versus applying what you THINK they mean.

By demonizing each other we play right into politicians hands. They want us divided so that no true discussion is had. When we are busy picking over the color of skin, economic status, religion, sexuality, we miss the chance to share information.

When we only listen to what the news or politicians tell us, we aren't thinking for ourselves.

Research the stats they call on. Congressional budget office had a website, immigration has a website. All these sources of TRUE stats that have not been cherry picked by politicians.

When you look at what the departments are saying versus what the leaders are sharing with us.. it paints a very different picture.

Stop hating on each other, start listening, start sharing.
Franklin D. Roosevelt said at Madison Square Garden, Oct. 28, 1940: “We guard against the forces of anti-Christian aggression, which may attack us from without"

FDR said in a Fireside Chat, April 28, 1942: “This great war effort must be carried through. … It shall not be imperiled by the handful of noisy traitors – betrayers of America, betrayers of Christianity itself.”

FDR stated at a campaign event in Brooklyn, New York, Nov. 1, 1940: “Those forces hate democracy and Christianity as two phases of the same civilization. They oppose democracy because it is Christian. They oppose Christianity because it preaches democracy.”

Franklin D. Roosevelt stated in his Labor Day Address, Sept. 1, 1941: “Preservation of these rights is vitally important now, not only to us who enjoy them, but to the whole future of Christian civilization.”

In a Fireside Chat, March 9, 1937, FDR stated: “I hope that you have re-read the Constitution of the United States. … Like the Bible, it ought to be read again and again.”

FDR addressed Congress regarding the Yalta Conference, March 1, 1945: “I had read about Warsaw and Lidice and Rotterdam and Coventry – but I saw Sevastopol and Yalta! And I know that there is not room enough on earth for both German militarism and Christian decency.”
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And people will go on to kill one another over religion for many years to come. I hate religion, single biggest destructive thing on our planet.
And people will go on to kill one another over religion for many years to come. I hate religion, single biggest destructive thing on our planet.
In your opinion.

But the religious groups in Canada supported Syrian families and saved their lives.

My nanna, when she died at 98, donated a door to the church she grew up going to.

It's not that terrible, for some.

But people take it too far.

Everything in moderation. Including moderation.
Let me explain:

He is saying that the sins that have happened due to Christianity (and let's just lump in every religion in here because Christianity isn't particularly special in this accord) cannot be denied.

And in his mind (I am guessing) cannot be forgiven.

Angry people have killed other people for years because of religion.

So using "Christianity" or any other religion when talking about OTHER sins seems...counter productive.

I'll give you my take on it - cause you're here.

Some people (like my cute ass nanna, bless her soul) liked being a Christian. She liked church and singing and believing that she was a part of something bigger. And I think that's nice.

But some people, and they are now the minority thank fuck - use these religious teachings to justify their hate, violence and murder.

So what do you do?

I think it's unfair to say "all religion is evil". Because my nanna wasn't evil. She just liked church.

But one person in the world dies because of some psychos religious beliefs and I think it's not worth it.

What do you do? I don't know.

Figure that one out and you win the powerball!!!

Happy Monday. Good talk!
It makes no sense for them to use Christianity to justify hate and violence.

Christ was against those things.

People can backslide or let hatred take over their heart no matter who they are.

Ever hear that Indian saying?

Trump said, "The annual cost of free tax credits alone paid to illegal immigrants quadrupled to $4.2 billion in 2011."

Based on an audit by the Treasury Inspector General, the claim leaves out some context. Trump conflates "illegal immigrants" with "unauthorized workers," a group composed largely of undocumented immigrants but also legal immigrants and others. The $4.2 billion refers to the amount given in tax credit refunds for children, the large majority of whom are U.S. citizens. And the actual year is 2009, not 2011 (that was the year the report was published).

Also, it's important to note that illegal immigrants pay an estimated $12 billion in payroll taxes to Social Security and don't receive benefits. So Trump is leaving out a significant part of the picture when it comes to taxes and undocumented workers.

Trump will reward the hard working immigrants with the american dream. All they will have to do is sign up and there worries would be over. Many hispanics that I know personally have already become citizens after years of working and doing the right thing. Out of respect of the hispanics that have waited in line to become american citizens we must do the right thing. And legal immigration is the right thing. TRUMP!

Trump will be the best thing that ever happened for hispanics in america. IMO TRUMP!
Trump will reward the hard working immigrants with the american dream. All they will have to do is sign up and there worries would be over. Many hispanics that I know personally have already become citizens after years of working and doing the right thing. Out of respect of the hispanics that have waited in line to become american citizens we must do the right thing. And legal immigration is the right thing. TRUMP!

Trump will be the best thing that ever happened for hispanics in america. IMO TRUMP!
So have I just been given misinformation about all the hate speech and fear mongering?

I don't mind being wrong, its no skin off my ass.

I just want to know.


Ok, that's kinda funny...
Some people on this forum act like have a personal grudge against christianity.

Very quick to point the finger and say, this is who you are, yet they know nothing about you.

Here's a thought: How about judging individuals as individuals instead of groups?

People are not good just because they identify as one thing or another. People are not bad because they identify as one thing or the other. It is their actions and their heart that makes them good or bad.

How about asking them what they mean when they make a statement, versus applying what you THINK they mean.

By demonizing each other we play right into politicians hands. They want us divided so that no true discussion is had. When we are busy picking over the color of skin, economic status, religion, sexuality, we miss the chance to share information.

When we only listen to what the news or politicians tell us, we aren't thinking for ourselves.

Research the stats they call on. Congressional budget office had a website, immigration has a website. All these sources of TRUE stats that have not been cherry picked by politicians.

When you look at what the departments are saying versus what the leaders are sharing with us.. it paints a very different picture.

Stop hating on each other, start listening, start sharing.
"Lord, redeem us from our sins" "save us from our sins", "set us free from our sins" are popular phrases in Christianity. Its from the bible.So I don't need to ask what he meant if I already know. He was trying to come up with something cute, by using Christians own words against them, to make them look bad. I understand the Marxist known as pada completely. More than you know..
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