Donald Trump

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I never claimed it to be superior but i will claim they do have a better work ethic and i guess if you were to look at the problem in USA today i would think that is number 1 biggest issue i mean most Americans are to dam good to pick up broom ..
Truth is Your Country is based on immigration right from the time Columbus smoked a joint with a native american lol ,,
So lets re cap all the Events Christopher Columbus Born in Italy.
Set sail from Spain and found the America's .. As Mexico / Spanish decent I guess theoretically unless you are a actual aboriginal??? or black american?? they probably have more right then 90 percent of actual americans to be in USA

Then i ask my self what causes people to turn to crime ? is it the top 30 percent of kids that come from well off families ?? or them lower end that have no place to go or advance so they turn to being criminals ..
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I never claimed it to be superior but i will claim they do have a better work ethic and i guess if you were to look at the problem in USA today i would think that is number 1 biggest issue i mean most Americans are to dam good to pick up broom ..
Truth is Your Country is based on immigration right from the time Columbus smoked a joint with a native american lol ,,
So lets re cap all the Events Christopher Columbus Born in Italy.
Set sail from Spain and found the America's .. As Mexico / Spanish decent I guess theoretically unless you are a actual aboriginal they probably have more right then 90 percent of actual americans to be in USA
Everyone in the world should be forced to spend a summer tree planting after high school.

Build some of those soft baby dew bells into REAL MEN.

It's the hardest fucking job I have ever done. Hard labour builds character, in my opinion...

So no one here has a problem with "Mexicans".

It sounds like you just don't like criminals. People that kill and hurt other people.

That's fair. I don't like those people either. Regardless of colour or country of origin.

I do think the problem lies with the companies hiring these people and paying them shit.

I have cousins who are Mexican American. The mom is from Mexico City. The dad is from the east coast of Canada.

They are a very successful family. Their two grown kids speak English and Spanish perfectly, and have great jobs.

I've visited Mexico several times. And some of the nicest people I have ever met were really really poor Mexicans. But they would have given you the shirt off their back to help someone out.

Legal immigration is pretty important to canadians. I have many racing friends in BC and Alberta and the last time I wanted to go to Alberta they turned me away because I didn't have the paper work for my dog that was in my motor home with me. So that is how serious the canadians are on visitors coming to there country. That kinda makes Trump look like an angle.TRUMP!
Or mandatory boot camp, military, after High school , Problem is we are all easy to judge people we see criminals from Mexico illegally entering what about Russian operated organized crime, Asian , and even Biker Gangs etc .. Shit list goes on to Mafia etc ..
United states was once a great nation where skies the limit , and its still there , But There is know one there to see it ,, most Americans are to interested in Reality TV, Gaming, and Star Bucks ,, they have this shield around them thinking there it and above all .
That superior race ethic , there right and everyone else is wrong attitude. but its not the people really its the Government that brain washed them to this concept.. Everyone has gone lazy and would rather put out there hands for hand outs then get there hands dirty

Sure Some bad ass Mexican come an go thru Borders Ask your self honestly do you think if every criminal entering USA from Mexico ,, i stopped would infact make crime statistics drop ??

here look at some mass shootings figure out how many actual Mexicans did it
Legal immigration is pretty important to canadians. I have many racing friends in BC and Alberta and the last time I wanted to go to Alberta they turned me away because I didn't have the paper work for my dog that was in my motor home with me. So that is how serious the canadians are on visitors coming to there country. That kinda makes Trump look like an angle.TRUMP!
Oh sorry, you don't like our border control?

Let me go call my good buddy Bb Trudeau and get him to change it for ya! I have him on snapchat.


Damn & I went into the Army.......:roll:

Ok that's a little tougher. But I never said YOU had a poor work ethic. I'm sure you don't.

People were speaking of lazy Americans that think they're too good to be a janitor or gardener or "menial" Job.

You good bro. I bet you would have made an amazing tree planter. In another life.
Legal immigration is pretty important to canadians. I have many racing friends in BC and Alberta and the last time I wanted to go to Alberta they turned me away because I didn't have the paper work for my dog that was in my motor home with me. So that is how serious the canadians are on visitors coming to there country. That kinda makes Trump look like an angle.TRUMP!

Well works both ways right i mean if someone entering USA does not have all paper work for there pet same thing applies , i mean all you needed was to bring your dogs document / folder would of took 15 mins at your vet to obtain all of it
  • Name and address of owner
  • Breed, sex, age, color, markings, and other identifying information for the dog
  • Date of rabies vaccination and vaccine product information
  • Date the vaccination expires
  • Name, license number, address, and signature of veterinarian
Well works both ways right i mean if someone entering USA does not have all paper work for there pet same thing applies , i mean all you needed was to bring your dogs document / folder would of took 15 mins at your vet to obtain all of it
  • Name and address of owner
  • Breed, sex, age, color, markings, and other identifying information for the dog
  • Date of rabies vaccination and vaccine product information
  • Date the vaccination expires
  • Name, license number, address, and signature of veterinarian

The funny part of my border experience was, besides the dog, they asked me if I was hiding any hispanics. True story. TRUMP!
Clinton talks about how she has supported building a barrier on the border as senator. She even calls them "illegal immigrants" Apparently she can say it, but when Trump does, people call him a racist
i would like to stick it in her bum just once while hubby watches i guess for the many years they been shoving it up everyones ass pay back is a biatch
I never claimed it to be superior but i will claim they do have a better work ethic and i guess if you were to look at the problem in USA today i would think that is number 1 biggest issue i mean most Americans are to dam good to pick up broom ..
Truth is Your Country is based on immigration right from the time Columbus smoked a joint with a native american lol ,,
So lets re cap all the Events Christopher Columbus Born in Italy.
Set sail from Spain and found the America's .. As Mexico / Spanish decent I guess theoretically unless you are a actual aboriginal??? or black american?? they probably have more right then 90 percent of actual americans to be in USA

Then i ask my self what causes people to turn to crime ? is it the top 30 percent of kids that come from well off families ?? or them lower end that have no place to go or advance so they turn to being criminals ..
We don't need more crime, no matter what your perverse interpretation of the truth is. These people waiting in line at the post office to get their picture taken don't exactly appear to be star athletes. Many full grown adults coming in at under 5 ft. tall. If unhealthy, handicapped people with a poor work ethic is your idea of superior, then why doesn't your country take them in? America is a nation of immigrants, but we have always vetted people who come here. We are not "based on immigration" as you put it. Americans are a very proud people. A borders wide open policy is something only a very few on the radical far left agree with. You can't have a country without boders, otherwise it's doomed to fail. History has proven it many times before.
We don't need more crime, no matter what your perverse interpretation of the truth is. These people waiting in line at the post office to get their picture taken don't exactly appear to be star athletes. Many full grown adults coming in at under 5 ft. tall. If unhealthy, handicapped people with a poor work ethic is your idea of superior, then why doesn't your country take them in? America is a nation of immigrants, but we have always vetted people who come here. We are not "based on immigration" as you put it. Americans are a very proud people. A borders wide open policy is something only a very few on the radical far left agree with. You can't have a country without boders, otherwise it's doomed to fail. History has proven it many times before.

how was your slowdown, beenthere?
We don't need more crime, no matter what your perverse interpretation of the truth is. These people waiting in line at the post office to get their picture taken don't exactly appear to be star athletes. Many full grown adults coming in at under 5 ft. tall. If unhealthy, handicapped people with a poor work ethic is your idea of superior, then why doesn't your country take them in? America is a nation of immigrants, but we have always vetted people who come here. We are not "based on immigration" as you put it. Americans are a very proud people. A borders wide open policy is something only a very few on the radical far left agree with. You can't have a country without boders, otherwise it's doomed to fail. History has proven it many times before.

My country is taking in Syrian Refugee's ironic isn't it i mean USA made the whole shit storm happen yet again other countries stuck cleaning up your mess
My country is taking in Syrian Refugee's ironic isn't it i mean USA made the whole shit storm happen yet again other countries stuck cleaning up your mess
Hey we got some of them SRs too!

I actually helped a charity in town that makes gift hampers (clothing, food, etc) for poor families in Thunder Bay.

20 of them were for SRs.

If I had money I'd buy em a trip over here. Those poor people.
Its funny when you say there standing in line at post office and they look unhealthy yet

Despite having lower income and education levels, U.S. Hispanics tend to outlive non-Hispanic whites by several years

Demographers call this the "Hispanic Epidemiological Paradox." And for nearly three decades, they have puzzled over why Hispanics' socioeconomic disadvantages are not linked to shorter lives, as they are for other racial and ethnic groups.

"Infant and adult mortality rates are strongly associated with income and education levels," said Mark Hayward, a University of Texas, Austin, demographer. "People who have low incomes and lack high school degrees have very high mortality rates compared to people with high incomes and education."

While Hispanics' poverty and education levels are closer to those of U.S. blacks, their mortality rates are more similar to non-Hispanic whites, he noted. The question is: "How do U.S. Hispanics defy the odds?"

One explanation is that cultural factors—such as better health habits and stronger networks of social support in the Hispanic community—may offer protection from some diseases and lead to longer lives.
My country is taking in Syrian Refugee's ironic isn't it i mean USA made the whole shit storm happen yet again other countries stuck cleaning up your mess
Not my mess. I agree a lot of decisions made by our leaders has created the Syrian refugee crisis. But if you call inviting potential unvetted terrorists to your country "cleaning up" then you are sadly mistaken. Which country are you from?
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