lmaoooo you know what I bet they will be to there just making the sets in holy wood now i with the new stuff it should look really good you think i mean shit look at alien they did a bang on job on that
But question is why have they not been on the moon but claim they have Sad thing is there is more n more Evidence proving They never been on it ..
This is where i think in the few years to come USA will be doing some back peddling hey its not the citizens fault they pulled the curtain over many peoples eyes
200 high-ranking officials from the Chinese Space Program have signed a petition asking explanations from the American government and the release of classified NASA information concerning the American moon landings that would prove to the World that the moon landings were not an elaborately orchestrated hoax to fool the World about America’s space program capabilities.
These allegations have come up through recent analysis of pictures taken from the Chinese moon rover that allegedly found no traces of the American moon landings existing on the moon.
and to think at that time there would of been no other country capable 50 years later with and a country like China that is steam rolling past USA in technology just saying these Hoaxes when proved is surely to hurt American friendships with other countries lies compounding more lies = someone that is not trust worthy of anything
You remember the story about crying wolf lol