Barking Mads Grow Journal, with Pics

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
beautiful girls man the size of that cola is fucking amazing
Those three had about 45 days veg, I'm excited about Dog and Jay who have both joined the flower room along with Genie.
I have some clones on the go and I'm about to germ some feminised White Widow seeds.
I don't know if I am going to keep a journal on them, I will probably put a bit on this one.
I am a bit unsure about the security of putting this online.
I don't think that it's a means of being detected but, if my name was in the frame somehow then they may be able to find what I have been doing online.
It's been over 10 years since I have been banged up and I have no real desire to bring that to an end!


Well-Known Member
I would have to say Bmad...out of all the journals....your's is my favorite by far....U just love the dedication you have to your remind me of me:mrgreen: you just have better plants....ha ha ha...everything is lookin really nice my man...


Well-Known Member
Awesome garden you ave going there Barking, just looking at those buds is making my mouth water. Your girls have come on so fast I can't believe it. Hope you got your bug problem sorted - I dare say between your hoovering and spraying they won't stand a chance in hell. Keep up the splendid work mate ;)


Active Member
Very nice upgrades to your flower room Barking! Your girls are looking quite lovely for all of the attention that you give them. You will end of with an awsome variety of smokes.


Well-Known Member
man its good to see your plants are coming along very nicely. I like I like

Always seeing something new in that room of yours lol its great

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Firstly, thanks to those above, who have commented and complimented my plants. HHM that's a very dubious claim that mine are better than yours, the photo's might be but I don't think the plants are.
Anyway, apologies to everyone for neglecting this journal.
Some of you are probably thinking I have chopped them and too busy smoking to bother with this.
Not true. I am in the eleventh week of flowering now and am feeding with just water to clean the taste before the get the chop.
I think these take about 12 weeks before they are ready so I have a week to go.
I have got on top of the mites. I found a few more last week and have sprayed everything again and so far I have been ok.
If there is still one or two, it will have to wait now as I don't want to spray my girls just before harvesting.
Anyway, I have taken a few pics and will now spend the next hour or so trying to upload them all so I can update for all you porn stars out there.
I think it has been worth the wait, I snipped a little nugget off each plant and left them for two days. The plants have a very sweet smell with a hint of cut grass in the background.
Oh and the taste is very nice, a typical skunky taste thats just sits on your taste buds long after the smoke has gone, it tastes a little spicey. It was a bit sharp but that's to be expected from plants that have not been flushed completely yet.
The strength was less than I expected but, it's a week early a quick 2 day dry out and not cured so, on the whole I am quite pleased.
yield looks to be less than I was hoping for but quality was the main goal as this is for myself with maybe a bit to go here and there to one or two close friends.
Anyhow, enough chatting rubbish, I will be back with some pics soon. (ish)

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Here we go. I'm not sure if I can name the plant for each picture but I'll try.

To start off with, here's Biga

By far the fattest cola not just at the top but all over this plant the buds are fatter and seem a bit tighter than the others too.

This picture is not much different to the first, same plant.

Biga's main cola.

This is Ivy

You can't tell in this picture but, Ivy, has more trics than the others.
Charley probably has the fewest.

Here's Charley,
I could not fit the whole plant in so her top cola is in the picture below and the rest of the plant is the second picture.
You can see from the leaf colour that she has a problem but,
I'm flushing her now
and hope the bud will not be affected by whatever is causing the yellowing.


You can see there are not as many trics on this plant.
Now for the close up's
This one is a bit blurry.

I think this is Ivy.

Ivy again


Here's a few more shots.

Finally, a couple of pictures, one of Jay and one of Dog.
They were both vegged for a few weeks longer, they both look like they'll have one big cola going half way up the stem.
I can't wait to see how they turn out.


Sorry i have not had time to browse any journals this week, I have been busy and probably still will be for the next week at least.
I will do my best and update again when they get the chop.

Thankyou to all visitors and especially all those who have contributed and
helped me grow these wonderful plants.
I still have lots to learn but am pleased with how my first attempt has gone up to now.


Well-Known Member
Nice one Barking, your grow goes from strength to strength. Some awesome colas there, and they look yummy ;) Look forward to seeing you get your reward. Thanks for the great pics and good luck with the last week of your grow mate. Catch you later ...

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Nice, Barking! I haven't checked here for a good while and you really should be proud. All of your plants look amazing. And I really admire your patience. 12 weeks, never could have done it myself. My first plants went 68 days and that seemed like forever. They've been curing for three weeks now and I can tell you that it is a waste to smoke any until at least a week after chop. I tried several quick dry methods and while it got me high, now that I look back on it with the proper perspective of how much better my dried buds taste, it wasn't a proper fate for the fruits of my hard labor. Only other recommendation I have is if you have anyone you've told about the grow, try to convince them to help you trim during harvest. You have many hours of trimwork there so just be prepared for it. Awesome job and kudos for a killer grow:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I read your last post again and should mention that you actually want the leaves to get yellow at this point. During flush, the plants will begin to convert the chlorophyll in the leaves into nutrients for the buds because you will no longer be providing any. It is very normal for virtually all of the leaves to turn yellow. Don't worry about it. If anything, you want all of your plants to look like Charley's leaves, that just means they are losing that chemical taste you are talking about. Don't fight it:peace:

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
I read your last post again and should mention that you actually want the leaves to get yellow at this point. During flush, the plants will begin to convert the chlorophyll in the leaves into nutrients for the buds because you will no longer be providing any. It is very normal for virtually all of the leaves to turn yellow. Don't worry about it. If anything, you want all of your plants to look like Charley's leaves, that just means they are losing that chemical taste you are talking about. Don't fight it:peace:
Thanks for your imput Mared. I knew that the leaves go yellow at the end of the flowering cycle but as these went a light green first I thought it might be nute burn or a deficiency of some sort.
I am waiting for a microscope to arrive that I ordered so that I can see the trics better to make sure I harvest at the right time.
I am suprised how quickly the last few weeks have passed by, the vegging seemed to drag more for me, I guess it's because not much happens other than showing it's sex.
You're right though, I want to chop them now but, I'm not going to ruin them after waiting so long.