Barking Mads Grow Journal, with Pics

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
hey bmad...I would talk to seamaiden about her tobacco spray.....EVERYONE that has tried it has had perfect results with mites....I dunno the mixture or I would give it to ya. :mrgreen:
Funny enough my friend said about that yesterday. He said it's good but your hands get really sticky and stained so I'll see what happens with the stuff I have got first.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Well what an idiot.:mrgreen:
I took some more pictures last night. I was all ready to update my journal and couldn't find the camera.
I had left it in with the plants and the lights were off so I had to wait another day. Doh!:wall:
It takes too long to upload pictures on here. I'm sure there's a quicker way.
It will only let me upload 3 pics at a time. If I try more it comes up with an error message.
It's uploading pic's right now, although it seems to be taking a long time.

Anyway, here we go.
As promised I have added an extra ingredient or two.

I have put another 600HPS in the mix.


Bloom Booster.



Big air!!
The air conditioning unit has now been installed inside the room since this was taken.

Clone op'

Thats all folks!.........................???????????????

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Barking Mad

Well-Known Member

Just kidding, of course there's more.
There's a small matter of the plants.

It gets frosty in the night hehehehe!

Left to right. Biga, Ivy, Charley.


Side of Biga

And again.
This looks like a little beehive.

Here's Ivy.

That's it for now if I get the time I will try to add some more.


Well-Known Member
fuck barking i didnt realise ya setup was so big dude!!
i've only seen ya plants outside it...

honestly mate thas lookin ace i can see you're gona be blazing up for a good while:mrgreen::mrgreen:

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member




Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
fuck barking i didnt realise ya setup was so big dude!!
i've only seen ya plants outside it...

honestly mate thas lookin ace i can see you're gona be blazing up for a good while:mrgreen::mrgreen:
You are right. I have just added the 600 and doubled the size of my flower room and put the other three plants into flower.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Just a couple more pics I have managed to upload.


And again


Golden trics.


Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
My mate got me some spray to deal with the bugs and left it at work.
So now I have to wait another day before I can spray the little fuckers attacking my babies. What a plonker!

So, because of that, today I had an idea. I vacumed the whole plant!
That's right, vacumed it. I was vacuming my grow room to tidy it and collect anything that decided to roam and thought. Why not suck the fuckers right off the leaves? My hoover has a variable power button so I can slow it right down.
So I did that and just ran the nozzle up the stem and then along the branches from node to tip. As I pulled it along, each leaf, big and small, was sucked into the nozzle and I imagine has sucked off most of the bugs. lol (I could have put that better, it sounds like I gave them all a treat!!!).

The plant still looks fine, I went over a couple of the others too just lightly.
This hopefully will have kept the bug damage to an absolute minimum until I get to spray the fuckers.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
I have got this baby properly installed now.

Before it was fitted I had to have the door open to blow the cool air into the room.
It's much more effective now.
This is the room from the AC's perspective!!!



Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
man that ac has the view in the house!
Doesn't it just, the best room AND the best spot.

I finally got the spray today in time to spray my plants before the lights went out.
I did Genie thoroughly and gave Alice a fairly good spray too.
I don't know how effective the insecticide in this spray is but if it's not strong I might have drowned them all anyway hahaha
It does look good. I will try to upload a pic of the label later.
It is called: Vitax organic 2 in 1 pest and disease control.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Hows my favorate girl Alice doing barking? There looking good by the way!
She's a little stressed from being vacumed today but shes still looking pretty good.
I sprayed her tonight to kill off the bugs that are trying to move in.
Too late you Mo Fo's you've been NUKED
Get outta my yard.

not you hmmm the bugs!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Haha you tell them barking! But don't be sending them this way lol.

She's a little stressed from being vacumed today but shes still looking pretty good.
I sprayed her tonight to kill off the bugs that are trying to move in.
Too late you Mo Fo's you've been NUKED
Get outta my yard.

not you hmmm the bugs!!!!!