Trump: 'It's Disgusting'!

I think you are trying to pick up subtext that may or may not be there.

A few of those don't sound the way you portrayed them.

You see racism, antisemitism and antigay sentiments everywhere.

You have accused me of being racist and supporting policies I have never voiced support for.

It's like you walk around with a chip on your shoulder. You always come off as angry or irritated IMO. Very often I see you post hateful comments with very little substance. Along the lines of cock sucking, die loser, your family left because they couldn't stand you, your family deserves to be murdered and so on.

When you do begin to engage on a more civil level it doesn't take long for you to revert back. As soon as someone expresses their opinion or you perceive them to be religious or Republican you become very hostile.

Not very tolerant. Why do you expect everyone to behave the way YOU deem appropriate? Down to their personal beliefs and political leanings.

That is discrimination.

You believe I am trolling with a Republican mask.

Are you wearing the Democrat mask for your troll sessions?
no worries.

the name of the paper these quotes all came from is called "the ron paul newsletter". he made millions by publishing this racist, anti-semitic, conspiracy laden crap. it's kinda well known.
I'm looking into it. Could be possible he was racist. Hard to tell without more searching.

Why was Ron Paul brought up in the first place?

Is schularr really a thief?
I think you are trying to pick up subtext that may or may not be there.

A few of those don't sound the way you portrayed them.

You see racism, antisemitism and antigay sentiments everywhere.

You have accused me of being racist and supporting policies I have never voiced support for.

It's like you walk around with a chip on your shoulder. You always come off as angry or irritated IMO. Very often I see you post hateful comments with very little substance. Along the lines of cock sucking, die loser, your family left because they couldn't stand you, your family deserves to be murdered and so on.

When you do begin to engage on a more civil level it doesn't take long for you to revert back. As soon as someone expresses their opinion or you perceive them to be religious or Republican you become very hostile.

Not very tolerant. Why do you expect everyone to behave the way YOU deem appropriate? Down to their personal beliefs and political leanings.

That is discrimination.

You believe I am trolling with a Republican mask.

Are you wearing the Democrat mask for your troll sessions?
are you just now figuring this out? during my previous sojourns in these forums i found that little bucky is all you claim and far less. his is a small, angry little mind that sees the world through green tinted glasses and ridicules all that he does not understand. for such people, tolerance is the responsibility of someone else and the lies and half-truths that are their means are always justified by their twisted ends. his latest signature is a perfect example of his childish antics. a quote without context for which he has provided his own sick context. there is a reason i don't bother to respond to his taunts. it is simply beneath me and it is beneath you as well. he's just not worth the trouble.
I think you are trying to pick up subtext that may or may not be there.

then tell me all about the totally non-bigoted subtext about how mexican leaders are deliberately engaging in a conspiracy to send "the bad mexicans" here.

or tell me about the totally non-bigoted subtext behind how refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples is a "criminalizing faith".

seriously, don't just dismiss this racism that your party puts out. explain to me why it is not bigoted or racist.

i dare ya.

You see racism, antisemitism and antigay sentiments everywhere.

no, only where they exist.

You have accused me of being racist

only because you presupposed that blacks were naturally lazy.

Not very tolerant. Why do you expect everyone to behave the way YOU deem appropriate? Down to their personal beliefs and political leanings.

That is discrimination.

i am discriminating against people who say the most outrageously racist and bigoted things?

my oh my.

were you aware that in the last two days, uncle ben has called me a "dumb nigger" and another member has denied that my wife's family was slaughtered in the holocaust?

damn me for giving those people a hard time about their asinine beliefs.

maybe i should just be more tolerant of their hateful delusions and bigotry.
Could be possible he was racist.

so you looked at quotes from the ron paul newsletter where he said that "95% of blacks are semi or entirely criminal", and you have only come to the conclusion that it is possible he is racist?

don't be that fucking dumb. just don't.
I'm looking into it. Could be possible he was racist. Hard to tell without more searching.

Why was Ron Paul brought up in the first place?

Is schularr really a thief?
are you just now figuring this out? during my previous sojourns in these forums i found that little bucky is all you claim and far less. his is a small, angry little mind that sees the world through green tinted glasses and ridicules all that he does not understand. for such people, tolerance is the responsibility of someone else and the lies and half-truths that are their means are always justified by their twisted ends. his latest signature is a perfect example of his childish antics. a quote without context for which he has provided his own sick context. there is a reason i don't bother to respond to his taunts. it is simply beneath me and it is beneath you as well. he's just not worth the trouble.
I've noticed it for a long time. Now and then he acts like he wants to get along.

He usually acts like it is his job to sniff out the racists. I wonder how he feels about xenophobia and thieves tho.

Double standards grow rampant in this corner of RIU.

I still do not understand why open carry is a paradise for terrorism.

Which is what this thread is supposed to be about.
so you looked at quotes from the ron paul newsletter where he said that "95% of blacks are semi or entirely criminal", and you have only come to the conclusion that it is possible he is racist?

don't be that fucking dumb. just don't.
I don't judge people before investigating.

He might be racist. I don't know for sure. If I was to give a percentage to how much of me is convinced he is racist I would have to say 55%.

If the question was, was he once racist the answer would be closer to 75%

The problem is I cannot find verification of his support for the newsletter or confirmation that those are his writings.

You jump to conclusions quickly. Have you found anything connected to me that says I am an unreasonable person?

You present evidence of him writing the articles or standing behind the words of the article and I will say you are right.

Kind of like Ben Carson getting rid of Medicaid. You have yet to show evidence that his plan is to destroy the program.
The truth is he is for providing an alternative that will lead to the slow downsizing of Medicaid over a generation or two.
I cannot find verification of his support for the newsletter or confirmation that those are his writings.

so the fact that it is his name on the newsletters, or the fact that he made millions from them, or the fact that his own campaign spokesperson said they were his are not enough evidence?


Kind of like Ben Carson getting rid of Medicaid. You have yet to show evidence that his plan is to destroy the program.

i just have to shake my head at this point and give you credit for trolling me.
I've noticed it for a long time. Now and then he acts like he wants to get along.

He usually acts like it is his job to sniff out the racists. I wonder how he feels about xenophobia and thieves tho.

Double standards grow rampant in this corner of RIU.

I still do not understand why open carry is a paradise for terrorism.

Which is what this thread is supposed to be about.
heaven help the honest man who takes these fools seriously. they are sort of like those little kids you see at wal-mart, misbehaving in hopes of getting mommy's attention. they keep screaming "look at me, look at me, look at me" and get some perverse satisfaction when someone finally takes the bait. i've noticed a few of them in the couple of days i've been back and they really have nothing of substance to add to any conversation.

as for the op, this was never about gun control or terrorism. it was just another of those "let's bash texas" threads.
heaven help the honest man who takes these fools seriously. they are sort of like those little kids you see at wal-mart, misbehaving in hopes of getting mommy's attention. they keep screaming "look at me, look at me, look at me" and get some perverse satisfaction when someone finally takes the bait. i've noticed a few of them in the couple of days i've been back and they really have nothing of substance to add to any conversation.

as for the op, this was never about gun control or terrorism. it was just another of those "let's bash texas" threads.

listen up, long-winded purple prose retard:

you have called laws against pedophilia a form of tyranny. so you clearly don't know what words mean. so stop using so many of them, if any at all.

just grunt and point to your bible and guns.

thank you.
so the fact that it is his name on the newsletters, or the fact that he made millions from them, or the fact that his own campaign spokesperson said they were his are not enough evidence?


i just have to shake my head at this point and give you credit for trolling me.
I don't know if he himself wrote them.

I do think him "not paying attention" to something with is name plastered all over it was a weak excuse.

Negligent racism. 65% sure of personal racism.

Got anything else? If you wait too long my racism meter will start to fall and you will have to start all over.

heaven help the honest man who takes these fools seriously. they are sort of like those little kids you see at wal-mart, misbehaving in hopes of getting mommy's attention. they keep screaming "look at me, look at me, look at me" and get some perverse satisfaction when someone finally takes the bait. i've noticed a few of them in the couple of days i've been back and they really have nothing of substance to add to any conversation.

as for the op, this was never about gun control or terrorism. it was just another of those "let's bash texas" threads.
Nah man. I had two tabs open and thought I was responding to the Texas thread. This is the trump thinks Hillary and other things he doesn't like are disgusting.
then tell me all about the totally non-bigoted subtext about how mexican leaders are deliberately engaging in a conspiracy to send "the bad mexicans" here.

or tell me about the totally non-bigoted subtext behind how refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples is a "criminalizing faith".

seriously, don't just dismiss this racism that your party puts out. explain to me why it is not bigoted or racist.

i dare ya.

no, only where they exist.

only because you presupposed that blacks were naturally lazy.

i am discriminating against people who say the most outrageously racist and bigoted things?

my oh my.

were you aware that in the last two days, uncle ben has called me a "dumb nigger" and another member has denied that my wife's family was slaughtered in the holocaust?

damn me for giving those people a hard time about their asinine beliefs.

maybe i should just be more tolerant of their hateful delusions and bigotry.
Since when have I supported uncle ben? Again I told you I was referring to a video I found while searching for Ben Carson on youtube.

Was a sarcastic thread. I figure you get to make them so why can't I?

I thought this was equal opportunity sarcasm?

People were bashing religious candidates (all of them are religious) and saying that Ben Carson was the white man's attempt to appear less racist yet still appear racist because Ben Carson said you had to work hard to succeed.

So I made a thread mocking them, using a video, and made some sarcastic comments.
listen up, long-winded purple prose retard:

you have called laws against pedophilia a form of tyranny. so you clearly don't know what words mean. so stop using so many of them, if any at all.

just grunt and point to your bible and guns.

thank you.
Read your signature in entirety. It makes sense and is not promoting pedophilia.
I don't know if he himself wrote them.

I do think him "not paying attention" to something with is name plastered all over it was a weak excuse.

Negligent racism. 65% sure of personal racism.

Got anything else? If you wait too long my racism meter will start to fall and you will have to start all over.

Nah man. I had two tabs open and thought I was responding to the Texas thread. This is the trump thinks Hillary and other things he doesn't like are disgusting.
wow, i got the two threads confused too. once little bucky and his ilk start tossing around their semi-literate insults all of these things look the same.

i'm still not sure why you're bothering with his drivel. if you want to get to the truth of any matter it is always best to go to a source that at least knows the meaning of the word. that poor boy has yet to figure out that the term "tyranny" can be defined as any law enacted by an illegitimate authority, whether it is beneficial or not. by the way, it is a reference to something i posted long ago. something that undoubtedly offended his rabidly statist sensibilities.
wow, i got the two threads confused too. once little bucky and his ilk start tossing around their semi-literate insults all of these things look the same.

i'm still not sure why you're bothering with his drivel. if you want to get to the truth of any matter it is always best to go to a source that at least knows the meaning of the word. that poor boy has yet to figure out that the term "tyranny" can be defined as any law enacted by an illegitimate authority, whether it is beneficial or not. by the way, it is a reference to something i posted long ago. something that undoubtedly offended his rabidly statist sensibilities.
I understood what you were saying about morality is subjective.

is there objective evidence that rape or child molestation are wrong? no, in each case we place the needs and desires of the "victim" first. if we consider the needs and desires of the "perpetrator" to be of primary importance, then all of these acts cease to be crimes and might even be seen moral.

What you were saying is that the victim is the baby and the perp is the mother. By elevating the "needs" of the mother to a baby free lifestyle (which includes freeing her of responsibility for her actions as less than 1% of abortions are rape induced) we are placing the perp above the victim.

You were not saying that you believe rape/molestation was ok. You were using it as an example to prove a point. If rapists and child molesters "feelings" or "circumstances" are given sympathy then that lessens the rights of the assaulted.

Am I right?