You forgot to call me a Racist.that has got to be the stupidest thing ever written by you. that's saying something, considering all the other dumb shit you regularly say.
You forgot to call me a Racist.that has got to be the stupidest thing ever written by you. that's saying something, considering all the other dumb shit you regularly say.
Damn son! I've seen you kick a dudes feel feelz right in the damn nuts bro. Almost make a butch cry. That was kinda weak. Here's a thought. Perhaps those 7 male escorts you hired for the weekend are making you a changed man. A kinder, gentler @UncleBuck. An uncle Bucky that can finally begin to embrace the peace and love in 2016. #MenWithTinyPenisesLivesMatterToothat has got to be the stupidest thing ever written by you. that's saying something, considering all the other dumb shit you regularly say.
i'm not really back. i've always been here and i always will be. i see you're still trolling and making as little sense as usual. yes, i still believe that ALL laws are a form of tyranny, necessary tyrannies at times, but tyranny none-the-less, and, in case you haven't noticed, bambam has proven himself to be far worse than merely uppity.well well well.
so returns the guy who called obama "uppity" and thinks pedophilia laws are a form of tyranny.
welcome back!
You all ain't embracing the peace and love of 2016 people! We can change the world and solve all of our problems with the peace and love. You have to commit to it first! You can't just wait for everyone else to embrace the peace and love. Fuck it! Be bad ass and just be all like hell fucking yeah I embrace the peace and love. BE FIRST. It sounds ridiculous but I'm telling you! IT WOULD WORK IF EVERYONE DID IT ALL AT THE SAME TIME.i'm not really back. i've always been here and i always will be. i see you're still trolling and making as little sense as usual. yes, i still believe that ALL laws are a form of tyranny, necessary tyrannies at times, but tyranny none-the-less, and, in case you haven't noticed, bambam has proven himself to be far worse than merely uppity.
this year i celebrate two years of cheating death, having outlived the doctor who handed me my original death sentence.
peace and love but verify... it's called leading by example and some of us have been doing it for a long time. the problem is that most everyone else is just waiting to mess with your peace and love, hit you over the head with a convenient heavy object and take all your stuff. chief among those who are practiced in "messing with your peace" are idjits like good ol' bernie and all the other usual collectivist suspects.You all ain't embracing the peace and love of 2016 people! We can change the world and solve all of our problems with the peace and love. You have to commit to it first! You can't just wait for everyone else to embrace the peace and love. Fuck it! Be bad ass and just be all like hell fucking yeah I embrace the peace and love. BE FIRST. It sounds ridiculous but I'm telling you! IT WOULD WORK IF EVERYONE DID IT ALL AT THE SAME TIME.
Whomever told you that all government projects are failures is lying to you. In fact, the government fails at a lower rate than private industry. Analyze the motives of your sources of information for clues as to their agenda. Do it for everyone, not just whatever you consider to be the opposition.because that is a sensible solution. haven't you been paying attention? sensible private sector solutions are the last thing any of these bozos are interested in. the unwashed masses are being fed tripe like "shovel ready jobs", "investment in renewable energy" and "redistribution of resources" and the idjits are eating it up. never mind that not once has any of these government projects done anything more than fall flat on its face. never mind the fact that this ideology merely grows an already unwieldy bureaucracy and wastes billions< if not trillions, on the useless pet projects of worthless political animals. no, these children are firmly convinced that "socialism works", even though it has been proven time and again to be nothing more than a fast road to totalitarianism. they look at its past failures and justify another foray into that morass by claiming that those others didn't do it right, that we are now smarter than all the others that have come before. they would have us cut defense, one of the only true duties of government, to the bare bones, hand out free education to the unwilling, hand out free money to the unscrupulous and keep our fingers crossed that this time it wouldn't all blow up in our collective face.
Government has a monopoly and unlimited funding. Comparing that to a private company is dishonest.Whomever told you that all government projects are failures is lying to you. In fact, the government fails at a lower rate than private industry. Analyze the motives of your sources of information for clues as to their agenda. Do it for everyone, not just whatever you consider to be the opposition.
Told ya man. It's a difficult beam to balance. It's way larger than you and I can deal with. And so powerful our voices are quashed by not only those who perpetrate the system of pleasantries. But, also those who think choosing a side is a solution, albeit a plausible enough theory to correct it. Maybe it's a big pill to swallow. Yet we can be powerful in our convictions to peace and love from ourselves. No power is stronger than that which you possess. You. Your peace and love for all unconditionally for all of prosperity to follow. As individuals. No need for a leader. Just be one with the peace and love bro. It's a solution. Not a theory. You have to commit to make a difference.peace and love but verify... it's called leading by example and some of us have been doing it for a long time. the problem is that most everyone else is just waiting to mess with your peace and love, hit you over the head with a convenient heavy object and take all your stuff. chief among those who are practiced in "messing with your peace" are idjits like good ol' bernie and all the other usual collectivist suspects.
Same here! And I'd love to charge mine from energy generated at my home; solar, wind and/or fuel cell.
Tesla Powerwall........Same here! And I'd love to charge mine from energy generated at my home; solar, wind and/or fuel cell.
when i was a wee tot, so many decades ago, failure was always a possibility and it was acknowledged. the winners went home with trophies, applause still ringing in their ears, and losers were given something to strive for next time around. the efforts of the losers were recognized, but the applause was reserved for those who excelled. as the years went by, the losers started receiving trophies of their own and were applauded simply for showing up. everyone was special and deserved to be treated as a winner, no matter how badly they sucked. well that same philosophy has invaded our entire culture, so it's no wonder you haven't the faintest idea what the difference is between success and failure. take a good look at nearly every government run program and you'll get an idea of what it is we used to call failure.Whomever told you that all government projects are failures is lying to you. In fact, the government fails at a lower rate than private industry. Analyze the motives of your sources of information for clues as to their agenda. Do it for everyone, not just whatever you consider to be the opposition.
prosperity is relative, but the power of the individual is universal. i've been preaching that for years. while the collectivists have been obsessing over "wealth" and selling their power cheap, those of us with a bit of sense have been using our power to invent wealth and spread it around. i've never been able to understand why they all don't do it, but i guess it's easier to take than to try.Told ya man. It's a difficult beam to balance. It's way larger than you and I can deal with. And so powerful our voices are quashed by not only those who perpetrate the system of pleasantries. But, also those who think choosing a side is a solution, albeit a plausible enough theory to correct it. Maybe it's a big pill to swallow. Yet we can be powerful in our convictions to peace and love from ourselves. No power is stronger than that which you possess. You. Your peace and love for all unconditionally for all of prosperity to follow. As individuals. No need for a leader. Just be one with the peace and love bro. It's a solution. Not a theory. You have to commit to make a difference.
Anybody wanna buy a gently used chainsaw blade hit me up. I need the cash. And I'll let it go for $25. They are $28 new. It's a bargain.
Exactly, and I'm sure at least half of us would rather see our tax dollars go towards something like this than to defense contractors.. NASA received $18 Billion this year while the defense budget sits around $700 billion. There are much more pressing real world problems we're facing besides ISIS and terrorism. Fixing the systemic problem in the economy is at the top of the list and every presidential candidate, including Clinton, except for Bernie Sanders is pushing pragmatic solutions. Everyone else want's to keep everything the same.
That's just a battery backup; the power still has to be generated somewhere.
I think you missed the past about industrial electricity prices being heavily subsidized in America relative to the rest of the world, a good thing only if you're a business.![]()
Why does it cost so much in Germany? I thought it was supposed to be cheaper to go "green"?
Holy crap! They pay a helluva lot for residential...and they used to pay so little, in comparison around 2000-2001. But they had nuclear back then, right?
How is the Big Bern's plan going to address that? Or is that part of the move, to pay more per kWh?
So not only are the displaced COAL workers going to receive 90% of the pay they received prior (assuming they find work in the legislated green sector), they are going to pay more for electricity on top of it?
Did I miss the part that said electricity rates would be capped?
No... I don't think I missed those parts. I'm not sure what you mean by "environmental footprint", either. It is a good point that the cost of NatGas is far higher in Germany, making it an untenable choice.I think you missed the past about industrial electricity prices being heavily subsidized in America relative to the rest of the world, a good thing only if you're a business.
You may also have missed the part about natural gas becoming cost competitive in America and its drastically smaller environmental footprint per watt.
It took serious balls for him to even introduce such a radically different approach to our nation's tax structure.
Now his cards are on the table, and everyone else has to acknowledge the truth of our miserable excuse for a tax scheme.
Whomever told you that all government projects are failures is lying to you. In fact, the government fails at a lower rate than private industry. Analyze the motives of your sources of information for clues as to their agenda. Do it for everyone, not just whatever you consider to be the opposition.