Bad Expierence on weed without xanax.


Hi all,

I honestly wanted to post this on a weed forum, i'm not sure if this is the correct forum sub to post in.

But, onto my issue, i'm really having bad expierences with smoking weed most of the time..
Me myself, find this pretty odd.
My friends who smoke all the time, get high, i do aswell, however,the issue's i have encountered..

Racing Heart.
Small Panic Attacks ( Obviously not with my friends )
High levels of anxiety

I do suffer from anxiety disorder.

I need to take xanax inorder to feel comfortable most of the time.

When i take xanax before smoking, the issue's seems to be almost all gone.
Full gone and feel good when taking 2gr xanax.

Did anyone encounter several of these issues?

Thanks in advance.
I used to be a dope junkie 3yr clean, and on methadone. When I smoke certain kinds of bud I can get anxiety. Used to have to take showers.
Yeah, it also really depends what weed it is.. if its sprayed or not, i dont know.
With some weed i really do feel getting high.

Some of the weed i smoke, its the other way around really..
This is all pretty common

Xanax is often misused by anxiety patients

They will more often than not get addicted to it because it does indeed take away the anxiety.

people who suffer from anxiety are higher prone to addictions with these types of drugs
Along with alcohol
It's called self medication
And ultimately it will do you more harm than good

Xanax is a band aid drug for anxiety suffers because it's fast acting it doesn't actually do anything to stop your daily problems unless you take it daily which than you will become addicted to it
And Xanax withdrawal sucks

I would suggest talking to your doctor about taking an anti anxiety drug that's slow acting
The drugs that take time to build up in your system about 3-4 weeks (which can be rough)
These are non addictive and they do less damage than Xanax

Aditionally along with taking a better prescription medication you should seek out therapy as they can help you with trigger issues coping mechanism and cognitive behavioural therapy which is known to high extremely high success rates

Lower your caffeine intake exercise daily and eat properly and sleep well all these help anxiety suffers

If you experience anxiety while smoking the easiest thing to do is just to stop recreationally smoking

Alternatively you can try a high CBD strain that's lower in THC
And switch to an indica over a stativa
However people still often experience the anxiety attacks on indica strains
What works for some doesn't work for others
I'd definitely not smoke sativa if you have this issue, try indica as stated above @sunni (excellent advice) if that doesn't work don't smoke it. You are risking a potential psychotic episode or full blown psychosis. Not worth the risk, I've seen it in my old profession in drug and alcohol counseling and I can tell you its not a place you want your head to be. Sativa is generally the culprit when folks are predisposed to psychosis
This is all pretty common

Xanax is often misused by anxiety patients

They will more often than not get addicted to it because it does indeed take away the anxiety.

people who suffer from anxiety are higher prone to addictions with these types of drugs
Along with alcohol
It's called self medication
And ultimately it will do you more harm than good

Xanax is a band aid drug for anxiety suffers because it's fast acting it doesn't actually do anything to stop your daily problems unless you take it daily which than you will become addicted to it
And Xanax withdrawal sucks

I would suggest talking to your doctor about taking an anti anxiety drug that's slow acting
The drugs that take time to build up in your system about 3-4 weeks (which can be rough)
These are non addictive and they do less damage than Xanax

Aditionally along with taking a better prescription medication you should seek out therapy as they can help you with trigger issues coping mechanism and cognitive behavioural therapy which is known to high extremely high success rates

Lower your caffeine intake exercise daily and eat properly and sleep well all these help anxiety suffers

If you experience anxiety while smoking the easiest thing to do is just to stop recreationally smoking

Alternatively you can try a high CBD strain that's lower in THC
And switch to an indica over a stativa
However people still often experience the anxiety attacks on indica strains
What works for some doesn't work for others
Thanks for the long reply.

I already went to my local docter, he first prescribed pills that were made of plants. ( no chemicals ).
I tried it, did not work, i had to go come if it did not work.
So i went back, and he said we will go one step stronger, which was alprazolam aka xanax. 0.25g.
I had to take 2 at once to feel comfortable, i went back again, and he prescribed me 0,50.
I still need to take a few to really feel im out of my panic attacks.
He advised me to talk with a pedologist.
however, these talks are not cheap. and talking in my expierence wont help with my anixiety disorder... thats what i think of it.

I did not expierence this when i was younger, 16.
It probably came all along with *abusing* Amphetamines,(Speed) and XTC use. however,i was not a junkie as you might think, these things were used to go out obviously,i did nothing extreme. just a normal doses.

But i will try some of the things you mentioned.
Like i said, it also depends which weed it is, from some weed, i really get high and have good laughs with my buddys who smoke all the time.. but then some weed is just like,, bad trip..

My friends always smoke with tabacco in theyre joints.. i dislike that however.
When i smoke only weed in a small pipe, it is alot better then with tabacco.

I'd definitely not smoke sativa if you have this issue, try indica as stated above @sunni (excellent advice) if that doesn't work don't smoke it. You are risking a potential psychotic episode or full blown psychosis. Not worth the risk, I've seen it in my old profession in drug and alcohol counseling and I can tell you its not a place you want your head to be. Sativa is generally the culprit when folks are predisposed to psychosis
Ha no way !
I'm almost done my bachelors of mental health and addictions social work
I'd definitely not smoke sativa if you have this issue, try indica as stated above @sunni (excellent advice) if that doesn't work don't smoke it. You are risking a potential psychotic episode or full blown psychosis. Not worth the risk, I've seen it in my old profession in drug and alcohol counseling and I can tell you its not a place you want your head to be. Sativa is generally the culprit when folks are predisposed to psychosis
I guess you are right, it is alot better with xanax taken before.

However, i cannot keep taking xanax before smoking, seems just plain dumb and stupid at the same time..
I'd definitely not smoke sativa if you have this issue, try indica as stated above @sunni (excellent advice) if that doesn't work don't smoke it. You are risking a potential psychotic episode or full blown psychosis. Not worth the risk, I've seen it in my old profession in drug and alcohol counseling and I can tell you its not a place you want your head to be. Sativa is generally the culprit when folks are predisposed to psychosis

Its odd because I have severe Anxiety and Indica dominant strains are the ones that set it off, I just can't be high around people when I'm on a heavy Indica strain but Sativa I can smoke all day and soar the sky and talk to strangers just fine. It's all trial and error everyone is effected differently.

Honestly though if you don't have much choice in the weed you get it might be better to just not get high if its causing you a lot of problems, weed is great and all but its not like you're missing anything by not smoking.
Its odd because I have severe Anxiety and Indica dominant strains are the ones that set it off, I just can't be high around people when I'm on a heavy Indica strain but Sativa I can smoke all day and soar the sky and talk to strangers just fine. It's all trial and error everyone is effected differently.

Honestly though if you don't have much choice in the weed you get it might be better to just not get high if its causing you a lot of problems, weed is great and all but its not like you're missing anything by not smoking.
Well, in belgium there are no coffee shops.
However, my friends sometimes cross the border to the netherlands to get weed from the coffeeshops.
I dont know which weed is Sativa and which weed is Indica...
Ive been smoking with these issue for a pretty long time, probably a bad thing. when my friends pass the joints,i just take it. and not deny it.

But then again, xanax eliminates these issue's, also depending on what weed it is.
Thanks for the long reply.

I already went to my local docter, he first prescribed pills that were made of plants. ( no chemicals ).
I tried it, did not work, i had to go come if it did not work.
So i went back, and he said we will go one step stronger, which was alprazolam aka xanax. 0.25g.
I had to take 2 at once to feel comfortable, i went back again, and he prescribed me 0,50.
I still need to take a few to really feel im out of my panic attacks.
He advised me to talk with a pedologist.
however, these talks are not cheap. and talking in my expierence wont help with my anixiety disorder... thats what i think of it.

I did not expierence this when i was younger, 16.
It probably came all along with *abusing* Amphetamines,(Speed) and XTC use. however,i was not a junkie as you might think, these things were used to go out obviously,i did nothing extreme. just a normal doses.

But i will try some of the things you mentioned.
Like i said, it also depends which weed it is, from some weed, i really get high and have good laughs with my buddys who smoke all the time.. but then some weed is just like,, bad trip..

My friends always smoke with tabacco in theyre joints.. i dislike that however.
When i smoke only weed in a small pipe, it is alot better then with tabacco.

Well if you have different reactions to different strains then there's your answer.
I personally would not smoke it unless you know what it is. The panic attacks and racing heart are very indicative of what sativas do.
Do you know that marijuana is highly illegal as well as being a very dangerous depressant? I advise to alienate yourself from those who smoke or grow the wacky backy because if it doesn't kill you, the natural progression is to harder and better drugs like heroin which indeed might kill you. Jesus is the way, and if you find Him in time, you will live in heaven for eternity.
Do you know that marijuana is highly illegal as well as being a very dangerous depressant? I advise to alienate yourself from those who smoke or grow the wacky backy because if it doesn't kill you, the natural progression is to harder and better drugs like heroin which indeed might kill you. Jesus is the way, and if you find Him in time, you will live in heaven for eternity.
I honestly dont know what the f im reading here?
So heroin is better than weed as im reading this correctly?

I'd rather overdose on xanax than doing heroin.:shock:
If weed makes you feel bad
Then you shouldn't smoke it
Weed wouldn't want you too anyway
Some weed makes me feel bad,there are some that make me feel great and laugh here and there, just fun in general.
But then there is the weed which makes me feel the opposite way.
So i guess, i should stick with the indica,or atleast try it.

Friends told me its all playing inside my head/mind..
Thanks for the long reply.

I already went to my local docter, he first prescribed pills that were made of plants. ( no chemicals ).
I tried it, did not work, i had to go come if it did not work.
So i went back, and he said we will go one step stronger, which was alprazolam aka xanax. 0.25g.
I had to take 2 at once to feel comfortable, i went back again, and he prescribed me 0,50.
I still need to take a few to really feel im out of my panic attacks.
He advised me to talk with a pedologist.
however, these talks are not cheap. and talking in my expierence wont help with my anixiety disorder... thats what i think of it.

I did not expierence this when i was younger, 16.
It probably came all along with *abusing* Amphetamines,(Speed) and XTC use. however,i was not a junkie as you might think, these things were used to go out obviously,i did nothing extreme. just a normal doses.

But i will try some of the things you mentioned.
Like i said, it also depends which weed it is, from some weed, i really get high and have good laughs with my buddys who smoke all the time.. but then some weed is just like,, bad trip..

My friends always smoke with tabacco in theyre joints.. i dislike that however.
When i smoke only weed in a small pipe, it is alot better then with tabacco.

I had to quit doing pills 20 years ago. I loved Xanax. I used to start out with 2 2 mg's and then just pop another every couple of hours. And I was always and drinking and smoking weed at the same time. Xanax is addictive as hell to me. I have a very addictive personality. If it makes me feel good well. I become gluttonous.

As others stated. Weed isn't for everyone. I have anxiety issues too. I watch where I go and what I do to help control it and keep it as minimal as I can. Still. It follows me every where I go. It's ok. I manage.

The weed I control when and where I use it. I haven't smoked weed outside my house in probably 10 months. And that was at a freinds who I trusted when I did. I smoke at home where I am safe and secure. No one brings drama to my crib cause I control that.

My smoke can make you mental. i do it at home. If I get kinda freaky feeling I turn off the lights. Go to my bedroom. Listen to tunes. Fade into imagination land. Safe and secure. Hey I bought my house for a reason too. It's my safe place. My castle. Undesirables aren't allowed.

And I use the power in my weed to take me away from it all. I escape the trials and tribulations of the day. It helps me be in a peaceful place. Dream. I don't need or thirst for the pills anymore.

Weed may not be for you bro. I don't know. But, unless you are truly disabled and can't live without it. The weed and pills should be used in a controlled enviro. Not just like all over the place as a way of life.

Having a hard time explaining it. Think about it and fill in the blanks. Best of luck bro.
here are some facts:

(1) Like the stimulants, caffeine and cocaine, heroin is not a debilitating drug. That is, moderate usage does not interfere with one’s functioning, e.g. driving ability. This is in contrast to alcohol, in which one’s performance is directly hampered. Extreme usage can interfere just like with caffeine and cocaine, e.g. too much of a stimulant can make it difficult to focus and even cause hallucinations. However, even heroin addicts can moderate their usage so that they can work unimpaired and avoid withdrawal symptoms. For this reason, heroin addicts can and do have successful professional lives in such diverse fields as surgery and law enforcement.

(2) Long-term heroin addiction is relatively harmless to one’s health. Like caffeine addicts who “need” their coffee in the morning, the side-effects are minimal. Heroin’s long-term side-effects can include constipation and impotency. This is in contrast to alcohol and tobacco which destroy the liver and the lungs respectively.

(3) Like caffeine, it is difficult to fatally overdose on heroin by itself. (It is easy to overdose when using heroin and alcohol in combination.) The popular image of a dead heroin user with the needle still in his or her arm is misleading. A fatal heroin overdose is usually a long process that takes over an hour and it can be countered within minutes by an antidote.

This antidote is Narcan. It is so tightly regulated that strict limits on its usage have caused overdose deaths even when paramedics were present. Narcan is not dangerous or addictive which leads one to believe the government wants heroin users to die. This twisted thesis is reinforced by recent comments made in light of nasally administered Narcan (LINK).

Lastly, heroin withdrawal – unlike alcohol withdrawal – is never fatal.

In many ways heroin is as harmless as caffeine and it is definitely less harmful than alcohol.
I don't advocate the use of any substance. Don't try it and it won't become habitual or addictive. Even weed. It's a substance we use to "feel good". Or "feel better". If you try it you might like it. Once you are there well, you can't untry it. Many many people neither need it or wanna live this way. Many people wish they had never tried it and been exposed to its goodness. It's a choice.

Having said all that. Guess I need to go ahead and make this run. Restock my alcohol and cigs. So I can get all kinda fucked up this afternoon. Ain't proud. Ain't quitting alcohol either. It's a long standing family tradition. I am going to make a diligent effort to quit smoking Monday. Why? Because it's stupid. It doesn't do anything for me except fend off the withdrawals and take my money. It's a mofo for sure. Don't even try it. You might like it for whatever reason and 35 years later? It's a personal choice. You made your bed now lay in it or make change.

Peace and love everywhere in the world in 2016. Let's cure this disease of judgment and hatred. Maybe all this senseless violence will go away.