Bad Expierence on weed without xanax.

I don't advocate the use of any substance. Don't try it and it won't become habitual or addictive. Even weed. It's a substance we use to "feel good". Or "feel better". If you try it you might like it. Once you are there well, you can't untry it. Many many people neither need it or wanna live this way. Many people wish they had never tried it and been exposed to its goodness. It's a choice.

Having said all that. Guess I need to go ahead and make this run. Restock my alcohol and cigs. So I can get all kinda fucked up this afternoon. Ain't proud. Ain't quitting alcohol either. It's a long standing family tradition. I am going to make a diligent effort to quit smoking Monday. Why? Because it's stupid. It doesn't do anything for me except fend off the withdrawals and take my money. It's a mofo for sure. Don't even try it. You might like it for whatever reason and 35 years later? It's a personal choice. You made your bed now lay in it or make change.

Peace and love everywhere in the world in 2016. Let's cure this disease of judgment and hatred. Maybe all this senseless violence will go away.
hi, alcohol is much worse than heroin. Bless you
hi, alcohol is much worse than heroin. Bless you
Yes I know. I'm only human bro. I'll bow my head in shame and extole to the world to not be like me. Or my mom. Or uncles. Or grandfathers. Or....... Peace and love in 2016. Congrats on the new crib. I'm impressed. If you get me a job and a plane ticket I will fly out and be your roomy. Peace and love son.
Ive had the pleasure(?) of going through FORTY THREE surgeries and got thrown into pain management-
They have me on morphine, oxy, xanax AND valium-I HATE THEM ALL
However..........even tho its ok to drink a barrel of tequila, if I smoke ONE JOINT Im kicked out automatically
SOMEONE PLEASE try to explain the logic behind that one!!!!!!!!
For new yrs I want to get as far away from that shit as I can and start using the plant GOD made for us..........I dont recall ever hearing that God made narcotics
first, as many people who take xanax notice, combining with weed especially high thc can give you little blank spots in your memory and amplify your zannie.

thc hits gabba and for some people work better than an indica.

God definitely made narcotics
Ive had the pleasure(?) of going through FORTY THREE surgeries and got thrown into pain management-
They have me on morphine, oxy, xanax AND valium-I HATE THEM ALL
However..........even tho its ok to drink a barrel of tequila, if I smoke ONE JOINT Im kicked out automatically
SOMEONE PLEASE try to explain the logic behind that one!!!!!!!!
For new yrs I want to get as far away from that shit as I can and start using the plant GOD made for us..........I dont recall ever hearing that God made narcotics

Maybe try a methadone clinic? They don't give a shit about MJ and can manage your pain. They also have the experience to get you OFF of the pain meds when the time comes..
Just find a good private clinic.. not the shady tax payer funded clinics.

Depending on your current doses of oxy and morphine, you could put yourself on a 1 or 2 years taper off plan that would be entirely painless.

Be careful trying to cold turkey from oxy and morphine.. you'll be a mess dude. People say "you can't die from WD".. That is bullshit. You can.. the cause of death is just labeled as something else like "cardiac arrest" instead of "morphine WD"..
Maybe try a methadone clinic? They don't give a shit about MJ and can manage your pain. They also have the experience to get you OFF of the pain meds when the time comes..
Just find a good private clinic.. not the shady tax payer funded clinics.

Depending on your current doses of oxy and morphine, you could put yourself on a 1 or 2 years taper off plan that would be entirely painless.

Be careful trying to cold turkey from oxy and morphine.. you'll be a mess dude. People say "you can't die from WD".. That is bullshit. You can.. the cause of death is just labeled as something else like "cardiac arrest" instead of "morphine WD"..
My methadone clinic is tapering people out pretty quickly for being dirty for weed. It used to be known you could do weed and coke without getting in trouble. No drinking, or Nything else tho. Just thought Id tell you.
My methadone clinic is tapering people out pretty quickly for being dirty for weed. It used to be known you could do weed and coke without getting in trouble. No drinking, or Nything else tho. Just thought Id tell you.

That sucks man.. mine is not. They don't even test for herb except for your initial entry UA to prove you are in fact opiate dependent.

Is it a private clinic? Or a state funded? I live in a fairly progressive city.. my doc has been running the clinic for almost 40 yrs now.. he is an old Swiss man. Genius.. saved my life.

I am down to 22mg per day. I took a break from the taper as the holidays are a little stressful for me.. starting it back up Monday and hoping to be off for good by summer 2017 at the latest.. maybe sooner.. we'll see how I feel as I taper down..
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That is the thing about all the shit talking people do about Methadone.. it varies from clinic to clinic, doc to doc, counselor to counselor. My clinic is highly professional, experienced, compassionate and successful at what they do. Not all clinics are that.

Also.. only you can make it successful. You can be in the best situation to succeed and still fail if you aren't ready to cross that line yourself. No one can drag you through getting stable, managing, then tapering off.
That sucks man.. mine is not. They don't even test for herb except for your initial entry UA to prove you are in fact opiate dependent.

Is it a private clinic? Or a state funded? I live in a fairly progressive city.. my doc has been running the clinic for almost 40 yrs now.. he is an old Swiss man. Genius.. saved my life.
Its public, I pay cash but most people have state funded insurance and get evrrything free. Mines 110$ a week, plus I drive 60min round trip 6days a week! Ill never touch dope again.

Mines technically in a city but a small one, glad yours is good. They are pricks at mine!
Its public, I pay cash but most people have state funded insurance and get evrrything free. Mines 110$ a week, plus I drive 60min round trip 6days a week! Ill never touch dope again.

Mines technically in a city but a small one, glad yours is good. They are pricks at mine!

Man.. sorry to hear your options are limited and not good.. I don't know where I would be without the excellent care I receive at my clinic. Where I am at now (life, stability, addiction) I would be fine if they shut down and had to transfer.. but at the time I entered.. I couldn't have got where i am now without them.

I hope something better opens near you in the future.. lots of new young folks getting on H these days and then trying to get off.. New clinics are popping up all over the place. Maybe something better will come along for you.
That sucks man.. mine is not. They don't even test for herb except for your initial entry UA to prove you are in fact opiate dependent.

Is it a private clinic? Or a state funded? I live in a fairly progressive city.. my doc has been running the clinic for almost 40 yrs now.. he is an old Swiss man. Genius.. saved my life.

I am down to 22mg per day. I took a break from the taper as the holidays are a little stressful for me.. starting it back up Monday and hoping to be off for good by summer 2017 at the latest.. maybe sooner.. we'll see how I feel as I taper down..
Thats cool your down so low. How often donyou go down? Seems like awhile for 22mg, I go down 4mg a week but stop every here and there. Max was 160, im at 79 now. Thanks for the kind thoughts, my girlfriend and I both go so it will be a big deal once were done.
Thats cool your down so low. How often donyou go down? Seems like awhile for 22mg, I go down 4mg a week but stop every here and there. Max was 160, im at 79 now. Thanks for the kind thoughts, my girlfriend and I both go so it will be a big deal once were done.

I go hella slow.. I'll drop a couple mg a month at most. We do liquid.. dispensed via a computer that is on point accurate.

I'm in no hurry.. I just want 100% painless and to stay on a decline, never increase.

My doc says the ideal way to do MD is to come to the clinic.. find your dose.. never use outside your dose... and start a 2 year taper asap. If you use, stop the taper and consider going up.
That said, everyone is different and everyone needs a plan specific to them.

The problem I have seen people run into is they pick a date they want to be off by. Or they decide they need to cold turkey all the sudden. I think as long as you are not going up and not using, you're on the right track.

BTW, I pay $65 per week. Free yoga, acupuncture, group counseling and an annual checkup. My doc owns one home and drives a vehicle that his patients could actually afford,, if you know what I mean. He really gives a shit about his patients and it shows.. I couldn't say enough about the guy.

Thing is.. there is no grant entry.. or financial assistance. Everyone pays $65.. whether you are loaded or homeless. This is what I meant by "private".
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Anyway.. im rambling. Hope the best to you Kind Sir. And I hope your clinic eases up on the assholedom.. that sure doesn't help anyone out. :peace:
I go hella slow.. I'll drop a couple mg a month at most. We do liquid.. dispensed via a computer that is on point accurate.

I'm in no hurry.. I just want 100% painless and to stay on a decline, never increase.

My doc says the ideal way to do MD is to come to the clinic.. find your dose.. never use outside your dose... and start a 2 year taper asap. If you use, stop the taper and consider going up.
That said, everyone is different and everyone needs a plan specific to them.

The problem I have seen people run into is they pick a date they want to be off by. Or they decide they need to cold turkey all the sudden. I think as long as you are not going up and not using, you're on the right track.

BTW, I pay $65 per week. Free yoga, acupuncture, group counseling and an annual checkup. My doc owns one home and drives a vehicle that his patients could actually afford,, if you know what I mean. He really gives a shit about his patients and it shows.. I couldn't say enough about the guy.

Yea ours is pink liquid out of a computer as well. Free yoga and whatnot is awesome. Seems like you have the hookup compared to me! Lol, good luck on your path through methadone. Take care.
Racing Heart.
Small Panic Attacks ( Obviously not with my friends )
High levels of anxiety

Smoking used to make me overwhelmed by paranoia/anxiety. It seemed like something I had to face about myself (something I wasn't sensitive to about myself, trying to be in control of my conscience, not honestly "in the moment?" It's hard to explain what seems to have changed as I stopped fighting it, "went with the flow," enjoyed the paranoia instead of worrying about it.).

Indica strains do it less to me. And, I've found that taking DXM (dextromethoprhan, a cough syrup ingredient) gives me a more relaxed/chill state when I'm high. More "in the now" (I think paranoia is more about the past or future, not enjoying the moment, worrying about something irrational to the present).

DXM is often taken at 4-8x the normal dose for halluncination, called "robo tripping" because Robitussin is a common cough syrup. But, if you take half the labeled dose, it will give you the calming effect (for a day or three). I've lightly dribbled or sprayed it on cannabis and smoked it after a day or two of drying (to get about 1/4-1/2 dose at the right I smoke).

If you still take alprazolam, you might want to check how DXM interacts before trying it. It's supposed to operate similar to ketamine. You'll read a lot of negative stuff about the 4-8x "tripping" (drinking a whole bottle.). I'm not into that. But, at the light-dose level, it seems to do something. It adds to the body-stone feeling, less of the mind-racing.
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Yes I know. I'm only human bro. I'll bow my head in shame and extole to the world to not be like me. Or my mom. Or uncles. Or grandfathers. Or....... Peace and love in 2016. Congrats on the new crib. I'm impressed. If you get me a job and a plane ticket I will fly out and be your roomy. Peace and love son.
job AND a plane ticket? lol give me a couple of years mate
Ha no way !
I'm almost done my bachelors of mental health and addictions social work
Holy shit - REALLY?

Where do you go? I thought you were thinking about starting fall 2015 but then moved stateside.

Meh, I don;t know - I just thought you left the school dream for the family dream.

Hi all,

I honestly wanted to post this on a weed forum, i'm not sure if this is the correct forum sub to post in.

But, onto my issue, i'm really having bad expierences with smoking weed most of the time..
Me myself, find this pretty odd.
My friends who smoke all the time, get high, i do aswell, however,the issue's i have encountered..

Racing Heart.
Small Panic Attacks ( Obviously not with my friends )
High levels of anxiety

I do suffer from anxiety disorder.

I need to take xanax inorder to feel comfortable most of the time.

When i take xanax before smoking, the issue's seems to be almost all gone.
Full gone and feel good when taking 2gr xanax.

Did anyone encounter several of these issues?

Thanks in advance.

I've read a lot about this stuff, in school, psych.

But, I know a lot about it too. Been having issues mentally since 16. Depression, anxiety, often under control, sometimes not.

Alcohol, was probably one of the worst things for me. I used to drink when I was unhappy. Obviously made me more unhappy.

Never do that anymore.

Sounds like you shouldn't smoke weed if you're getting panic attacks though. Maybe it's the kind? Sativa? INdica? Hybrid?

There are way too many factors here to actually be able to tell you what to do. And every drug works differently in everyones body.

I took an Ambien or something on a plane to sleep and it made me FUCKING HYPER and wired. What works for one, doesn't work for everyone.

I'm on my 5th antidepressant since 2001. This is one works, the other - didn't.

I'd check online for side effects and combinations with other drugs.

You have these problems in daily life, or just with weed?

In my opinion, therapy is Gawd. There's a lot of promise with cognitive behavioural therapy and social anxiety.

Also, forums. Social Anxiety forums. It's nice to talk to people that feel like you.

Makes you not feel so alone, you know?
Hi all,

I honestly wanted to post this on a weed forum, i'm not sure if this is the correct forum sub to post in.

But, onto my issue, i'm really having bad expierences with smoking weed most of the time..
Me myself, find this pretty odd.
My friends who smoke all the time, get high, i do aswell, however,the issue's i have encountered..

Racing Heart.
Small Panic Attacks ( Obviously not with my friends )
High levels of anxiety

I do suffer from anxiety disorder.

I need to take xanax inorder to feel comfortable most of the time.

When i take xanax before smoking, the issue's seems to be almost all gone.
Full gone and feel good when taking 2gr xanax.

Did anyone encounter several of these issues?

Thanks in advance.
its the zenny bars for sure i use to drop zanny's many years ago and wen i was without them and smoked herb it would send me into mas panic attacks sweats freaken out big time i gave up the zanny's after been clean off them for almost a year things started going back to normal now all i use for my panic attacks is herb try cleaning yourself up from the zanny's for a few months then try the herb u will find u can handle it alot better zanny is a bad bad bad drug for anxiety and panic attacks should be banned manny of time i have woken up in a holding cell haveing no idea what i have done covered in mud tree branches and naked with a cat as a hat