Bad Expierence on weed without xanax.

Holy shit - REALLY?

Where do you go? I thought you were thinking about starting fall 2015 but then moved stateside.

Meh, I don;t know - I just thought you left the school dream for the family dream.

I've read a lot about this stuff, in school, psych.

But, I know a lot about it too. Been having issues mentally since 16. Depression, anxiety, often under control, sometimes not.

Alcohol, was probably one of the worst things for me. I used to drink when I was unhappy. Obviously made me more unhappy.

Never do that anymore.

Sounds like you shouldn't smoke weed if you're getting panic attacks though. Maybe it's the kind? Sativa? INdica? Hybrid?

There are way too many factors here to actually be able to tell you what to do. And every drug works differently in everyones body.

I took an Ambien or something on a plane to sleep and it made me FUCKING HYPER and wired. What works for one, doesn't work for everyone.

I'm on my 5th antidepressant since 2001. This is one works, the other - didn't.

I'd check online for side effects and combinations with other drugs.

You have these problems in daily life, or just with weed?

In my opinion, therapy is Gawd. There's a lot of promise with cognitive behavioural therapy and social anxiety.

Also, forums. Social Anxiety forums. It's nice to talk to people that feel like you.

Makes you not feel so alone, you know?
no i started the year prior to fall 2015, in 2015 i question if i should go into a different school rather than the one i went to but for the same thing. i never actually said what i went to school for on here i kept it pretty quiet, i did mention i was in school several times, but didnt say what for .
i didnt leave the school dream the dream is still there, i plan to take my credits and transfer them from when i go to university in usa,
my husbands job gives him a certain amount of money for university that he can transfer to me.
basically im just taking a year or so off. which sucks. but ill get over it.
Oh that's sweet, they pay for American university. That's so expensive!

I do know though, as I'm sure @Flaming Pie does, once the little one pops out there isn't much time for school. Basically until they go.
the military pays for child daycare if i am in school fulltime, so i will be able to go, also americas universities have a lot of online courses and studies unlike canadas,
so i can do most of it online while baby is new, and than go back to school when my kid can go to daycare which is typically pretty young.

im privileged in that the military will pay for my university up to a certain amount for four more years, and that they will also pay for my child care or subsidize substantially

ultimately its not ideal because im not sure how many credits will transfer over and i will be stuck most likely retaking courses