What level of gun control do you support?

What level of gun control do you support?

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Well-Known Member
I don't watch Rush or Alex Jones thanks. Cultural Marxism is something that dominates left wing thought. That's just a fact, objective fact. All the founding mothers (and fathers, in the background of course) of the feminist movement were Marxists. They didn't hide it either. They use deliberate division of groups to create conflict to install extreme totalitarian policy. All of this is OBVIOUSLY happening in real life. But you know, put your head in the sand if you prefer.

Wanna know the only variable that consistently is correlated and has been deduced to be causal for many of the issues members of the black community face? Single parent house holds.

In fact, 85% of people in jail come from single parent homes. But nah, the family isn't important. Just ignore all the sociological study that indicates otherwise.

If you want a thorough university level debunking of all things cultural marxist feel free to watch some Karen Straughan or read her work/research.
I'm certain you do not have a clear understanding of the definition of Marxism. Which is simply the analysis of two competing socioeconomic classes, the haves, and the have nots. Or more succinctly put, the wealthy and the working class. In no way does Marxism examine the demographic backgrounds of those in jail, nor does it pertain to any creed of individuals, as you put, all women of the feminist movement were Marxist.

Please try to better understand your premise before you espouse your thoughts.


Well-Known Member
How much violence are you willing to threaten people that won't give up their guns?
who said i wanted people to give up their guns?

i was just stating that mentally ill people like yourself are far more prone to violence than mentally sound people like myself.

please don't fuck any small children, pedo.


Well-Known Member
You can't even dress in many halloween costumes because of cultural appropriation whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean....This cultural Marxist bullshit is going to destroy society.
wow, you are crying worse than KKKynes now just because people find it offensive to dress up in blackface.

deal with it, klanman.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
who said i wanted people to give up their guns?

i was just stating that mentally ill people like yourself are far more prone to violence than mentally sound people like myself.

please don't fuck any small children, pedo.

Actually, um, you're wrong (again). I advocate human interactions be on a consensual and voluntary basis. That makes me peaceful, as in "less prone to violence".

You advocate a political system which has a business model that begins with coercion, as in "threats of violence" for noncompliance to government edicts.

Please at least apply vaseline to your pet gerbil before sending him spelunking in your alimentary canal again. ..and don't forget to wash up when you're thru.


Well-Known Member
That makes me peaceful
if you are peaceful, then why did you advocate for people to hang signs that disallow blacks?

and what is peaceful about your belief that it should not be illegal for an old shit like you to have sex with an 11 year old boy?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
if you are peaceful, then why did you advocate for people to hang signs that disallow blacks?

and what is peaceful about your belief that it should not be illegal for an old shit like you to have sex with an 11 year old boy?

I don't advocate for anybody to do anything with their property but what they wish to do, as long as it doesn't lessen other peoples right to do the same with their own property. That doesn't mean I agree with their choices or would do the same in a similar situation.

About how much time on average would you say you think about pedoism ? You seem very interested in it, it's a little disconcerting.


Well-Known Member
you advocated for people to hang signs disallowing people by race.
I think he believes that if he is absent the notion that it disqualifies himself from the label.
Since he simply does not advocate anyone to do anything, he therefore is disqualified from being labeled anything.

He's the type that would continue on his way after seeing an accident, not staying to make sure people were ok. God forbid, the accident itself coerced him to helping people.


Well-Known Member
I don't advocate for anybody to do anything with their property but what they wish to do, as long as it doesn't lessen other peoples right to do the same with their own property.
How does denying (insert minority group) equal access to a business not lessen their right's to do what they wish with their own property (money)?

If you're a business owner and don't allow black people inside to spend their money, you are denying them the equal right to do what they wish with their own property

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I think he believes that if he is absent the notion that it disqualifies himself from the label.
Since he simply does not advocate anyone to do anything, he therefore is disqualified from being labeled anything.

He's the type that would continue on his way after seeing an accident, not staying to make sure people were ok. God forbid, the accident itself coerced him to helping people.

Your assertions are wrong.

I advocate this - Don't mind other peoples business for them. Don't initiate aggression against people or their justly acquired property. You do not.

As far as my helping an injured person, person in need, etc. I could regale you with stories of how I've done voluntary charity, helped stranded motorists (numerous times), donated labor, funds, etc. I'll spare you the stories.


Well-Known Member
Your assertions are wrong.

I advocate this - Don't mind other peoples business for them. Don't initiate aggression against people or their justly acquired property. You do not.

are we talking private business or public? Is this a legal operation or illegal.


Well-Known Member
Your assertions are wrong.

I advocate this - Don't mind other peoples business for them. Don't initiate aggression against people or their justly acquired property. You do not.

As far as my helping an injured person, person in need, etc. I could regale you with stories of how I've done voluntary charity, helped stranded motorists (numerous times), donated labor, funds, etc. I'll spare you the stories.
I stand corrected. You're helpful. Delusional, but helpful. I suspect it's the years that are catching up to you, ole fella.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
are we talking private business or public? Is this a legal operation or illegal.

The term "public business" is a sleight of hand, created to rationalize the forcible imposition of some people into other peoples lives.

Every life that isn't yours, which you are not invited into, is a "private business" .

I usually don't judge things or base my actions on legality OR illegality. For instance, although it would have been illegal for me to assist a runaway slave years ago, I would have broken the law and helped that person gain their freedom.

Question the status quo. It's good for you.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
How does denying (insert minority group) equal access to a business not lessen their right's to do what they wish with their own property (money)?

If you're a business owner and don't allow black people inside to spend their money, you are denying them the equal right to do what they wish with their own property

There are two sides to the equation. Your assumption only looks at one side and declares that a relationship can be justified on the decision of ONE of the parties rather than BOTH of the parties involved.

If both parties to an interaction are not consenting to it, you would then be condoning using force to create or enable the relationship.

You can do anything you want with YOUR property....but you can't do anything you want with somebody else property.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Yes, what about the right to live?
Please elaborate or give an example.

I meant, you or I cannot give another person something (a right) we do not possess, what do you mean?

For instance, I cannot tell John he can take your car. I cannot tell John he can disposition your money, your property etc.
Reciprocably John cannot tell you to take my car, etc.


Well-Known Member
Please elaborate or give an example.

I meant, you or I cannot give another person something (a right) we do not possess, what do you mean?

For instance, I cannot tell John he can take your car. I cannot tell John he can disposition your money, your property etc.
Reciprocably John cannot tell you to take my car, etc.
My mistake, ,I misunderstood.