EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

let me know when it gets to a national average of $4.11, as it did under bush.

right now it is $2.07 under obama.


Keep in mind where the crude oil came from and who controlled the oil fields when Bush was in office compared to where it comes from now. The president really has no effect on gas prices. And the illegal trade agreements obama has made recently.
Bush was the biggest fuckup in American History, I'll agree Obama has not done a great job..but nowhere near as poorly as the collosal fuck up Bush was.. Bernie is better than both.
How exactly was Obama better than Bush?

After 9/11 Bush gave the American people food for their blood lust, you can't have retrospective buyers remorse 15 years later...
Obama stepped into a huge mess, Bush fucked us so hard and handed over the Keys after he wrapped the car around a tree.

I'm not sure what you mean by retrospective buyers remorse.. That scumbag stole an election and lost the popular vote.. He invaded Iraq instead Saudi Arabia.

Obama at least killed Bin Laden..something numbnuts couldn't do .
It won't let me quote you. But where do those small business get their inventory?

Answer - Big business manufactures and / or distributors.

Where do they get their power?

Answer - big business electric companies

Where do they get their running water

Answer - big business water dept

How do they get rid of their trash?

Answer - big business waste management.

I can go on.

Small businesses can't survive without big businesses.

So my statement is still correct.
Obama stepped into a huge mess, Bush fucked us so hard and handed over the Keys after he wrapped the car around a tree.

I'm not sure what you mean by retrospective buyers remorse.. That scumbag stole an election and lost the popular vote.. He invaded Iraq instead Saudi Arabia.

Obama at least killed Bin Laden..something numbnuts couldn't do .

Mission Accomplished!:lol:

Yet student loans (unsecured) cannot be discharged in bankruptcy and home loans (secured) can be..


Unsecured is always exorbitant as compared to secured..yet in this case, secured is dischargable in backruptcy, the unsecured not..the ONLY unsecured not dischargable in America.

Its apples and oranges.
You can't have small business without big business. Once you realize this you will become republican.

Sure you can and do...... all over America. Small businesses MAY eventually evolve into big business, witness Michael Dell, Henry Ford, etc. Shark Tank's selections is a good example of small Mom and Pop businesses becoming quite large "overnight" with the help of one of the Shark's financial and business support.

I'm one of the thousands of Mom and Pop businesses that sell alongside big biz and do quite well. I live near a town that is nothing but small business and is one of the most sophisticated and wealthiest small cities in the U.S. regarding the # of per capita millionaires.

A republican is a democrat that finally grew up.
let me know when it gets to a national average of $4.11, as it did under bush.

right now it is $2.07 under obama.


Say what? You really think any one is dumb enough to believe that when it comes to supply and demand economics to think that a president, especially an anti business loser like Obama, has a damn thing to do with gas prices at the pump? That is laughable! Typical of the twisted mind of a sociopathic liberal.
Obama at least killed Bin Laden..something numbnuts couldn't do .

Obama did not kill Bin Laden. For starts it was his predecessor, Bush, and years of intelligence work by a female investigator under Bush that lead to his specific residence. Robert O'Neill, a Navy Seal, killed Laden.
Wrong, but that never stopped you from saying so.

At least Bush left Iraq in a peaceful, thriving stable place until Obama fucked up several agreements and let ISIS take over. Obama undid all the good that Bush bestowed upon him. Read one of the last chapters in Charles Krauthammer's book, "Things That Matter'. He articulates the whole Iraq story from the invasion, the Bush stabilized country, the decimation of Al Queda using intelligence, force, and friendly Iraqi citizens who turned in terrorists to the authorities..... to how Obama came along after Bush and fucked up everything. Rest is history.......

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This is one of the stupidest things I've read. Iraq was never stabilized. Also...

Sure you can and do...... all over America. Small businesses MAY eventually evolve into big business, witness Michael Dell, Henry Ford, etc. Shark Tank's selections is a good example of small Mom and Pop businesses becoming quite large "overnight" with the help of one of the Shark's financial and business support.

I'm one of the thousands of Mom and Pop businesses that sell alongside big biz and do quite well. I live near a town that is nothing but small business and is one of the most sophisticated and wealthiest small cities in the U.S. regarding the # of per capita millionaires.

A republican is a democrat that finally grew up.

Good luck running a small business without power, water, trash removal, accepting credit cards, banks, and these days Internet.. those are all big business .
Please don't use intelligence and Bush in the same sentence, 911 happened on numbnuts watch. He gets credit for that and the Iraq fuckup and Helping to create Isis. . He gets no credit for Osama getting killed.
Wrong, but that never stopped you from saying so.

At least Bush left Iraq in a peaceful, thriving stable place until Obama fucked up several agreements and let ISIS take over. Obama undid all the good that Bush bestowed upon him. Read one of the last chapters in Charles Krauthammer's book, "Things That Matter'. He articulates the whole Iraq story from the invasion, the Bush stabilized country, the decimation of Al Queda using intelligence, force, and friendly Iraqi citizens who turned in terrorists to the authorities..... to how Obama came along after Bush and fucked up everything. Rest is history.......]

"After Iraq I've had a lot of guilt. Once I finally saw how things were going, I realized we were fucking up an entire country that we were just going to leave in shambles.

I was one of the teams closing down the FOBS and helping train the Iraqis take over. Iraq was the wild west for companies. Everything was contracted, it was more business than war at the end.

Due to the Rules of Engagement, none of us were allowed to engage the enemy... it was up to the Iraqis now. They had control of the operations. This was a blessing and a curse. I never shot anyone, so I don't have that in the back of my mind. But I also couldn't fire back, which built up a lot of resentment in me towards the iraqis.

I was told we were leaving our humvees and tanks for them to continue the mission on ending terrorism. I remember talking with my sergeant about how it was a terrible idea. The Iraqis already had tanks from Russia, why were we giving them our technology? Less than a year later, ISIS is in control of all those tanks and humvees and are better armed thanks to us.

It just feels like I was used to destabilize a region, only to make it worse. I may not have done it single handedly, but I helped.
I'm torn because the reality is that bad guys need to be killed and things need to be done. You can't let groups like AL qaeda or isis get too big, that's how Hitlers come about. At the same time though, we literally accomplished nothing, and Iraq is worse off than when we went in to kill Sadam and take over."

They were all once small business until monopoly..they didn't build that..we did.

Thats a load of horse shit. They built it by providing services/products that ya'll consumers fucking WANTED after masterminding a business plan and taking a risk that is always on their own ass. You didn't do them any favors, they did you the fucking favor and then charged you for it, and they marketed and did their business thing and used that money to build their business themselves. You didn't lay a single fucking brick. And the the employees weren't slaves, they were paid an AGREED upon wage before they even started working. Employees dont own anything but their time, and they sold that to their employer. Thats why you dont make the big bucks anymore, you stopped selling your time, or they stopped paying for it, one way or the other. You didn't own shit in that big business you claim to have worked at. Thats why when you left, you took only your personal belongings and a final paycheck, and not a single brick was removed from the place because you didn't put it there and it wasn't yours to take.

The entitlement in this country is overflowing in ridiculous amounts.

Oh, thread relevance, hmmm......current rcp average- Clinton +25.3

Feel the burn.
Thats a load of horse shit. They built it by providing services/products that ya'll consumers fucking WANTED after masterminding a business plan and taking a risk that is always on their own ass.

...and that load of horse shit are the losers that will try to vote Sanders in.

Every libtard needs to try and comprehend what the following means. But, if you've never had to take risks, start and run a business, you'll talk out your ass like Sky usually does. The following is a great example, a driver, for taking your business OUT of America and running it out of China or the Phillipines. Here's the offer America gives its entrepreneurs. And the idiots in Washington wonder why there are no new jobs.



I'd like to make you a business offer. Seriously. This is a real offer. In fact, you really can't turn me down, as you'll come to understand in a moment...

Here's the deal. You're going to start a business or expand the one you've got now. It doesn't really matter what you do or what you're going to do. I'll partner with you no matter what business you're in – as long as it's legal. But I can't give you any capital – you have to come up with that on your own. I won't give you any labor – that's definitely up to you. What I will do, however, is demand you follow all sorts of rules about what products and services you can offer, how much (and how often) you pay your employees, and where and when you're allowed to operate your business. That's my role in the affair: to tell you what to do.

Now in return for my rules, I'm going to take roughly half of whatever you make in the business, each year. Half seems fair, doesn't it? I think so. Of course, that's half of your profits. You're also going to have to pay me about 12% of whatever you decide to pay your employees because you've got to cover my expenses for promulgating all of the rules about who you can employ, when, where, and how. Come on, you're my partner. It's only "fair."

Now... after you've put your hard-earned savings at risk to start this business and after you've worked hard at it for a few decades (paying me my 50% or a bit more along the way each year), you might decide you'd like to cash out – to finally live the good life.

Whether or not this is "fair" – some people never can afford to retire – is a different argument. As your partner, I'm happy for you to sell out whenever you'd like, because our agreement says, if you sell, you have to pay me an additional 20% of whatever the capitalized value of the business is at that time.

I know... I know... you put up all the original capital. You took all the risks. You put in all of the labor. That's all true. But I've done my part, too. I've collected 50% of the profits each year. And I've always come up with more rules for you to follow each year. Therefore, I deserve another, final 20% slice of the business. Oh... and one more thing…

Even after you've sold the business and paid all of my fees... I'd recommend buying lots of life insurance. You see, even after you've been retired for years, when you die, you'll have to pay me 50% of whatever your estate is worth. After all, I've got lots of partners and not all of them are as successful as you and your family. We don't think it's "fair" for your kids to have such a big advantage. But if you buy enough life insurance, you can finance this expense for your children. All in all, if you're a very successful entrepreneur... if you're one of the rare, lucky, and hard-working people who can create a new company, employ lots of people, and satisfy the public... you'll end up paying me more than 75% of your income over your life. Thanks so much. I'm sure you'll think my offer is reasonable and happily partner with me... but it doesn't really matter how you feel about it because if you ever try to stiff me – or cheat me on any of my fees or rules – I'll break down your door in the middle of the night, threaten you and your family with heavy, automatic weapons, and throw you in jail. That's how civil society is supposed to work, right?
They were all once small business until monopoly..they didn't build that..we did.

Over a 100 years ago. The party system wasn't even the same as it is now 1
25 years ago. It was so even different another 20 years prior so that doesn't even apply. Regardless they are big business. You can't run a small business with out them. They are a major fixture in today's society. So my statement still stands. You can argue semantics all you want. But it still won't apply.
Obama did not kill Bin Laden. For starts it was his predecessor, Bush, and years of intelligence work by a female investigator under Bush that lead to his specific residence. Robert O'Neill, a Navy Seal, killed Laden.

Seymour Hersch argues that bin Ladin was killed by the paki's. Has written a pretty undeniable narrative that puts Bin Ladin as Pakistans prisoner this whole time and they waited until it was politically beneficial to send a walk in to the CIA annex with the info on where the "messenger" goes.. And then seal team talks a lot shows up and boom....

Pakistan has been one of the MANY hidden hands at play here. Everyone wants to scream about 9/11 conpiracies but no one wants to actually dig into Saudi and paki 9/11 issues.. Thems dudes did it..

IMO Pakistan feels very vulnerable and are playing with the strings behind the scenes to try and keep ahead of India. Because this they knew the value of bin Ladin and having america keep their neighboring countries at war..

And to keep on topic... Bernie can suck it lol..