EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

That's hilarious considering the last republican president turned a projected $5.6 trillion surplus into a $3 trillion deficit and created the situation that led to the increased strength and territory grab by ISIS

A completely republican controlled government would be an epic disaster

-defunding the largest reproductive health clinic in the country
-dismantling the social safety net programs that keep millions barely afloat
-defunding science and education nationwide
-increased spending in offensive foreign wars and military
-increased spending in the war on drugs
-increased spending in the private prison industry
-defunding NASA
-tax cuts for the upper class
-tax cuts for corporations
-increased subsidies for the fossil fuel industry
-corporate conservatives appointed to the SC
-increased fundamentalism in government
-increased enhanced interrogation techniques and abandonment of ethics
-increased NSA spying and increased "cybersecurity"
-decreased regulation of the financial sector
-increased abstinence-only sex education policy
-intelligent design in public schools

Just off the top of my head..

Though according to most national polls, republicans don't stand a chance this election and they have a decent chance of losing the senate in 2016 too
5.6 trillion surplus?

Eh hmm...


Jan. 31, 2001 - before Bush fucked anything up, right after Clinton left office, that was the CBO's estimate
Of the total projected surplus of $5.610 trillion, $2.488 trillion would come from the Social Security system, the budget office said, and by agreement of the two parties will be off limits for tax cuts or additional spending. The remainder, $3.122 trillion over the next 10 years, is up for grabs as Congress awaits the administration's budget proposal and begins developing tax and spending plans of its own.

Theoretical numbers based on bad policy and easy money.
Anytime some right wing Ditto head stays spewing about democratic tax n spend, you should beat them over the head with that article.

Shrubbery '43 really fucked this country up, and no one has been able or willing to fix it since.

Wrong, but that never stopped you from saying so.

At least Bush left Iraq in a peaceful, thriving stable place until Obama fucked up several agreements and let ISIS take over. Obama undid all the good that Bush bestowed upon him. Read one of the last chapters in Charles Krauthammer's book, "Things That Matter'. He articulates the whole Iraq story from the invasion, the Bush stabilized country, the decimation of Al Queda using intelligence, force, and friendly Iraqi citizens who turned in terrorists to the authorities..... to how Obama came along after Bush and fucked up everything. Rest is history.......

Of the total projected surplus of $5.610 trillion, $2.488 trillion would come from the Social Security system, the budget office said, and by agreement of the two parties will be off limits for tax cuts or additional spending. The remainder, $3.122 trillion over the next 10 years, is up for grabs as Congress awaits the administration's budget proposal and begins developing tax and spending plans of its own.

Theoretical numbers based on bad policy and easy money.

Our debt went down. So much for theoretical, short stuff.
It's because of the stance most of the republican candidates have on key issues...SS, womens rights, EPA ect......I shudder at the thought of a republican president, it would set the country back 50 years....

I shutter at the thought of a pre programed with directions to follow President, weather they are Republican or Democrat.

I`m thrilled when a new guy enters the scene and could care less about all those Democrat and Republicans, ...Could care less how he conveys their message, .. could care less that the world thinks of us, and first and foremost, takes care of our own first.

The Media could label them Pro-Glide transmission with Trans brake, and it wont mean a thing.
Just read Bernies tweets. You'll get a good laugh. He's clueless when it comes to economics. If he becomes president we'll be living in a third world country real quick. He doesn't even have a chance in getting the nomination anyway.

Democrats are about big government (socialism) and small business.

Republicans are about big business and small government (states rights).

You can't have small business without big business. Once you realize this you will become republican.
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Uncle Ben, Iraq was never stabilized under numbnuts it was never remotely close to a " peaceful and thriving, stable place " it was chaotic .. Most of the country had no electricity and women were being raped like it was a sport.
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