Looking to buy marshydro LEDs ?help

The marshydro stuff works just fine,the cost doesn't hurt, heat is not a big deal and my plants love it. No street lights in my home,those were the bygone days. If anyone wants to try the marshydro lights I say go for it and keep the street lights were they belong" outside on the pole". P.s. Have you looked at my avatar???

ill advised ignorance. you are plain clueless about LED. youve shown you have no idea and you give out advice.
Thats a jack ass move.
With that being said I'm sticking with my led grow lights and you keep growing with (street lights) who GAF! Do what works for you and I'll the same, if we wanted every suggestion to be led sucks go HID we probably would be in another room( maybe) the HID room ya think.

that is a fucking nit wit interpretation of what has been discussed. dude you deserve to be in the dark,youve been willfully ignorant throughout.
the message here is that the piece of shit lights you asked about are not even a little better than hid.
EVERYONE here uses led. you dont appreciate the fact that youve been told mars sucks.
spark up more of that mind numbing shit and lay some more of your ridiculous bullshit on us.
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I just want other Mars Hydro users to know: it's people like @daillman who are creating what appears to be hate and schism.

There's really nothing wrong with dropping $100 on 200w of lighting. People have jobs, they google, they don't have time to study the nuances of T5HO and CMH. I know, I was there. You'll grow bud and feel the joy of smoking bud you grew. Things like w/sq ft or density of the nuggets won't matter to you. It shouldn't!

That's what I feel bad about. You guys shouldn't be in a position to defend your first grow, or the pragmatisim which naturally occurs when starting to grow. It's @daillman 's promoting ignorance (not merely pragmatism) which causes us to respond more than we would with most people, giving the impression that we're hoity toity snobs, looking down upon you guys. You can thank him for that. The only person who deliberately wants people to not weigh the actual data, but operate with subjectivity ("look at the videos," "nothing matters but my choice... and people should make the same choice.").

I feel bad about it because growing should be fun, not this kind of religious-like opposition to objectivity (leading others to subjective purchase decisions).

I'm going to start a Mars-Hydro Buying Guide thread in a little while. I hope it can be the definitive statement on this topic so we can stop what seems like unnecessary heat and bad vibes. (Maybe it can go into the recently proposed sticky of stickies.).
It's Marshydro until my bud won't grow!!! Lol while you're at it start a new website for hatters and moderate it you're obviously well versed in that as well.
It's Marshydro until my bud won't grow!!! Lol while you're at it start a new website for hatters and moderate it you're obviously well versed in that as well.
omg your gonna keep going?
Mars sucks i owned them and they are garbage and i own better lighting now
until you can step out of your bubble you have no right thinking your shit dont stink
you made a bad investment get over it but dont encourage others to waste money
You keep saying marshydro sucks,well I wish like hell you pass that information on to my plants cause they seem to love it, and until they stop you can kill that NOISE!
You keep saying marshydro sucks,well I wish like hell you pass that information on to my plants cause they seem to love it, and until they stop you can kill that NOISE!

You are clueless I smashed a Mars 900 they don't honor their warranty. I had 2 panels go out on me
@daillman you should check out realstyles old grows with the mars he was brave enough to show how much a dissappointment they actually are and then you how happy he is now because he stopped and listened for a minute
and now he has something hes very proud of
I am french and I don't have anything to sell...When I came here first I was planning on buying a mars...!
Hopefully I won't...smart peoples here showed me the good way of efficiency!
I grow since 1997 out and since 2000 indoor...so I know hid pretty well...I had cfl, t5 and 3w full spectrum epishit...I tryed cob and now it is the only thing I want for grow!
Like I already said it is night and day!
But I guess, even if it is not my first language, I understood that cob are (cxb 3590 cd @1400mA) 56% efficient and the best hid 38%...and mars 26%...so when you are logical the choice is easy to do...
I am so impressed by it that I want all the other growers to fell the same...!
I know it could be different for some of you guys but I kind of fell like we are all a big mj family and we have duty to inform the others of the best things available to increase yield and quality!
Maybe I am a bit utopia (??) But it is the way I feel things!
Atm cob are the better grow lights available on the market and I prefer to invest in a product I am going to keep at least 10 years...50000h (@ nominal current and we are under so maybe more! ) and who is able to pull 1.5gpw...not 0.5gpw...I do 0.7/0.8 with hps!
And monos are not so good for your eyes...you need glasses!
You keep saying marshydro sucks,well I wish like hell you pass that information on to my plants cause they seem to love it,

You've already admitted that you'd say that using 150w/sq ft of incandescent. All that matters to you is that your plants like it. You're impervious to the objective information. ("Look at videos -- but ignore the w/sq ft").

We already understand. You don't care, you're in love with MarsHydro. Some people want to make decisions based upon more objective critieria. Even if they still chose MarsHydro (especially the closeout models which seem to be selling on eBay) they won't lose a lot of money. At least they'll know what they're getting into (not the mish-mash of 37w/sq ft, then 67.).

Why don't you want people to consider that information?
For sure cost same. But 400W HPS,MH, Vero or CXB will double up your income of weed in contrast to mars. If you are a beginner, for sure you are happy with Mars lights, because you did not know better. Or you did not know what is possible or better say "normal"
I'm reading back through this. Did you miss something? I never recommended mars. I actually have stated they suck.

I was making a point that drawing 400 watts from the wall will cost the same on electric no matter the source. The savings with led is the heat with higher end units. As far as mars, my t5 will out grow it.
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