What God should I pray to for a better harvest?

for a religious individual you sure do cuss a lot...
You my friend are a mental midget & I have already taken up entirely too much of everyone's (including my own) time trying to enlighten you!
I will say this for the last time... Believe in whatever you want to believe in!!!
Just do it honestly & with entegrity!!
And stop telling others what they should do as if you are The reincarnation of Mithra!!
It makes you look like a douche!

Good luck in personal journey, as I fear that you are going to need it!!

Don't worry, dude, one day you might get it.

Also seemed weird that "god" would create heaven and earth in "days" when days are prefaced solely upon speed of the earth rotating...
Which was first?
How long was a day before he made the heavens and earth??
just sayin...
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To create the best indoor environment one must always carefully contemplate the power of resistance; repeat the mantra...
How did people live to be hundreds and hundreds of years old back in the biblical days? Just a matter of not getting it right with language/interpretation issues?

I could just Google it, I suppose .


god isnt CREATOR....its the CREATIVE aspect of consciousness,manifesting and playing with this light show of duality,matter{energy} time and space just for the fun of it!

so there has never been a CREATION.just shiva{primordial consciousness} having a blast dreaming up all kinds of dimensions and realities!,enjoy the play!