What God should I pray to for a better harvest?

He's not!
It's the idiots that misinterpret the Koran for their own gain that are!
The Koran attempts to teach the same peace and forgiveness the Bible does,,,Just in a different way......Read it and see for your self.

By the way,,,,,Islam and Christians.......Pray to the same "god".......So do the Jews.

Is this supposed to be satire?
I would like to take a moment & apologize to all of the other posters for my part in the hijacking of this forum, it wasn't my intention, but after a certain individual posted rude & condescending statements to Dr. Who & then to me I felt obligated to respond.... My apologies!!
I would like to take a moment & apologize to all of the other posters for my part in the hijacking of this forum, it wasn't my intention, but after a certain individual posted rude & condescending statements to Dr. Who & then to me I felt obligated to respond.... My apologies!!

islamic extremists just pick out the bits they can twist into something that fits their ideas.

Sounds like "standup mike night" to me my Lord :lol:

Mohammad preached deception and murder. He often baited his enemies with promises of peace, and when they laid down their arms, his men would ambush and slaughter them. Do tell us where Christ suggested something similar. I'll post my sources after I drop this battery off right quick.

I'm pretty sure my source is Ibn Ishaq. The Koran preaches Taqiyya. If you're not familiar with Taqiyya then you know nothing regarding the true nature of Islam.
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80% of what you said is total BS!
You have neither the intellect nor the Authority to interject your opinions as to what your God did or did not mean! But if you are willing to make ASSinine ASSumptions about the bible then at least make the one that makes the most sense!!
The bible goes to great links to tell us who God created & who their children were & their children & their children & their children & on & on & on, so it only makes sense that the bible would have mentioned if God would have created any other people!!
Adam was Cain's father according to what the bible actually says, but once again you try to spin it to fit your world view like so many before you! The bible says Adam knew eve his wife & they had a child, it does NOT say that Satan & eve had a child!!
Any quote from the bible that you choose to interject to support your silly arguement will require the person who reads it to agree with your ASSumption because the bible is littered with contradictions which is why we have sooooo many different religions floating around!
I'll give you one for free baby bird....
John 3:12 says, "Not as CAIN, WHO WAS OF THAT WICKED ONE, and slew his brother. You can make an ASSumption here that the "wicked one" is Satan & therefore Satan is Cains father", but then that would CONTRADICT when the bible ACTUALLY says that Adam was his father, as I already stated above!!
Soooo, do you want to admit that Adam was his father & lose the original arguement, or would you rather stick to your guns about it & therefore have to admit that the bible contradicts itself & you, just like so so many others are willing to make asinine assumptions & fill in the blanks to fit your own narrative????
Believe whatever you want to believe!!
Believe that God made living things before he made the sun, believe that the sun rotates around the earth (God says he stopped the sun, he did not say that he stopped the earth), hell believe in the easter bunny if you like, but do so with integrity & stop spinning things to fit your agenda!
You are more than welcome to post your opinions, BUT neither Dr. Who nor myself asked you for your advice!!

There's a difference lil feller!

1)God admits to making mistakes whether you like it or not!
2) God admits to repenting whether you like it or not!
3)God tolerated slave ownership whether you like it or not!
4)God tolerated the seduction/rape of virgins whether you like it or not!

God told man what he must do if he injures a slave or if he seduces/rapes a virgin, he should have simply added 2 more commandments!!
1) Thou shalt not enslave another human
2) Thou shalt not seduce or rape virgins

Good day sir!
I said Good Day!!

OK let's just focus on this one subject, since you can't seem to get any of them right. Please do yourself a favor and study BOTH SIDES of an argument before just blindly following whatever sounds better to your carnal mind.

Now Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and bore Cain, and said, “I have acquired a man from the Lord.” Then she bore again, this time his brother Abel. Now Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.

Doesn't say she bore adam's son, you are just inferring...most of the time this would be right to infer. However,

This is the book of the genealogy of Adam. In the day that God created man, He made him in the likeness of God. He created them male and female, and blessed them and called them Mankind in the day they were created. And Adam lived one hundred and thirty years, and begot a son in his own likeness, after his image, and named him Seth. After he begot Seth, the days of Adam were eight hundred years; and he had sons and daughters. So all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years; and he died.

I don't see cain here? Why isn't he in the genealogy? I understand abel was killed and therefore did not continue the family line, but why would cain be missing? BECAUSE HE WAS OF THE EVIL ONE. damn...just accept the truth.

The bible didn't list cain in this genealogy, which also proves that there could be and were people outside of the genealogy you claim that includes all people. The beginning of genesis says god created mankind, then it goes into detail about the chosen family. How is that so fucking hard to understand?

Where are my assumptions? Are you smoking crystal meth? Why are you so damn angry?

I only started saying anything, because you started saying a bunch of bullshit about the word of god. I'm sorry that you don't quite get it and have to keep going back to: "WELL GOD SHOULDA DONE THIS!!!" and "GOD'S A MEANIE!!!"

This all started because I said that the god of the bible is not the same as the god of the koran. I think we have that pretty well established now ;)
for a religious individual you sure do cuss a lot...
You my friend are a mental midget & I have already taken up entirely too much of everyone's (including my own) time trying to enlighten you!
I will say this for the last time... Believe in whatever you want to believe in!!!
Just do it honestly & with entegrity!!
And stop telling others what they should do as if you are The reincarnation of Mithra!!
It makes you look like a douche!

Good luck in personal journey, as I fear that you are going to need it!!