What God should I pray to for a better harvest?

Ok, lil feller, I'll play along with you...
Here's some information for you regarding the bible that you suggest that I study!
Bible contradictions & total BS:
1) Genesis ch 1:25 says that god created animals FIRST but
Genesis ch 2:18 says God created man FIRST...
2) When God banished Cain to Nod (land East of Eden) for killing Able, Cain met a woman & he married her & they had many children. Who was this Mystery woman & where did she come from? There is NO mention in the Bible of God creating more than one pair of Adam & Eves, so I guess she was an ALIEN...
3) Why did God need to rest on the Sabbath?? He is GOD!!
4) Why doesn't God know how many feet or legs an insect has? He tells us in
Leviticus ch 11:20-23 that insects have 4 feet & 4 legs, but I'm pretty certain that they have 6 feet & 6 legs.
5) If the word of god was soooo important then why didn't he do a better job of providing it for us. After he rested on the sabbath from creating the heavens, earth, light, man, beast, etc., he should have created the bible instead of letting Constantine & his cronies Cherry pick which books would go into the original Bible & which ones weren't politically correct.( Yep, there were politics screwing sheut up even back then)
6) Why does God tell us in Genesis ch 1:29 that it's ok to eat from ALL of the plants & trees bearing fruit upon all of the earth?
Hemlock, Buckeye pods, oleander, & many others are poisonous, & yet God either didn't know this or he suffered from a serious case of Alzheimers....
7) I want you to research Mithra (I'm being serious!) and then explain to me how it is possible that you accept Jesus Christ (real name Yeoshua ben Yoseph) as the son of god, when Mithra predates Jesus by hundreds of years.
The story of Jesus was obviously plagiarized from Mithra since it is almost exactly the same story!!
If I wrote a book today & had it published & then you came along years later with a book that resembles my book to the degree that the story of Jesus resembles the story of Mithra everyone would realize that your book was plagiarized but some how christians are willing to overlook this truth when it come to Jesus.... Very interesting!

Here, let me help in another way.

Mithra & Jesus were both:

1) Called The Truth, The Light, The way,
2) Born Dec 25th
3) visited by 3 wisemen
4) died on a cross
5) had 12 disciples
6) had a last supper
7) laid in a rock tomb after death
8) ascended into heaven
9) born of a virgin
10) reborn 3 days after their death
11) intermediaries between God & man
12) Healers
Etc etc etc.

BTW- I'm 46yrs old "Dude" & I probably read the bible from cover to cover more times than you by the time that I was 17 yrs old. I used to be one of the sheep being herded by the wolves!!
Oh, and regarding the 2nd set of Ten Commandments that you admit to knowing nothing about I suggest that you google it- google is your friend since you obviously haven't read your bible in awhile 7 probably can't find it!!

Jesus was not born december 25 - easily verifiable fact that there were sheep herders in the field. There are no sheep herders in the field during december.
He was visited by wise men, with 3 gifts listed. Never says the amount of wise men, but we know more than 1. Also, he could have been up to 2 years old by that time.
The rest looks pretty good.

The story in genesis is about the chosen family. Never does it say that adam and his family were the only ones on the earth. It says he created man on the 6th day, but the story switches to adam and his family the next chapter. The story all points to Jesus, hence the necessity to describe how he came to be.

Genesis 2:18 is specifically talking about one man - adam. The helper he created was eve. I'm not sure what the fuck you're talking about with animals.

God rested on the sabbath to demonstrate the plan of salvation. 6 days man will work to try to create peace without god, during the seventh day god will give man a time of rest without sin (study the 1,000 year reign).

The second set of commandments is not true - if you read he says: And the Lord said to Moses, “Cut two tablets of stone like the first ones, and I will write on these tablets the words that were on the first tablets which you broke." So he wrote different words? Or did he write the same thing and then tell moses something else?

Google is not the end-all know-all for all knowledge. There is so much misinformation on the word of god you'll never be able to sift it out by "googling" it.

I don't care how many times you read the bible or how old you are, but you seem a little biblically illiterate to me.
Yes, I am obviously "biblically illiterate', but I am NOT "Biblically illiterate"...
You are correct in that Yeoshua ben Yoseph was not born on Dec 25th which just helps prove my point!
They took all of the attributes and information from the story of Mithra & gave them to your Jesus...
The bible goes to great lengths to tell us who god created & who begot who, I can list them for you if you like, but it will take me quite awhile because there are a lot of people listed, but yet god did not feel compelled to tell us about who Cain married or where she came from? Ha!
Read Genesis AGAIN then, and maybe you WILL know what the Fuck I'm talking about baby bird!!
Your god admits to making mistakes & to repenting! He also admits to helping a certain individual in a particular battle & yet that individual still LOST!! what kind of god makes mistakes? what kind of god needs to repent? what kind of god can't win a battle against mere mortals??

BTW- Santa isn't real either, and neither is the tooth fairy!!

Merry Christmas
Oh & just so we're clear....You do not deny however that you worship a god that was in favor of Slavery, seduction/rape of virgins, and who ordered Joshua to kill INNOCENT children, women & even harmless animals?

You conveniently chose not to answer this question before so I decided to ask you again!!
Yes, I am obviously "biblically illiterate', but I am NOT "Biblically illiterate"...
You are correct in that Yeoshua ben Yoseph was not born on Dec 25th which just helps prove my point!
They took all of the attributes and information from the story of Mithra & gave them to your Jesus...
The bible goes to great lengths to tell us who god created & who begot who, I can list them for you if you like, but it will take me quite awhile because there are a lot of people listed, but yet god did not feel compelled to tell us about who Cain married or where she came from? Ha!
Read Genesis AGAIN then, and maybe you WILL know what the Fuck I'm talking about baby bird!!
Your god admits to making mistakes & to repenting! He also admits to helping a certain individual in a particular battle & yet that individual still LOST!! what kind of god makes mistakes? what kind of god needs to repent? what kind of god can't win a battle against mere mortals??

BTW- Santa isn't real either, and neither is the tooth fairy!!

Merry Christmas
So because the world's religions (particularly the catholic religion under the power of emporer/pope constantine) decided to take all these stories from pagan religions and add them to "christianity". So tell me how the bible stole that? Emperor Constantine used all the false religions and false religious rituals and labeled them christian, securing the support of all of the pagan sun worshipers (hence SUNday worship, the venerable day of the sun) and all the newly converted "christians" following a fake jesus full of hippy loving-kindness. God always said, "do not worship me in the way the pagans worship their own god." So don't change saturnalia to christmas. Not sure how much you know about the subject, dirty birdy.

Sometimes in stories there are details that are inferred that don't need to be stated clearly because they are inferred clearly. Obviously there were more families on the earth after god created man, the genealogy in genesis follow the family of the first Adam, and again the Second Adam in the gospels. Cain was kicked out of the family, but you'll notice his dad is not listed as god - inferring he was fathered by satan and therefore not needed in genealogy since it is following the family of god. Eve was seduced by satan (she slept with him) and also adam so she had twins by two different dads. It happens: http://www.cnn.com/2015/05/08/us/new-jersey-twins-two-fathers/

God never makes mistakes, he changes his mind when people repent or decide to go against his will much like your dad would if you told him to fuck off when he was trying to prepare you a gift. That's what we were created for, to worship and love he who created us on our own free will.

God never says he was in favor of slavery or rape, but rather made laws because he knew the hearts of man. Just like government makes laws today for the same reason.

Wiping out whole nations? Sometimes that's the only way, but no one is going to do anything like that today until russia obliterates the middle east.
So because the world's religions (particularly the catholic religion under the power of emporer/pope constantine) decided to take all these stories from pagan religions and add them to "christianity". So tell me how the bible stole that? Emperor Constantine used all the false religions and false religious rituals and labeled them christian, securing the support of all of the pagan sun worshipers (hence SUNday worship, the venerable day of the sun) and all the newly converted "christians" following a fake jesus full of hippy loving-kindness. God always said, "do not worship me in the way the pagans worship their own god." So don't change saturnalia to christmas. Not sure how much you know about the subject, dirty birdy.

Sometimes in stories there are details that are inferred that don't need to be stated clearly because they are inferred clearly. Obviously there were more families on the earth after god created man, the genealogy in genesis follow the family of the first Adam, and again the Second Adam in the gospels. Cain was kicked out of the family, but you'll notice his dad is not listed as god - inferring he was fathered by satan and therefore not needed in genealogy since it is following the family of god. Eve was seduced by satan (she slept with him) and also adam so she had twins by two different dads. It happens: http://www.cnn.com/2015/05/08/us/new-jersey-twins-two-fathers/

God never makes mistakes, he changes his mind when people repent or decide to go against his will much like your dad would if you told him to fuck off when he was trying to prepare you a gift. That's what we were created for, to worship and love he who created us on our own free will.

God never says he was in favor of slavery or rape, but rather made laws because he knew the hearts of man. Just like government makes laws today for the same reason.

Wiping out whole nations? Sometimes that's the only way, but no one is going to do anything like that today until russia obliterates the middle east.

That's heavy.... :eyesmoke:
Oh, I didn't answer the question before because you list 1000 things to answer and i missed one. sorry about that, dude.

ps. Thanks for the capitalization etiquette lesson, too!
GOD SMOD I & I prey to The Lord God HAILE I SELASSIE jah rastafarI & I & I & I
, Just ad another I for each seed/cutting and/or plant, and a follier feed of trace of macro/micro nutrients (worm cast liguid, liquid seaweed and/or guano) allways seems to work for I & I
GOD SMOD I & I prey to The Lord God HAILE I SELASSIE jah rastafarI & I & I & I
, Just ad another I for each seed/cutting and/or plant, and a follier feed of trace of macro/micro nutrients (worm cast liguid, liquid seaweed and/or guano) allways seems to work for I & I

Third person with an ampersand is just confusing. o_O
Oh & just so we're clear....You do not deny however that you worship a god that was in favor of Slavery, seduction/rape of virgins, and who ordered Joshua to kill INNOCENT children, women & even harmless animals?

You conveniently chose not to answer this question before so I decided to ask you again!!
IDK...I really don't get into talks like this , makes for bad blood , but to preach about a " compassionate God" when you can look around you and see horrific suffering by little children and babies who aren't old enough to know evil or sin , good or bad...complete innocent's.... how is that being compassionate ?
So because the world's religions (particularly the catholic religion under the power of emporer/pope constantine) decided to take all these stories from pagan religions and add them to "christianity". So tell me how the bible stole that? Emperor Constantine used all the false religions and false religious rituals and labeled them christian, securing the support of all of the pagan sun worshipers (hence SUNday worship, the venerable day of the sun) and all the newly converted "christians" following a fake jesus full of hippy loving-kindness. God always said, "do not worship me in the way the pagans worship their own god." So don't change saturnalia to christmas. Not sure how much you know about the subject, dirty birdy.

Sometimes in stories there are details that are inferred that don't need to be stated clearly because they are inferred clearly. Obviously there were more families on the earth after god created man, the genealogy in genesis follow the family of the first Adam, and again the Second Adam in the gospels. Cain was kicked out of the family, but you'll notice his dad is not listed as god - inferring he was fathered by satan and therefore not needed in genealogy since it is following the family of god. Eve was seduced by satan (she slept with him) and also adam so she had twins by two different dads. It happens: http://www.cnn.com/2015/05/08/us/new-jersey-twins-two-fathers/

God never makes mistakes, he changes his mind when people repent or decide to go against his will much like your dad would if you told him to fuck off when he was trying to prepare you a gift. That's what we were created for, to worship and love he who created us on our own free will.

God never says he was in favor of slavery or rape, but rather made laws because he knew the hearts of man. Just like government makes laws today for the same reason.

Wiping out whole nations? Sometimes that's the only way, but no one is going to do anything like that today until russia obliterates the middle east.
80% of what you said is total BS!
You have neither the intellect nor the Authority to interject your opinions as to what your God did or did not mean! But if you are willing to make ASSinine ASSumptions about the bible then at least make the one that makes the most sense!!
The bible goes to great links to tell us who God created & who their children were & their children & their children & their children & on & on & on, so it only makes sense that the bible would have mentioned if God would have created any other people!!
Adam was Cain's father according to what the bible actually says, but once again you try to spin it to fit your world view like so many before you! The bible says Adam knew eve his wife & they had a child, it does NOT say that Satan & eve had a child!!
Any quote from the bible that you choose to interject to support your silly arguement will require the person who reads it to agree with your ASSumption because the bible is littered with contradictions which is why we have sooooo many different religions floating around!
I'll give you one for free baby bird....
John 3:12 says, "Not as CAIN, WHO WAS OF THAT WICKED ONE, and slew his brother. You can make an ASSumption here that the "wicked one" is Satan & therefore Satan is Cains father", but then that would CONTRADICT when the bible ACTUALLY says that Adam was his father, as I already stated above!!
Soooo, do you want to admit that Adam was his father & lose the original arguement, or would you rather stick to your guns about it & therefore have to admit that the bible contradicts itself & you, just like so so many others are willing to make asinine assumptions & fill in the blanks to fit your own narrative????
Believe whatever you want to believe!!
Believe that God made living things before he made the sun, believe that the sun rotates around the earth (God says he stopped the sun, he did not say that he stopped the earth), hell believe in the easter bunny if you like, but do so with integrity & stop spinning things to fit your agenda!
You are more than welcome to post your opinions, BUT neither Dr. Who nor myself asked you for your advice!!

There's a difference lil feller!

1)God admits to making mistakes whether you like it or not!
2) God admits to repenting whether you like it or not!
3)God tolerated slave ownership whether you like it or not!
4)God tolerated the seduction/rape of virgins whether you like it or not!

God told man what he must do if he injures a slave or if he seduces/rapes a virgin, he should have simply added 2 more commandments!!
1) Thou shalt not enslave another human
2) Thou shalt not seduce or rape virgins

Good day sir!
I said Good Day!!