Standing O..Bernie Sanders!

what? I can't understand your post. check it, and then try again.
Well given your understanding of the english language seems tenuous at best i suppose its to be expected a few typos would throw you....if its the context ?...well i know your not a fan...but college?

hell, in the movie Demolition Man it says that Schwarzenegger was a fantastic president. You want to vote for him to?

Wait.....dear god dont answer that....
how many personal bankruptcies has Trump filed for? ZERO
Your right....he just lost his investors billions....and was even classy enough to mock those investors that believed in him in last nights debate....and hhmmmm...who would be the "investers" in the scenario where hes president i wonder?.....hmmmmmm

Cause clearly these buisness tactics make him, as you've said, qualified to be president and be responsible for the people of this country. With a deep sense of responsability like that were obviously set! (asshat cough cough)
Well given your understanding of the english language seems tenuous at best i suppose its to be expected a few typos would throw you....if its the context ?...well i know your not a fan...but college?

hell, in the movie Demolition Man it says that Schwarzenegger was a fantastic president. You want to vote for him to?

Wait.....dear god dont answer that....

He made a terrible governor. Why would I ever vote for him to be president? He's an idiot
Your right....he just lost his investors billions....and was even classy enough to mock those investors that believed in him in last nights debate....and hhmmmm...who would be the "investers" in the scenario where hes president i wonder?.....hmmmmmm
china? The country is set up to go bankrupt after Obama leaves office, no matter who the next president is. The only hope is to reverse course. No country on earth can sustain 19 trillion in debt and growing. I'd rather have a business man running our country than a community organizer from Chicago
oh, so his multiple bankruptcies have come in the business world, not his personal life, thereby making him a great business man.

got it.
Great business men know when to pull out of a bad deal. And you know it when people give him credit afterwards. Nothing in this life is a 100% guarentee. Especially if we were to go with Bernie Sanders. You could tax the fuck out of rich people 100%. You could cut the military budget 100%. It still won't pay for Bernie's plan. Retards don't know how to budget. Especially socialist retards spending other people's money
Great business men know when to pull out of a bad deal. And you know it when people give him credit afterwards. Nothing in this life is a 100% guarentee. Especially if we were to go with Bernie Sanders. You could tax the fuck out of rich people 100%. You could cut the military budget 100%. It still won't pay for Bernie's plan. Retards don't know how to budget. Especially socialist retards spending other people's money

could you explain why only 20% of businesses with net assets over 1 billion file Chapter 11?

and you call him a great business man?
china? The country is set up to go bankrupt after Obama leaves office, no matter who the next president is. The only hope is to reverse course. No country on earth can sustain 19 trillion in debt and growing. I'd rather have a business man running our country than a community organizer from Chicago

let me guess how you'd solve it: cut taxes on the rich, they'll spend more, and it will trickle down to the rest of us?
or, ya know, not to make bad deal after bad deal after bad deal after bad deal after bad deal after bad deal.
Two of those bankruptcies were due in large part to the 08 -09' recession which was out of his control. If big money investors were always guaranteed a return, then everybody would invest. Hell, I'd be buying the shit out of our stock market every day if that were the case. But it's not. "The bigger the risk, the larger the reward" Something socialism will never teach you.
Two of those bankruptcies were due in large part to the 08 -09' recession which was out of his control. If big money investors were always guaranteed a return, then everybody would invest. Hell, I'd be buying the shit out of our stock market every day if that were the case. But it's not. "The bigger the risk, the larger the reward" Something socialism will never teach you.
no one in my wife's large, liberal jewish family went bankrupt during the recession. so maybe they should be president instead, based on their superior business experience and acumen.
no one in my wife's large, liberal jewish family went bankrupt during the recession. so maybe they should be president instead, based on their superior business experience and acumen.
Every American has the right to run for president at some point in their lives. If politics is something they are passionate about, and want to run for president, then sure. Go for it.

Trump is a real estate mogul. The sub prime mortgage crisis hit Trump's business and other real estate investors far harder than any other sector of the economy. I'm glad your step family made it out clean, but others were not so lucky.
Every American has the right to run for president at some point in their lives. If politics is something they are passionate about, and want to run for president, then sure. Go for it.

Trump is a real estate mogul. The sub prime mortgage crisis hit Trump's business and other real estate investors far harder than any other sector of the economy. I'm glad your step family made it out clean, but others were not so lucky.

many in my family own nothing but real estate, and none of them had to file for bankruptcy. LOL!

keep spaming hard, loser.

wanna wager $10,000 that trump loses?
let me guess how you'd solve it: cut taxes on the rich, they'll spend more, and it will trickle down to the rest of us?

No. we don't need to cut social welfare programs to pay for Trump's plan. All of that will stay in place for legal citizens. He just wants to create opportunity for growth, and open job's for people who want them.
Every American has the right to run for president at some point in their lives. If politics is something they are passionate about, and want to run.
notice how you keep falling back on stances like "peoples rights"in these situations? No shit he has the right. that's not what we're talking about.we're discussing the merits of whether he would make a qualified president or not. this is not unlike when in 4th Grade you were studying long division and they made you show your work.

you yourself have the right to vote for trump, no one here is arguing that fact. however if you are going to say it's an intelligent decision we should follow, you will need to show your explanation as to why. if you don't have one based in verifiable fact and not just conjecture then simply stop talking about it.

Cause truly it means you have nothing to say but " Trump = win..because he is rich!"