Ben Carson..You are no Barack Obama

His book is the citation. Through the eyes of a 16 year old child, a full scholarship is exactly what he believed was offered to him. If you were a sharp gal, you would realize that your argument would be stronger if you knew that West Point does not offer FULL scholarships. But I guess MSNBC hasn't picked up on that yet, so you wouldn't know either.
I'm genuinely amazed at your ability to type AND juggle carson's nuts at the same time.
why do you keep defending the most indefensible lies from a guy who wants to "intensify the drug war" on a pot growing website
I don't see them as lies. I see it as a story told through the life experience of a sixteen year old, who believed all of it to be true. I defend people on the right against media hit pieces. You already know who I want to be president, so stop making it look like this is anything more than that.
you have a meltdown, get banned, and come back as another racist sock puppet, who i then call out again, and the process repeats?

take your white supremacist, jew hating bullshit over to stormfront you sick spamming hateful fuck.
Wow, wrong again racist breath. Never been banned, have always been Bravedave and only Bravedave. Do you need a cloth to wipe the spittle off your screen. You are some kind of spaz
"America's campuses, particularly those in California, spend tens of millions of dollars on administrators and programs to combat issues like sexism, homophobia, and racism on campus. But are these problems in any way prevalent at our universities?"

the answer they give is no. the KKK agrees. and so do you.

hence you share ideology with the KKK on this one, and many other issues.

why are you spamming us with right wing, white supremacist bullshit?

reported as spam.

try stormfront instead, bravedave. pragerU goes over very well over there apparently.

Explaining Jews by Dennis Prager
"Bear in mind this description of liberal Jews as self-absorbed, paranoid, malicious, psychopathic, anti-Christian and un-American..."

"Prevalent" being the key word and "No" IS the answer. You being someone who sees racists around every corner and invents racists even more often is exactly the kind of fraud they are looking to expose.
"Prevalent" being the key word and "No" IS the answer. You being someone who sees racists around every corner and invents racists even more often is exactly the kind of fraud they are looking to expose.

did you miss the part where dennis prager's racist hatred spurs a conversation that devolves into eliminating the jews from planet earth?

that's the guy you idolize.
the quotes you see wishing for the elimination of all jews on the planet earth are in response to a discussion spurred by a dennis prager article on, a white supremacist website which has spurred hundreds and hundreds of actual hate crimes against jews, blacks, hispanics, gays, and the like.

that is the kind of shit your buddy bravedave wants us all to get wrapped up in.

that is the racist shit that informs his worldview.

and you two are on the same side of things politically.

how does that make you feel?
Lol. "Spurred" being the operative word. But they are tearing down what he supposedly said, not building it up. Did Uncle Puke have a stroke?
Lol. "Spurred" being the operative word. But they are tearing down what he supposedly said, not building it up. Did Uncle Puke have a stroke?

read again, skinhead klanman.

these are actual quotes from actual white supremacists in response to what dennis prager writes:

"What Prager says is outstanding. The Jews actually see themselves as the great chosen people who will make the world a better place. And look at what they have done! Communism. Wars all around the world. Destruction of races. They have profoundly failed their mission and should leave everyone else alone."

"The Jews suffer from several clinically identifiable manifestations of mental illness. They are delusional in thinking that the Creator Supreme Being in heaven would chose them as His people. They have illusions of grander. They are paranoid. Prager is really just confirming these things."

"Amen to that. I wish that they would all leave planet Earth. The world would be a much better place if they would leave."

why do you idolize a guy who is so well regarded among white supremacists who want to annihilate the jews in a genocidal holocaust?
More Spam^^

so what's the problem? He had been offered a scholarship as 2nd lieutenant of the ROTC in Michigan where he lived while meeting with General Westmoreland

The problem with your gotcha media hit job, is that you need to twist words in a book from decades ago, as told through the eyes of a child's life experiences. I never saw liberals get their panties wound up so tight over controversial statements from Obama's books.

1) West Point does not offer full scholarships. West Point is free as long as you serve in the military afterwards. No one besides the apologists are twisting words by saying "Well technically since you have a full ride paid for by the Army that is a scholarship." Everyone knows what he said. It was stupid. Now he's accusing people of twisting his words. Get real.

2) He never met with General Westmoreland. The General's office has him playing tennis in Washington DC at 6:45pm that day that Carson said they had dinner.

3) Keep scrambling. It's kinda funny, also a little sad though but overall reminds me of a puppy.

4) what is it with you and guys wearing panties? I wasn't upset about this I thought it was hilarious.

And before Not GOP gets his jimmies all rustled: Satire and political cartoons are valid forms of political commentary. See the economist, how popular the Daily Show is, Fox News, etc.
Again, ignorant fraud, show us all distinctly the Prager quote. Nothing you produced is from Dennis Prager. Such a despicable puke. You and your monkeys are neither willing or able to discuss the issues without turning to this kind of insulting deflection. I guess we win.

Yes monkeys and all, go to and see what has gotten Uncle Pukes panties bunched so much he had to pull out his stormfront password.

so you don't think it's a little odd that white supremacists think that what dennis prager has to say is "outstanding" and leads them to conclude that the world would be a better place f the jews were not in it?

you're not seeing how ridiculously racist and anti-semitic your worldview is, you hateful little ball of shit?
I just posted that 50 minutes ago. Go back to page 9. good try though

Gifted Hands was written: November 26, 1996 so when Ben Carson was 45 years old. Ben Carson was not 16, nor are you accepted/offered a place at West Point when you are 16. Eligibility for West Point is: At least 17 but not yet 23 years of age

So, who's twisting words now with "Well as a 16 year old that's what he remembered..."? He lied. That's it, plain and simple. If he were a Democrat I'm pretty sure there'd be a Congressional Committee called up over it haha.
Gifted Hands was written: November 26, 1996 so when Ben Carson was 45 years old. Ben Carson was not 16, nor are you accepted/offered a place at West Point when you are 16. Eligibility for West Point is: At least 17 but not yet 23 years of age

So, who's twisting words now with "Well as a 16 year old that's what he remembered..."? He lied. That's it, plain and simple. If he were a Democrat I'm pretty sure there'd be a Congressional Committee called up over it haha.
exactly my point. it's a 45 year old going back write about a story from his childhood. This thread only shows how desperate liberals are to smear the man. Every time somebody brought up a discrepancy with one of Obama's books, it was always quickly dismissed as knit picking. Now the media wants to forget, turn the table, and have it both ways.
exactly my point. it's a 45 year old going back write about a story from his childhood. This thread only shows how desperate liberals are to smear the man. Every time somebody brought up a discrepancy with one of Obama's books, it was always quickly dismissed as knit picking. Now the media wants to forget, turn the table, and have it both ways.

You are so committed to a cause you can't be reasoned with.
exactly my point. it's a 45 year old going back write about a story from his childhood. This thread only shows how desperate liberals are to smear the man. Every time somebody brought up a discrepancy with one of Obama's books, it was always quickly dismissed as knit picking. Now the media wants to forget, turn the table, and have it both ways.
I'm 45 right now, and I'm pretty sure that I would remember being offered a full scholarship to West Point. I remember wrestling a lion on a camping trip, though. After I pinned him, I looked him in the eyes and said "Lion, you're my bitch!". "I know" was his response. Not spoken, but felt.
You are so committed to a cause you can't be reasoned with.
You are all trying to convince me that Ben is somebody other than who he really is. Ask anybody that knew him,they will all tell you he is a really nice guy. I have my problems with Carson, believe me. And he's not my first choice for president. But all of this garbage is petty, and only seems to be helping him out. I'm trying to get you guys to shut up, so that people might eventually stop giving him so much damn money.
You are all trying to convince me that Ben is somebody other than who he really is. Ask anybody that knew him,they will all tell you he is a really nice guy. I have my problems with Carson, believe me. And he's not my first choice for president. But all of this garbage is petty, and only seems to be helping him out. I'm trying to get you guys to shut up, so that people might eventually stop giving him so much damn money.

whatever you try to do is going to end up in failure, chumlee. might as well do the opposite of what you want to happen. but you'd probably fail at that too.
so you don't think it's a little odd that white supremacists think that what dennis prager has to say is "outstanding" and leads them to conclude that the world would be a better place f the jews were not in it?

you're not seeing how ridiculously racist and anti-semitic your worldview is, you hateful little ball of shit?
Actually, I find it interesting that you and stormfront are so alike in how you both twist the facts to conjure up something fraudulent and ugly to suit your needs. Coincidence? Is it because the truth does not serve? Of course it is.

Dennis Prager is a religious Jew, btw. You are really kind of pathetic.
Actually, I find it interesting that you and stormfront are so alike in how you both twist the facts to conjure up something fraudulent and ugly to suit your needs. Coincidence? Is it because the truth does not serve? Of course it is.

Dennis Prager is a religious Jew, btw. You are really kind of pathetic.

wow. you must be fucking spinning right now!

dennis prager caters to the white supremacist types. hence why what he has to say is such a hit over there at stormfront.

how do you think the stuff i have to say would go over there? ya know, liberalism, social justice, multiculturalism, and so on. how do you think they would find my favorite ideas?


dennis prager is a hit at stormfront. white supremacists love what he has to say. deal with it, pathetic coward.