No I don't vote nor dont care to vote I do what I want not what a government says to do I am not a puppet to anyone unlike most on this site
So then STFU already because you have a lot to say for someone who has no skin in the game.
No I don't vote nor dont care to vote I do what I want not what a government says to do I am not a puppet to anyone unlike most on this site
You must be a poor white person, poor black.person or broke Mexican to vote for a dumb broad like hiliary. Besides social programs.... yes you failed at life and havw to have the government to carry you on there backs. . learn to be apart of the solutiin and not apart of the problem in merica. I wait you can't you were born a poor white person and never cared to better yourself.
How's that moped?
She re minds me of Scott bakula.Does Rachel identify more as a woman, or a man? I'm just asking..
More Spam^^
More Spam^^
so what's the problem? He had been offered a scholarship as 2nd lieutenant of the ROTC in Michigan where he lived while meeting with General Westmoreland
The problem with your gotcha media hit job, is that you need to twist words in a book from decades ago, as told through the eyes of a child's life experiences. I never saw liberals get their panties wound up so tight over controversial statements from Obama's books.
books. It's plural, as in more than one autobiography.Um, Obama's book was factual?
books. It's plural, as in more than one autobiography.
How many wild bears did Obama pet in his book?Um, Obama's book was factual?
That's not trueUm, Obama's books were factual?
You pulled all that from reading the video's title!?!? Amazing you argue about ignorance, yet show yourself to be its poster child.
That's not true
In the preface to his 1995 memoir, where Barack Obama admitted the chapters to come were taking liberties with the truth: "Although much of this book is based on contemporaneous journals or the oral histories of my family, the dialogue is necessarily an approximation of what was actually said or relayed to me." Even the people weren't entirely real: "For the sake of compression, some of the characters that appear are composites of people, I've known, and some events appear out of precise chronology."
As usual you misrepresent. Maybe watch the video. Ignorance is your problem and you compile it to falsely paint.the KKK doesn't believe racism is a problem either. you literally hold the same beliefs as the KKK.
No need for English America is a multi cultued/ language environment. You sure did read it fine for my horrible spelling. I dont care to type proper English it's a weed foru.mNext time English, please?
Lol are you butt hurt sounds like it now time that I open your anus.... sorry lil ones go tell Obama he might give you more handoutsSo then STFU already because you have a lot to say for someone who has no skin in the game.
Let me guess white supremacist racist etc... it's all he can say he feels specialAs usual you misrepresent. Maybe watch the video. Ignorance is your problem and you compile it to falsely paint.
Some don't believe you are a cancer here and that you are not a problem either. You literally perform like a cancer. Keep it in politics and I would be happy.
As usual you misrepresent. Maybe watch the video. Ignorance is your problem and you compile it to falsely paint.
Some don't believe you are a cancer here and that you are not a problem either. You literally perform like a cancer. Keep it in politics and I would be happy.
Dr. Ben Carson
We the People have made 10,000 donations each day this week, raising $3.5M this week alone. Thank you biased media.
10:34 AM - 7 Nov 2015