Ben Carson..You are no Barack Obama


I'm seriously convinced this guy drops windowpane on the daily.

That's not true

In the preface to his 1995 memoir, where Barack Obama admitted the chapters to come were taking liberties with the truth: "Although much of this book is based on contemporaneous journals or the oral histories of my family, the dialogue is necessarily an approximation of what was actually said or relayed to me." Even the people weren't entirely real: "For the sake of compression, some of the characters that appear are composites of people, I've known, and some events appear out of precise chronology."

Not an unusual practice when writing a book(s) and he told you up front aka the truth.
Not an unusual practice when writing a book(s) and he told you up front aka the truth.
You posted his "books are factual", and that's simply not true.,If he were running for a third term, I would tear apart the Obama book discussion with you. I can't wait until that loser is gone for good.
You posted his "books are factual", and that's simply not true.,If he were running for a third term, I would tear apart the Obama book discussion with you. I can't wait until that loser is gone for good.

Yet no comment on the clear boldface, preposterous lies on record from Ben Carson..what gives?

Obama hater much?
i read the summary on pragerU's website.

like the KKK, they don't think racism is a problem to worry about.

thus you hold the exact same beliefs as the KKK on this issue as well as many others.

go cry elsewhere, sloppy bitch.
No where in the dozens of videos does it make the claim you say they do, ignorant fraud. But yes, even though you do not link to your findings I hope everyone goes there and checks it out. Lots of good stuff there on most every subject. Things they don't generally teach at most universities.
Yet no comment on the clear boldface, preposterous lies on record from Ben Carson..what gives?

Obama hater much?
OMG. west point? we just went over that
.... and Obama's approval rating has been below 50% for a very long time now
OMG. west point? we just went over that
.... and Obama's approval rating has been below 50% for a very long time now

An offer of full scholarship is in writing.


How is it you don't seem to understand the disclosure of creative license?

You've brought nothing new nor discovered anything that wasn't already a matter of record.

Obama hater much?
You posted his "books are factual", and that's simply not true.,If he were running for a third term, I would tear apart the Obama book discussion with you. I can't wait until that loser is gone for good.


he owns NASA. you even said so.

now if you'll excuse me, i have to go to university for four years to become a plumber, chumlee.
No where in the dozens of videos does it make the claim you say they do, ignorant fraud.

"America's campuses, particularly those in California, spend tens of millions of dollars on administrators and programs to combat issues like sexism, homophobia, and racism on campus. But are these problems in any way prevalent at our universities?"

the answer they give is no. the KKK agrees. and so do you.

hence you share ideology with the KKK on this one, and many other issues.

But yes, even though you do not link to your findings I hope everyone goes there and checks it out. Lots of good stuff there on most every subject. Things they don't generally teach at most universities.

why are you spamming us with right wing, white supremacist bullshit?

reported as spam.

try stormfront instead, bravedave. pragerU goes over very well over there apparently.

Explaining Jews by Dennis Prager

"Bear in mind this description of liberal Jews as self-absorbed, paranoid, malicious, psychopathic, anti-Christian and un-American..."

I would like to add that even die-hard leftists can educate themselves at prageru in a "know thy ememy" mode. That way you won't have to always invent our positions for us.

did you just quote yourself?

take it over to stormfront, they love dennis prager's racist, anti-semitic bullshit over there.

The next time I hear that someone is just 'trying to make the world a better place', I'll know it is just code for 'trying to make the world better for jews'.

What Prager says is outstanding. The Jews actually see themselves as the great chosen people who will make the world a better place. And look at what they have done! Communism. Wars all around the world. Destruction of races. They have profoundly failed their mission and should leave everyone else alone.

Of course anyone, with any intelligence and awareness whatsoever would say that the world would certainly have many fewer if no problems with fewer Jews. In fact, the number of Jews may correlate well with the number of problems on planet earth.

The Jews suffer from several clinically identifiable manifestations of mental illness. They are delusional in thinking that the Creator Supreme Being in heaven would chose them as His people. They have illusions of grander. They are paranoid. Prager is really just confirming these things.

I bear no ill will towards them per se, but sometimes it makes me wonder if what you say isn't true. The entertainment they produce always seems so filthy by any standard. Not always, but when filth is produced in the name of entertainment it almost always seems to be by someone who is Jewish.

I also wonder if a disproportionate number of them are psychopaths in the clinical sense. They seem to have many traits in common with psychopathy: constant scheming, no remorse, unflappable even when caught red handed, etc...

Amen to that. I wish that they would all leave planet Earth. The world would be a much better place if they would leave.
did you just quote yourself?

take it over to stormfront, they love dennis prager's racist, anti-semitic bullshit over there.

The next time I hear that someone is just 'trying to make the world a better place', I'll know it is just code for 'trying to make the world better for jews'.

What Prager says is outstanding. The Jews actually see themselves as the great chosen people who will make the world a better place. And look at what they have done! Communism. Wars all around the world. Destruction of races. They have profoundly failed their mission and should leave everyone else alone.

Of course anyone, with any intelligence and awareness whatsoever would say that the world would certainly have many fewer if no problems with fewer Jews. In fact, the number of Jews may correlate well with the number of problems on planet earth.

The Jews suffer from several clinically identifiable manifestations of mental illness. They are delusional in thinking that the Creator Supreme Being in heaven would chose them as His people. They have illusions of grander. They are paranoid. Prager is really just confirming these things.

I bear no ill will towards them per se, but sometimes it makes me wonder if what you say isn't true. The entertainment they produce always seems so filthy by any standard. Not always, but when filth is produced in the name of entertainment it almost always seems to be by someone who is Jewish.

I also wonder if a disproportionate number of them are psychopaths in the clinical sense. They seem to have many traits in common with psychopathy: constant scheming, no remorse, unflappable even when caught red handed, etc...

Amen to that. I wish that they would all leave planet Earth. The world would be a much better place if they would leave.
Are you quoting the post? Please add quotes. Can't tell what is what.
Are you quoting the post? Please add quotes. Can't tell what is what.

the quotes you see wishing for the elimination of all jews on the planet earth are in response to a discussion spurred by a dennis prager article on, a white supremacist website which has spurred hundreds and hundreds of actual hate crimes against jews, blacks, hispanics, gays, and the like.

that is the kind of shit your buddy bravedave wants us all to get wrapped up in.

that is the racist shit that informs his worldview.

and you two are on the same side of things politically.

how does that make you feel?
Offered does not equal received. Most likely the general was like, if you applied you could go to our school tuition free.

A 16/17 year old could remember that as an offer of scholarship.

Or embellishment in order to fuel his delusional fantasies.

After all, who can remember what was 50 years ago?..about the time he was smashing his mother in the head with a hammer.

He has selective memory..another sociopath trait.
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An offer of full scholarship is in writing.


How is it you don't seem to understand the disclosure of creative license?

You've brought nothing new nor discovered anything that wasn't already a matter of record.

Obama hater much?
His book is the citation. Through the eyes of a 16 year old child, a full scholarship is exactly what he believed was offered to him. If you were a sharp gal, you would realize that your argument would be stronger if you knew that West Point does not offer FULL scholarships. But I guess MSNBC hasn't picked up on that yet, so you wouldn't know either.
His book is the citation. Through the eyes of a 16 year old child, a full scholarship is exactly what he believed was offered to him. If you were a sharp gal, you would realize that your argument would be stronger if you knew that West Point does not offer FULL scholarships. But I guess MSNBC hasn't picked up on that yet, so you wouldn't know either.

why do you keep defending the most indefensible lies from a guy who wants to "intensify the drug war" on a pot growing website, chumlee?