injunction/court case updates

Well everyone Justin takes over the house tomorrow..... So let's all put good vibes out that he will drop all the bs fighting the previous government has done against mmj patients and reinstate our right to grow. Or judge phelan has a decision holy talk about a long drawn out affair...... We will have the right to grow I believe :weed:
hopefully we get a decision this month, its been too long. court machinations are slow moving but this has been ridiculous
Yup...making people wait this long is not right. Unless he has a good reason to see harper go. Then feels with the king gone it will be easier to favor patients.
I'd love to hear the judge reason it takes this long to decide...just seems TOO strange to me.
Well everyone Justin takes over the house tomorrow..... So let's all put good vibes out that he will drop all the bs fighting the previous government has done against mmj patients and reinstate our right to grow. Or judge phelan has a decision holy talk about a long drawn out affair...... We will have the right to grow I believe :weed:
Yup...making people wait this long is not right. Unless he has a good reason to see harper go. Then feels with the king gone it will be easier to favor patients.
I'd love to hear the judge reason it takes this long to decide...just seems TOO strange to me.

Unfortunately he's under no timeline mandate, although I expect a decision very soon now. I suspect you're right with Phelan waiting to see if a change of Gov was coming. He knows the previous HC Counsel (I'm assuming they'll be replaced) would dissect his every word to exploit an appeal...cuz we all know Hapless didn't care what the courts said or how much tax-dollars he would waste stomping his feet in denial.

Hopefully the new Health Minister will tell them to "stand down"!
I picked up Paul Lewin's damaged goods...Lewin took 10K from Mellace and New Age Medical Solutions to prepare a HC LP application which did not even pass the first reading because it was so poorly prepared...I could not believe my eyes...what a mess...a monkey could have done a better job. I prepared the Section 18 Federal Court Act request for a judicial review into the HC LP Program for NAMS and it quite easily passed inspection...
Agreed. Lewin is a monkey. I dealt with him before. It took threatening to fire him to get him to write me a stupid letter. Oh and about 2 years he told me in the interest of transparency, he is involved with a group applying for mmpr. Not sure what happened with that or if they are licensed or not
i donated ..[duh]

ok well i do not know much but...

>>>>>>>>how would things have gone if there had been no conroy getting injunction???<<<<<<<<<<<

i think we all know..don't we?

sure it coulda /shoulda gone better

and i really think there were WAY too many left outs

but....HC did get its wings pinned back[again]
well i am sad today.
we got dismissed so the only ones who can appeal are Beemish/Hebert and unless CONroy files another appeal for them, we get no relief. now I have Jimi Hendrix "All along the Watchtoer" running through my head.
I spoke to John Turmel and he said he will see what can be done as there is a bit of weirdness. they said "dismissed for want of jurisdiction"..?? i am not really sure what that means at this point.
sorry to hear that

find out what it means and then find out what needs to be done...instead of being pissed/sad...get even!