injunction/court case updates


Well-Known Member
Wilcox is just like the rest of the greed bags claiming to care about sick people but perhaps no video shows his true intentions quite like this video shows.

Finding a lawyer that cares will be impossible unless enough money gets dangled and it's my understanding that the coalition funds are all but gone.
Spent on vacation meetings and drinks with umbrellas.


Well-Known Member
We have been preparing. Check your email and I'll ask if Jungle Strike guy or if anyone else can be let in on what actions we are about to undertake.

Can anyone recommend a laywer who could represent us? I do think Kirk Tousaw is a man of intregity and could be up to the challenge and I have also thought of Clayton Ruby.

If we are successful in also removing JW, Fazios, Keven Sharpe, and their phantom administration, then we need a voice, I have found the original incorporating documents that shows the coalition was supposed to be run as a proper deliberative Assembly where the members all get a vote but JW took over and make it a dictatorship, a sole prroprietorship that runs on a street gang mentality. too many expulsions of Steering Committee members shows disfunction. JW muzzled us all and they threatened me when I questioned what I perceived to,be misappropriation of funds and criminal wrongdoing.

JW does not speak for me and I don't believe the Coalition is a proper voice for the medicinal cannabis patients who were led to believe their one and only priority was to Save or Gardens.

When did that priority change? Where is the press release? Why don't we get a vote? Why has his term not come to an end?
i will check and thank you
i think Kirk is a good choice as he seems good and a real figter for us instead of putting on the face and SAYING you're here for us.
I don't know much about Clayton Ruby so i will check him out.

nobody important 666

Well-Known Member
We have been preparing. Check your email and I'll ask if Jungle Strike guy or if anyone else can be let in on what actions we are about to undertake.

Can anyone recommend a laywer who could represent us? I do think Kirk Tousaw is a man of intregity and could be up to the challenge and I have also thought of Clayton Ruby.

If we are successful in also removing JW, Fazios, Keven Sharpe, and their phantom administration, then we need a voice, I have found the original incorporating documents that shows the coalition was supposed to be run as a proper deliberative Assembly where the members all get a vote but JW took over and make it a dictatorship, a sole prroprietorship that runs on a street gang mentality. too many expulsions of Steering Committee members shows disfunction. JW muzzled us all and they threatened me when I questioned what I perceived to,be misappropriation of funds and criminal wrongdoing.

JW does not speak for me and I don't believe the Coalition is a proper voice for the medicinal cannabis patients who were led to believe their one and only priority was to Save or Gardens.

When did that priority change? Where is the press release? Why don't we get a vote? Why has his term not come to an end?
Not sure about clayton hes been fighting for pitbulls for 11 years and has made zero progress but still takes cash for it.


Well-Known Member
You might look at Paul Lewin, but for the coalition stuff it seems like a business lawyer would be of more use but that also means $$$.

It seems like the coalition as originally envisioned is reaching the end of the road though. I doubt a lib government will appeal Allard, but the best thing to be done now is as soon as the new Health Minister is announced, jam their phones over the MMPR taking away home grows. Once Allard is decided, one way or the other that's more or less going to be it as far as judicial remedy for home grows.

Now that we finally have rid ourselves of the botox queen as health minister it's time to take the fight to the legislative side, which thankfully costs a lot less than lawyers.


Well-Known Member
You might look at Paul Lewin, but for the coalition stuff it seems like a business lawyer would be of more use but that also means $$$.

It seems like the coalition as originally envisioned is reaching the end of the road though. I doubt a lib government will appeal Allard, but the best thing to be done now is as soon as the new Health Minister is announced, jam their phones over the MMPR taking away home grows. Once Allard is decided, one way or the other that's more or less going to be it as far as judicial remedy for home grows.

Now that we finally have rid ourselves of the botox queen as health minister it's time to take the fight to the legislative side, which thankfully costs a lot less than lawyers.
:hump: :clap:


Well-Known Member
cant deal with waiting for more courts and shit, soon as you go after wilcox he will step down and appoint someone else...good luck but it will be another whirl wind of bullshit.

Havent been keeping up last few months...anything new?

Nadine Bews

Well-Known Member
i will ask Sam if he got licensed. last i heard, he was going to court....
he also said if he got up and running, he'd be selling $5 grams so lets see if he keeps his word
My name is Nadine Bews and I am a Left-out and also a forensic auditor who worked for Mellace and spent a great deal of time at his clinic in TO and at his Farm in BC. I am about to publish a full report on my findings which include the illegal production and distribution of cannabis, misappropriation of funds and many other crimes and inconsistencies with the generally accepted principles and procedures of conducting business in Canada. My research has revealed that Mellace is a 'Phantom Administrator of the MMAR PPL/DPL Coalition Against Repeal and my involvement with the Coalition as the Founding Chair and Secretary in-exile of the Coalition has led me to prepare an action against Wilcox, his attorney and their Coalition under Section 467.11 of the Canadian Criminal Code.
I have assembled all of the information and evidence necessary to file an action against Conroy, Wilcox and their Coalition under Section 467.111 of the Canadian Criminal Code under An Act to Amend the Criminal Code and the National Defence Act which was enacted on June 19, 2014 (criminal organization recruitment). 467.111 Recruitment of members by a criminal organization – Every person who, for the purpose of enhancing the ability of a criminal organization to facilitate or commit an indictable offence under this Act or any other Act of Parliament, recruits, solicits, encourages, coerces, or invites a person to join the criminal organization is guilty of an indictable offence and liable. The recital in the legal action talks about the three basic legal needs of society; the need to protect and defend their rights, liberties and property and the need for a trusting relationship with a lawyer who acts with impeccable integrity and from his highest truth and in the very best interests of his clients...Conroy pulled off his con by confusing or obfuscating the two solicitor-client relationships. Conroy maintained control over Wilcox at the same time that he empowered Jason with sole authority over the Coalition by establishing a personal representative solicitor-client relationship with Wilcox as his sole client in the Allard Action. Then Conroy established a joint representative solicitor client relationship with Wilcox under their agreement to have Conroy not only act as the legal counsel for the Coalition but to also be the trustee of the funds held in trust for the my business as a forensic auditor this is called 'conflict of interest' and a 'non-arm's length transaction' and creates the opportunity to form a 'dictatorship' and an atmosphere for abuse of authority and misappropriation of funds,, is like getting the fox to guard the hen-house... .The following are illustrations of conduct that may infringe the Professional Code of Conduct::

(i) committing any personally disgraceful or morally reprehensible offence that reflects upon the lawyer’s integrity (of which a conviction by a competent court would be prima facie evidence);

(ii) committing, whether professionally or in the lawyer’s personal capacity, any act of fraud or dishonesty, for example by knowingly making a false tax return or falsifying a document, whether or not prosecuted for so doing;

(iii) making an untrue representation or concealing a material fact from a client, with a dishonest or improper motive;

(iv) taking advantage of the youth, inexperience, lack of education or sophistication, ill health, or un-businesslike habits of a client;

(v) misappropriating or dealing dishonestly with a client’s money or other property;

(vi) receiving money or other property from or on behalf of a client for a specific purpose and failing, without the Code of Professional Conduct client’s consent, to pay or apply it for that purpose;

(vii) knowingly assisting, enabling or permitting any person to act fraudulently, dishonestly or illegally;

(viii) failing to be absolutely frank and candid in all dealings with the Court or tribunal, fellow lawyers, and other parties to proceedings, subject always to not betraying the client’s cause, abandoning the client’s legal rights or disclosing the client’s confidences; and

(ix) failing to honour the lawyer’s word when pledged even though, under technical rules, the absence of writing might afford a legal defence
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Nadine Bews

Well-Known Member
We have been preparing. Check your email and I'll ask if Jungle Strike guy or if anyone else can be let in on what actions we are about to undertake.

Can anyone recommend a laywer who could represent us? I do think Kirk Tousaw is a man of intregity and could be up to the challenge and I have also thought of Clayton Ruby.

If we are successful in also removing JW, Fazios, Keven Sharpe, and their phantom administration, then we need a voice, I have found the original incorporating documents that shows the coalition was supposed to be run as a proper deliberative Assembly where the members all get a vote but JW took over and make it a dictatorship, a sole prroprietorship that runs on a street gang mentality. too many expulsions of Steering Committee members shows disfunction. JW muzzled us all and they threatened me when I questioned what I perceived to,be misappropriation of funds and criminal wrongdoing.

JW does not speak for me and I don't believe the Coalition is a proper voice for the medicinal cannabis patients who were led to believe their one and only priority was to Save or Gardens.

When did that priority change? Where is the press release? Why don't we get a vote? Why has his term not come to an end?
My name is Nadine Bews and I am a Left-out and also a forensic auditor who worked for Mellace and spent a great deal of time at his clinic in TO and at his Farm in BC. I am about to publish a full report on my findings which include the illegal production and distribution of cannabis, misappropriation of funds and many other crimes and inconsistencies with the generally accepted principles and procedures of conducting business in Canada. My research has revealed that Mellace is a 'Phantom Administrator of the MMAR PPL/DPL Coalition Against Repeal and my involvement with the Coalition as the Founding Chair and Secretary in-exile of the Coalition has led me to prepare an action against Wilcox, his attorney and their Coalition under Section 467.11 of the Canadian Criminal Code.
I have assembled all of the information and evidence necessary to file an action against Conroy, Wilcox and their Coalition under Section 467.111 of the Canadian Criminal Code under An Act to Amend the Criminal Code and the National Defence Act which was enacted on June 19, 2014 (criminal organization recruitment). 467.111 Recruitment of members by a criminal organization – Every person who, for the purpose of enhancing the ability of a criminal organization to facilitate or commit an indictable offence under this Act or any other Act of Parliament, recruits, solicits, encourages, coerces, or invites a person to join the criminal organization is guilty of an indictable offence and liable. The recital talks about the three basic legal needs of society; the need to protect and defend their rights, liberties and property and the need for a trusting relationship with a lawyer who acts with impeccable integrity and from his highest truth and in the very best interests of his clients...Conroy pulled off his con by confusing or obfuscating the two solicitor-client relationships. Conroy maintained control over Wilcox at the same time that he empowered Jason with sole authority over the Coalition by establishing a personal representative solicitor-client relationship with Wilcox as his sole client in the Allard Action. Then Conroy established a joint representative solicitor client relationship with Wilcox under their agreement to have Conroy not only act as the legal counsel for the Coalition but to also be the trustee of the funds held in trust for the my business as a forensic auditor this is called 'conflict of interest' and a 'non-arm's length transaction' and creates the opportunity to form a 'dictatorship' and an atmosphere for abuse of authority and misappropriation of funds,, is like getting the fox to guard the hen-house... .The following are illustrations of conduct that may infringe the Professional Code of Conduct::

(i) committing any personally disgraceful or morally reprehensible offence that reflects upon the lawyer’s integrity (of which a conviction by a competent court would be prima facie evidence);

(ii) committing, whether professionally or in the lawyer’s personal capacity, any act of fraud or dishonesty, for example by knowingly making a false tax return or falsifying a document, whether or not prosecuted for so doing;

(iii) making an untrue representation or concealing a material fact from a client, with a dishonest or improper motive;

(iv) taking advantage of the youth, inexperience, lack of education or sophistication, ill health, or un-businesslike habits of a client;

(v) misappropriating or dealing dishonestly with a client’s money or other property;

(vi) receiving money or other property from or on behalf of a client for a specific purpose and failing, without the Code of Professional Conduct client’s consent, to pay or apply it for that purpose;

(vii) knowingly assisting, enabling or permitting any person to act fraudulently, dishonestly or illegally;

(viii) failing to be absolutely frank and candid in all dealings with the Court or tribunal, fellow lawyers, and other parties to proceedings, subject always to not betraying the client’s cause, abandoning the client’s legal rights or disclosing the client’s confidences; and

(ix) failing to honour the lawyer’s word when pledged even though, under technical rules, the absence of writing might afford a legal defence
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Nadine Bews

Well-Known Member
Definitely needs to be more transparency from the coalition. From what I've seen beyond the 3 bullet points that have been on the website forever, there doesn't seem to be much of a plan or organization.

JW shares incorrect information on occasion such as there being a 'right' to use cannabis, it'd be nice to see a well documented list of all of their objectives, and clear statement of the legal principles that have been run through someone like Conroy or Tousaw.
I was the Founding Chair and am the Secretary-in-exile of the Coalition and when I first started to work with Wilcox and Conroy in November 2012, I prepared a complete set of documents for the incorporation of a non-profit deliberative assembly with a charitable organization designation which would have proper patient membership at $10 per annum which would have generated no less than $400K per annum with a 40K membership base which could have been leveraged into millions quite easily without having to constantly bleed the patients for funds. Conroy and Wilcox threw out all of the incorporating documents, the policy and procedure manuaI in favour Wilcox's LA Street Gang rules and Looney Tunes Administration policy and procedures...the only documents that they kept were the Non-Disclosures and the templates for letters of support for fund raising...I wrote the tri-folds and the poster and Conroy's initial letter to the public..I would like to invite all of you who have been negatively affected by the Conroy-Wilcox Conspiracy to join me in my desire to dust off these incorporating documents and to form a proper deliberative assembly for the distinct and specific representation of the unique interests of the cannabis patient where we all have a right to membership without discrimination and with a right to vote on matters to determine best direction with the least amount of friction possible.

Nadine Bews

Well-Known Member
You might look at Paul Lewin, but for the coalition stuff it seems like a business lawyer would be of more use but that also means $$$.

It seems like the coalition as originally envisioned is reaching the end of the road though. I doubt a lib government will appeal Allard, but the best thing to be done now is as soon as the new Health Minister is announced, jam their phones over the MMPR taking away home grows. Once Allard is decided, one way or the other that's more or less going to be it as far as judicial remedy for home grows.

Now that we finally have rid ourselves of the botox queen as health minister it's time to take the fight to the legislative side, which thankfully costs a lot less than lawyers.
I picked up Paul Lewin's damaged goods...Lewin took 10K from Mellace and New Age Medical Solutions to prepare a HC LP application which did not even pass the first reading because it was so poorly prepared...I could not believe my eyes...what a mess...a monkey could have done a better job. I prepared the Section 18 Federal Court Act request for a judicial review into the HC LP Program for NAMS and it quite easily passed inspection...


Well-Known Member
Thank you Nadine. I want the patients to know something. I emailed the Administration asking them to stop committing what I perceived as crimes so many times that the administration of the Coalition emailed The RCMP Corporal Shane Himmquist claiming I was harassing them because I wouldn't stop requesting that they stop. So needless to say that they had plenty of warning.


Well-Known Member
I copied this blurb from the above Recital.

I have assembled all of the information and evidence necessary to file an action against Conroy, Wilcox and their Coalition under Section 467.111 of the Canadian Criminal Code under An Act to Amend the Criminal Code and the National Defence Act which was enacted on June 19, 2014 (criminal organization recruitment). 467.111 Recruitment of members by a criminal organization –


Well-Known Member
My name is Nadine Bews and I am a Left-out and also a forensic auditor who worked for Mellace and spent a great deal of time at his clinic in TO and at his Farm in BC. I am about to publish a full report on my findings which include the illegal production and distribution of cannabis, misappropriation of funds and many other crimes and inconsistencies with the generally accepted principles and procedures of conducting business in Canada. My research has revealed that Mellace is a 'Phantom Administrator of the MMAR PPL/DPL Coalition Against Repeal and my involvement with the Coalition as the Founding Chair and Secretary in-exile of the Coalition has led me to prepare an action against Wilcox, his attorney and their Coalition under Section 467.11 of the Canadian Criminal Code.
I have assembled all of the information and evidence necessary to file an action against Conroy, Wilcox and their Coalition under Section 467.111 of the Canadian Criminal Code under An Act to Amend the Criminal Code and the National Defence Act which was enacted on June 19, 2014 (criminal organization recruitment). 467.111 Recruitment of members by a criminal organization – Every person who, for the purpose of enhancing the ability of a criminal organization to facilitate or commit an indictable offence under this Act or any other Act of Parliament, recruits, solicits, encourages, coerces, or invites a person to join the criminal organization is guilty of an indictable offence and liable. The recital in the legal action talks about the three basic legal needs of society; the need to protect and defend their rights, liberties and property and the need for a trusting relationship with a lawyer who acts with impeccable integrity and from his highest truth and in the very best interests of his clients...Conroy pulled off his con by confusing or obfuscating the two solicitor-client relationships. Conroy maintained control over Wilcox at the same time that he empowered Jason with sole authority over the Coalition by establishing a personal representative solicitor-client relationship with Wilcox as his sole client in the Allard Action. Then Conroy established a joint representative solicitor client relationship with Wilcox under their agreement to have Conroy not only act as the legal counsel for the Coalition but to also be the trustee of the funds held in trust for the my business as a forensic auditor this is called 'conflict of interest' and a 'non-arm's length transaction' and creates the opportunity to form a 'dictatorship' and an atmosphere for abuse of authority and misappropriation of funds,, is like getting the fox to guard the hen-house... .The following are illustrations of conduct that may infringe the Professional Code of Conduct::

(i) committing any personally disgraceful or morally reprehensible offence that reflects upon the lawyer’s integrity (of which a conviction by a competent court would be prima facie evidence);

(ii) committing, whether professionally or in the lawyer’s personal capacity, any act of fraud or dishonesty, for example by knowingly making a false tax return or falsifying a document, whether or not prosecuted for so doing;

(iii) making an untrue representation or concealing a material fact from a client, with a dishonest or improper motive;

(iv) taking advantage of the youth, inexperience, lack of education or sophistication, ill health, or un-businesslike habits of a client;

(v) misappropriating or dealing dishonestly with a client’s money or other property;

(vi) receiving money or other property from or on behalf of a client for a specific purpose and failing, without the Code of Professional Conduct client’s consent, to pay or apply it for that purpose;

(vii) knowingly assisting, enabling or permitting any person to act fraudulently, dishonestly or illegally;

(viii) failing to be absolutely frank and candid in all dealings with the Court or tribunal, fellow lawyers, and other parties to proceedings, subject always to not betraying the client’s cause, abandoning the client’s legal rights or disclosing the client’s confidences; and

(ix) failing to honour the lawyer’s word when pledged even though, under technical rules, the absence of writing might afford a legal defence
good luck man