injunction/court case updates


Well-Known Member
RIU seems to be the place to come to for supporters, with that being said. We have attracted ALOT of attention from people, organizations even the CFO of the liberal party "fucky chucky"

Keep in mind what @Sandy420 and @Nadine Bews are saying is strictly claims.

All i suggest is take it for what it is, not many are happy with a 50%~ success rate with the injunction and obvisouly we look to the coalition....dont allow for information like this to make up your mind. Anyone can make an account and say whatever they like. Im not defending or debunking whats being said but it needs to be taken as someone just saying something.

Dont allow the LPs to "divide and conquer" MMAR patients, they want nothing more then to continue to fuck us around.


Well-Known Member
I hope not to offend anyone. The core members here (pretty much the 10-15 everyday users, ya know who yall are) have built this sub section up with hundreds of pages of useful information and we are gathering the attention of americans,businessmen,investors and CEOs whithin arms reach of 10s of millions of dollars trying to invest in the LP program. They do not like us creating threads saying all they do is sell mold and mildew, terrible quality and pictures of mexican brick weed. We have made enemies, dont be fooled. It down rite boiled my blood to come on here the last few weeks seeing all this liberal hoorah legal this legal that but all you see is the CFO of that SAME majority government braging and poking the bear we are as patients. Does nobody recall the edibles case? i do. Before we even knew what the fuck was happening with production of extracts LPs had meetings and conventions about how to make profit off there garbage for edibles and extracts "thanking" us for the win. How much money did LPs put towards the Smith case? 0!!! but guess what? they all got appointed section 56 exemptions.

I know the lot of you are smarter then that...stop believing what your told, real life or internet. This is not a lash out statement towards the claims of sandy and nadine but more of a WE NEED TO SMARTEN THE FUCK UP and stop playing into the bullshit cause everytime we turn around were told X is a good idea but that only helped screw us over even more.


Well-Known Member
I hope not to offend anyone. The core members here (pretty much the 10-15 everyday users, ya know who yall are) have built this sub section up with hundreds of pages of useful information and we are gathering the attention of americans,businessmen,investors and CEOs whithin arms reach of 10s of millions of dollars trying to invest in the LP program. They do not like us creating threads saying all they do is sell mold and mildew, terrible quality and pictures of mexican brick weed. We have made enemies, dont be fooled. It down rite boiled my blood to come on here the last few weeks seeing all this liberal hoorah legal this legal that but all you see is the CFO of that SAME majority government braging and poking the bear we are as patients. Does nobody recall the edibles case? i do. Before we even knew what the fuck was happening with production of extracts LPs had meetings and conventions about how to make profit off there garbage for edibles and extracts "thanking" us for the win. How much money did LPs put towards the Smith case? 0!!! but guess what? they all got appointed section 56 exemptions.

I know the lot of you are smarter then that...stop believing what your told, real life or internet. This is not a lash out statement towards the claims of sandy and nadine but more of a WE NEED TO SMARTEN THE FUCK UP and stop playing into the bullshit cause every time we turn around were told X is a good idea but that only helped screw us over even more.
good points for sure.
if we win Allard, we won't need a Coalition so my thought is let's see what happens.
no sense in going in circles for nothing.
i think the real crimes of CONroy is doing a crap job that left half the patients out. If he had the one more plaintiff that needed changes, there would be a lot fewer left outs.
the second is him discontinuing the appeal in the higher court where we had a good chance of relief.
those 2 things directly affected me and a lot of patients


Well-Known Member
I can almost lay out exactly how this is going to go, wish i could time stamp this and remind myself.

1) Government removes homegrows creating a base line market. (Done)
2) Government sets up LPs to distribute to patients (Done)
3) Compassion clubs under fire from same governing body creating a controlled market. (Done)
4) Clubs being shut down, LPs see store fronts work. (Starting..)
5) LP store fronts out number compassion clubs, more raids and arrests <<<WE ARE HERE
6) Raise the punishment for growing cannabis,selling cannabis and too much possession (HAS BEEN DONE WITH BILL C-10)
9) HC and LPs are the main catalyst of marijuana in canada and have cornered the market
10) Raise the price to 20-25$ per gram and add another 30% for tax. (all models in the western world have followed this)

Does nobody see this coming?!! we need to wake up and create change.


Well-Known Member
until the cloud of dust settles a little..its gonna be hard to make any judgment
the court case really needs to be completed and any reaction from HC dealt with....
before any cases on how things are/were handled can even be heard.
I think we are sitting idle...until the judge ...judges...and its hard for us to sit back and wait...


Well-Known Member
Hope your wrong Big...
We will still get a chance to fight back...but like I said earlier...
Judge needs to Judge...HC needs to react and then we either say great...or counter the reaction.
I still believe the constitution will protect our rights.....


Well-Known Member
I can almost lay out exactly how this is going to go, wish i could time stamp this and remind myself.

1) Government removes homegrows creating a base line market. (Done)
2) Government sets up LPs to distribute to patients (Done)
3) Compassion clubs under fire from same governing body creating a controlled market. (Done)
4) Clubs being shut down, LPs see store fronts work. (Starting..)
5) LP store fronts out number compassion clubs, more raids and arrests <<<WE ARE HERE
6) Raise the punishment for growing cannabis,selling cannabis and too much possession (HAS BEEN DONE WITH BILL C-10)
9) HC and LPs are the main catalyst of marijuana in canada and have cornered the market
10) Raise the price to 20-25$ per gram and add another 30% for tax. (all models in the western world have followed this)

Does nobody see this coming?!! we need to wake up and create change.
I agree with everything except 7), 8)), and 10) ;) 10) is certainly possible but would open the door for an even bigger black/grey market so if they have any brains 1) will be reinstated and 10) will fall more in line with current market pricing (which still leaves the door open for BM). Of course, we're both just speculating - lol

I read an article yesterday supposedly quoting a liberal insider and suggesting that some of the major platform promises including legalization of MJ will be executed late in their 4 year term as they will concentrate on the low hanging fruit items first to get some wins, then attack the more complicated items like legalization. based on what I'm reading in a lot of states south of the border, even if we started now imo it would be close to the end of the Lib majority term.

About the only thing I know for sure is the lawyers are drooling with all this shit going on s #$%!


Well-Known Member
I also think that, just because Harper wanted to get rid of our rights...and did his best to set us back
15 years.... he really has not been able to undo what we had already gain thru the constitution and the courts.
We will also see a result somewhat similar this time....
The stupid part ...he was allowed to undo a supreme court ruling...just because....
And you are so right Big....
there was no need to fluff the reporting via media...I really don't know what they thought they would be gaining...
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Well-Known Member
Did you read the transcripts? cause what canabis culture was reporting was very biased information for our side.
there has been a lot of deceit all throughout this journey....
The courts really need to look at the motives of the government....when deciding on whether or not they should be allowed to proceed..especially in cases where...the outcome has already been decided...
It was so so apparent....Harpers gov...was just ignoring another court ruling....


Well-Known Member
Did you read the transcripts? cause what canabis culture was reporting was very biased information for our side.
I understand CC was somewhat biased, but after reading all the affidavits and the media reports during the trial...I feel our argument was made/heard.