What level of gun control do you support?

What level of gun control do you support?

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ginwilly, a white supremacist, liked a worthless and bitter comment by a racial segregationist who refuses to condemn pedophilia.
Moi? White bread?

Gun control? What do people not understand about "shall not be infringed"? Why is it that when there is a lynching or someone is bound and raped, we don't hear cries for "rope control" or call it rope violence, see how it sounds better, and we are able to push the blame from the actual perpetrators of the crimes and blame it on an inanimate object. Its an awesome game to absolve fucking idiots and remain PC. Someone busted for making child porn? Guess we need camera control laws, pedophiles amock? Nope, we just need candy dispersment laws. Too many fat people? Lets blame the forks. It's the same bullshit, gotta be a bad street, a bad neighborhood, bad part of town, bad city, bad school, odd how we can place value judgements and human attributes on objects. No building, or school, or neighborhood is inherently "bad". How about using empirical data and facts/statistics to see whom it is to most likely to be the perpetrators of said crimes.
Gun control? What do people not understand about "shall not be infringed"?
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

"You are allowed to be armed to ensure the security of a free state" - kept purposefully vague for the very reason that in 1789 the militia and the government were equally armed. Do you think you're equally armed right now? Do you have F-22's in your militia arsenal? Do you think even your .50cal's can compete with the weapons available to the US military? Do you think you stand the slightest fucking chance against what they have to offer?

Yes? Well then, you're retarded. Go get your head checked out.

No? Well then why the fuck do you need some retarded militia? To protect ur crops from foreign invasion?!


Why is it that when there is a lynching or someone is bound and raped, we don't hear cries for "rope control" or call it rope violence
Probably because 30,000 people aren't killed every year in America by ropes.. DUMBASS
No, actually the majority of Americans die from complications due to obesity, ie., heart disease, high blood pressure/hypertension, etc. Blaming the gun for murder is analogous to blaming forks for all these deaths due to obesity. Yeah, its not your fault you're a fat bastard, its the fucking spoons. Maybe obama can pass cutlery laws. whom is it carrying the guns, pulling th trigger and committing murder? probably doesn't make a differece to you, why get to the root of the problem when one can just place the blame on an inanimate piece of metal. And perhaps you should educate yourself on the writings of the founders. The second amendment was not written specifically for the purpose of a militia. Nor were the founders only concerned with such. They advocated the right to bear arms for self protection, Jefferson himself stated not only is it a right of an American citizen to have a firearm on his/her person, but it was also their responsibility to do so, dumbass. Prolly didn't realize this though, as they hide all this secret information in these things called books.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms."
- Thomas Jefferson, Virginia Constitution, Draft 1, 1776

"The Constitution of most of our states (and of the United States) assert that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed."
- Thomas Jefferson, letter to to John Cartwright, 5 June 1824

"To disarm the people...s the most effectual way to enslave them."
- George Mason, referencing advice given to the British Parliament by Pennsylvania governor Sir William Keith, The Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adooption of the Federal Constitution, June 14, 1788

"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined.... The great object is that every man be armed. Everyone who is able might have a gun."
- Patrick Henry, Speech to the Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 5, 1778

"The Constitution shall never be construed to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms."
- Samuel Adams, Massachusetts Ratifying Convention, 1788

"The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."
- Thomas Jefferson, Commonplace Book (quoting 18th century criminologist Cesare Beccaria), 1774-1776

WTF? Can you believe this shit, I just can't seem to fathom that the founding fathers, those that drafted the constitution, the "supreme law of the land" actually believed that guns served a purpose outside of forming a militia. Those cocksuckers actually had the audacity to feel that every man had the god given right to carry a gun at all times, for self protection. Oh, how can this be?

Did Adams, well over 200 years ago realize that there would be jackasses much like padamasterbater, that would attempt to misconstrue the constitution in an attempt to keep citizens from keeping and bearing arms? Jefferson did not just say if you pass laws to keep guns from the citizens, then only criminals will have guns, and unarmed law abiding citizens will then become victims? Yes that motherfucker did!

Strange, the whole well regulated militia theory seems to be bullshit, the founders felt firearms had a place in society, for all free men, and that right was god given.
The Heller case made it clear that certain infringements are 100% constitutional, literalist moron.

Don't you find it ironic that the court decisions are all ultimately backed by guns ?

So it appears the question, from a statist perspective, isn't should gun ownership be infringed, it's just a question of who is the infringer and who is the infringee.

You do realize that many gun control circumstances arise from some people being afraid black people would arm themselves don't you racist?
You do realize that many gun control circumstances arise from some people being afraid black people would arm themselves don't you racist?

aren't you the guy who advocates for people to hang signs uninviting black people from their stores?
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

"You are allowed to be armed to ensure the security of a free state" - kept purposefully vague for the very reason that in 1789 the militia and the government were equally armed. Do you think you're equally armed right now? Do you have F-22's in your militia arsenal? Do you think even your .50cal's can compete with the weapons available to the US military? Do you think you stand the slightest fucking chance against what they have to offer?

Yes? Well then, you're retarded. Go get your head checked out.

No? Well then why the fuck do you need some retarded militia? To protect ur crops from foreign invasion?!


Probably because 30,000 people aren't killed every year in America by ropes.. DUMBASS

So, the fact that you and the ilk like you have infringed on the Constitution and created the armament disparity between the public and the armed forces, should somehow convince us we should let you complete your heinous agenda? Good luck with that.

You also forget the oath every service member takes. If that shit were to hit that fan, a majority of those advanced weapons would be pointed at the treasonous fucks (liberals) along with the millions in the hands of patriots. You are VASTLY outnumbered and you know it, regardless of whether or not you admit it.
So, the fact that you and the ilk like you have infringed on the Constitution and created the armament disparity between the public and the armed forces, should somehow convince us we should let you complete your heinous agenda? Good luck with that.

You also forget the oath every service member takes. If that shit were to hit that fan, a majority of those advanced weapons would be pointed at the treasonous fucks (liberals) along with the millions in the hands of patriots. You are VASTLY outnumbered and you know it, regardless of whether or not you admit it.
Well when you and Cliven Bundy show up on my back porch I'll be shaking in my boots
aren't you the guy who advocates for people to hang signs uninviting black people from their stores?

No. I don't advocate people do anything with their bodies or their property as long as they don't deprive others of the ability to do the same.

Within that situation, there is no guarantee that WHAT people decide to do will be the same thing I'd have done in a similar circumstance. So your innuendo/ allegation fails, (again) Poopy Pants.

I notice you failed to address the irony I mentioned about how in order to quell "gun violence" the government must first employ gun violence or the threat of it. Which is of course absurd and nonsensical.
Well when you and Cliven Bundy show up on my back porch I'll be shaking in my boots

No need, you're small potatoes. That and the fact you will NEVER get what you want in regards to firearms. The "liberal" states can and should continue to ban scary looking rifles and such, I'm a big fan of treasonous scumbags disarming themselves.
No need, you're small potatoes. That and the fact you will NEVER get what you want in regards to firearms. The "liberal" states can and should continue to ban scary looking rifles and such, I'm a big fan of treasonous scumbags disarming themselves.
Looks like you're stuck in that 14% minority again tough guy. Good luck getting your tea party revolution going with backwoods hicks who don't know how to start a lawn mower.
@Padawanbater2 , Your options seem to favor some sort of written test.

I'm curious what such a test would consist of. I could get behind a test proving you understand the local and federal laws. Is that what you are getting at with it?

Edit: sorry if I blew up your alerts. I had some stoner difficulties.
@Padawanbater2 , Your options seem to favor some sort of written test.

I'm curious what such a test would consist of. I could get behind a test proving you understand the local and federal laws. Is that what you are getting at with it?

Edit: sorry if I blew up your alerts. I had some stoner difficulties.
Yeah exactly, that and I'd throw in a thorough overview of safety requirements
Although I voted for Moderate Control, There is one thing I don't like about the background checks.

Non-violent offenders should be allowed to carry.