Well-Known Member

Greetings people. I am MonsterDrank.
Indoor/Urban Grower from the North East. I have about a decade of experience growing indoors. For those who don't know me.. bound to be plenty here that do not as I have not been very active on Rollitup in years. I recently decided to come back and have been spending quite a bit of time here as of late. The community is so diverse and large that I think it is grand that such a place exists. A place for growers on all levels of experience and wisdom to come together and share from their experiences.. learn.. converse.. all things cannabis.
I wanted to make a thread to show some of my older work as well as newer work and happenings.. share experiences and information. All things related and relevant to the plant we all know and love. I also thought this would be a great way to introduce myself to the community.. and perhaps make some new friends along the way. I do want to say this... as long as it's positive.. and relevant.. anyone can post here. I welcome comments and discussion, questions.. things like that.
I am fortunate enough to have some space here in the "Batcave" to have quite the nice grow going on right now.
My Style...
For years my style of growing was mainly seed plants.. I would grab 10 or 16 or 20 or however many seeds.. and I would rarely run a pack of anything at a time.. usually a few of these, a few of those, a couple of these.. and I would have a decent size multi-strain grow going on.. this way of growing is hard/damn near impossible to find a keeper of a particular pheno of a particular plant.. but that was not what I was doing. I was thinking that mathematically.. working with let's say 10 seeds from decent genetics.. you are likely to find one really nice keeper, so every 10 seeds I ran.. I would expect one to outshine the rest.. but I would have no idea which strain that pheno would present itself from.. as those 10 seeds that I had mentioned..could have been 4 different strains. But regardless and nonetheless..out of 10 I still would usually find a really nice one to clone/keep/run again. Now I don't consider a keeper a true Elite.. I consider a keeper just something worth cloning and running again.. you still have the chance of finding something really special when you run seed plants.. I believe it's something close to 1 out of 100 when you are working with good genetics. I believe that I have come across 3 plants from hundreds of seeds over the past 10 years that I would consider to be true Elites.
When I say Elite.. I mean it.. Elite means of the absolute highest class. A real elite plant scores 10/10 in nearly every category. It's the rare plant that when you run her in bloom your jaw drops at first glance when the lights come on. The plant that gives you the loudest or most pleasant terps... the plant that just emanates dankness and is perfect in nearly every way. The one you never want to let go of. The elite plants that get produced from seed are a reward that any seed grower would find as treasured a gift from heaven itself.. and in a way I suppose it kind of is. When you find that one special plant.. you may have had to go through 100 or 150 seeds to get there... and it may take years.. but when you finally find it.... it's something to be treasured/held on to. I would suggest giving a few cuttings of something that special to friends.. and strongly encourage them to not only clone/keep her but to push the point across that this is something that they absolutely cannot lose.. keep it in their rotation. It's good to spread the genetics out there because if you ever have to tear down your grow.. or temporarily stop growing.. you know your elite cut is still obtainable. When I lost my Space Princess.. I was lost/crushed. She was a once in a lifetime plant.. I doubt I'll ever have anything like her again.
Things have changed since then.. I now have a variety of clones that I consider keepers and 3 plants I consider to be elite. My elephant dick pheno of Bodhi's Apollo11g, my Starfighter from Exotic Genetix/Alien Genetics stock, and the "Golden Ticket" cut of Chernobyl. I am a seed fiend/seed whore/seed collector at heart so I love to run plants from seed..always searching for the next best pheno.. but with a decent stable and selection of killer cuts already in my possession.. I don't have to do so. I could run a whole grow of A11g and pull of a massive ginormous yield.. and I may try that someday.. but to me this is all hobbyist type stuff.. so I am not relying on plant numbers or weights, yield, etc.
The Dirt
I grow in a mix that I mix myself of Just Right Xtra Potting Mix, Fox Farm Ocean Forest, Perlite, and a little Azomite. I top with Earthworm castings periodically and right before bloom I like to add a little Indonesian Bat Guano to the soil.
The Feed
I have traditionally used Botanicare's Pure Blend Pro nutrients from start to finish. This time however I am using Botanicare's new lineup.. the Botanicare KIND 3 part line. Running Pure Blend Pro from Botanicare always gave me amazing results however you had to use CalMag or supplement with Magnesium as the 2 Part Grow and Bloom ferts did not adequately provide enough magnesium. I am hoping that with KIND I won't have the same issues. But there's only one way to know for sure.. and that's by using it.. that is what I am doing right now.
I also use Liquid Karma by Botanicare as this is my favorite supplement and I would highly recommend to anyone using any type of growing media or fertilizer product to still acquire and use. Liquid Karma is a staple in my garden. I would not grow without it. It does all kinds of amazing things.. helps clones root faster, even helps old seeds germinate when all hope was thought to be lost, helps plants revert from bloom to veg at a quicker rate if you're stuck in that type of situation, helps the transition period accelerate from seedling to veg or from veg to bloom.. it's a catalyst and by definition catalyst means. "a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanent chemical change." That is exactly what this stuff does. It also minimizes shock after transplant. It makes for healthier overall better plants. Botanicare says it increases metabolic rates. I can say first hand it really does do what it is supposed to do. I have run side by side tests using it and witnessed the difference myself. Liquid Karma is definitely worth every penny.
I am for the first time ever experimenting with their Rhizo Blast root product treatment. It's a product similar to House and Garden's Root Excelurator or the Canna's Rhizotonic. I can definitely see that the Rhizo Blast does help get those roots bigger, thicker, and the growth of the mass looked exponentially larger than I would have thought when I went to transplant a few of these plants after only a month of use. I've also taken the plants out and given them a foliar feed of the Rhizo Blast a couple of times,, as it is recommended by Botanicare to feed the root stimulator product with lower feedings if possible. But they also go on to say that foliar use is okay.. so I have applied it in that manner a couple of times.....