George Zimmerman is sub-human.

This case has been adjudicated.
For better or worse dependent upon whose ox is being gored.

Regardless, the subsequent behavior of Zimmie has been zany, bizarre and downright creepy.
One would think that this jackass could exhibit even a modicum of reasonably good behavior after his trial.
Nope, he continues to feed those who are still questioning the validity of the verdict.
Good job Georgie, you titanic twit...what a gigantic jackass this guy is.
Just go away, you singular simpleton...jeeesh!
The tards are all stirred up.
Yes you are.

And you literally prove that conservatism is correlated with racism and lower intelligence, as multiple peer reviewed scientific studies have shown.

Now excuse me while I grab my gun and chase down this unarmed fleeing child in the dark. Ya know, simple self-defense.
This case has been adjudicated.
For better or worse dependent upon whose ox is being gored.

Regardless, the subsequent behavior of Zimmie has been zany, bizarre and downright creepy.
One would think that this jackass could exhibit even a modicum of reasonably good behavior after his trial.
Nope, he continues to feed those who are still questioning the validity of the verdict.
Good job Georgie, you titanic twit...what a gigantic jackass this guy is.
Just go away, you singular simpleton...jeeesh!
In a year he will sign a book deal.

The Prosecution of George Zimmerman:
After the verdict


The back

" The harrowing tale of a man's humanity on the line. Endlessly assaulted on the Internet after his aquittal and Endlessly defending his right to be a complete jackass.

George Zimmerman fights every moment to survive but at what cost?"
"A man was watching him," said Rachel Jeantel, 19, who was on the phone with Martin just before he was fatally shot. "He said the man kept watching him. He kept complaining that a man was just watching him."

"And then he said, 'That N-word is still following me now,'" said Jeantel. "I asked him how the man looked like. He just told me the man looked 'creepy.' 'Creepy, white' -- excuse my language -- 'cracker. Creepy [expletive] cracker."

"He said, 'Why are you following me for?' And I heard a hard-breathing man say, 'What you doing around here?'" said Jeantel.

Jeantel also said she heard a bump from Martin's headset hitting something and "wet grass sounds."

"I start hearing a little bit of Trayvon saying, 'Get off, get off!'" said Jeantel.
OK, you've established Martin was an angry and likely violent racist. Jeantel also testified Martin said he was going to "give him a beat down". Not sure how you think you're helping your cause.
OK, you've established Martin was an angry and likely violent racist.


martin had no history of violence whatsoever.

zimmerman had restraining orders for beating up women, arrests and plea deals for beating up cops, documented altercations chasing down drivers, true stories from friends about throwing a woman so hard that she broke her ankle, and more.

and that's just that we know of.

Jeantel also testified Martin said he was going to "give him a beat down".

if you can cite that, i will leave the site forever.

but that won't happen, because you are blatantly lying.

racist loser.
you aggress on someone because you got a gun?.:clap:

Watching someone behaving suspiciously, as was what Neighborhood Watch people are supposed to do, isn't "agressing on someone".

then when the table is turned your pussy ass getting beat..
Having someone attempting to fracture your skull on concrete

congratulations georgie! you're an even way bigger pussy, than i ever gave you credit for..:clap:

congratulations Sky! you're an even way bigger liar, than i ever gave you credit for..:clap:
Watching someone behaving suspiciously, as was what Neighborhood Watch people are supposed to do, isn't "agressing on someone".

zimmerman was not on neighborhood watch. neighborhood watch is not armed and does not follow.

and martin was not acting suspiciously, unless you consider being black to be suspicious. which i know you do.

your exact words were "black men are worthy of fear and distrust". your words verbatim.

Having someone attempting to fracture your skull on concrete


how big was the biggest scratch?


i got scratched worse when my dogs greeted me at the door today.

martin had no history of violence whatsoever.

zimmerman had restraining orders for beating up women, arrests and plea deals for beating up cops, documented altercations chasing down drivers, true stories from friends about throwing a woman so hard that she broke her ankle, and more.

and that's just that we know of.

if you can cite that, i will leave the site forever.

but that won't happen, because you are blatantly lying.

racist loser.

what bucky said.
Watching someone behaving suspiciously, as was what Neighborhood Watch people are supposed to do, isn't "agressing on someone".

Having someone attempting to fracture your skull on concrete

congratulations Sky! you're an even way bigger liar, than i ever gave you credit for..:clap:

you're retarded, truly.
I am not a lib. I am just really, really confused how someone can chase someone down, and then claim self-defense. Self-defense has to start with trying to get AWAY. You can't go start a fight, get your ass kicked, shoot the person and walk away free and call it justice. If you instigate the incident, how the hell can that be self-defense?
Then, my 2nd huge problem is that at no point has he shown even one ounce of regret. He actually seems to take pride in taking the life of another human being. Anyone who knows anything about death knows that is not normal human emotions. There is something really screwed up in that guy and he will kill again.
You seem confused, for sure. After Martin ran down Zimmerman and attacked him, he never claimed self-defense at all. He died as a result of his aggression.
Your "2nd huge problem" makes no sense. You really are confused. How can you tell if a dead person "feels regret"? Yeah, "There is something really screwed up in that guy ", but you can be assured he won't kill again. He's dead.
based upon documented injuries..TM suckered punched him..nothing more..certainly nothing to die for.

the kid is dead..zimmy can say anything.
Sort of lying there aren't you? Oh yeah, the Moron Majority motto: If the facts don't match your viewpoint, change the facts!!
In a year he will sign a book deal.

The Prosecution of George Zimmerman:
After the verdict


The back

" The harrowing tale of a man's humanity on the line. Endlessly assaulted on the Internet after his aquittal and Endlessly defending his right to be a complete jackass.

George Zimmerman fights every moment to survive but at what cost?"

that ship has sailed on a book deal.
based upon documented injuries..TM suckered punched him..nothing more..certainly nothing to die for.

the kid is dead..zimmy can say anything.
Sort of lying there aren't you? Oh yeah, the Moron Majority motto: If the facts don't match your viewpoint, change the facts!!