Are there only a few really-legit and effective strains?

is it normal to be high and have the theme song to the Andy Griffith Show running through your head? Or did you old farts reminiscing bout them ole days somehow plant this shit in my head? UGH!

Peace and love bro's. Not me in vid. btw.
See I've smoked it before I grew it. It was so good to me and so unique. It was the flavor and buzz I've been chasing. When I first grew it, I loved it immediately. The more I grow it, the better it gets, dialing it in was the key. Trying different, but similar og's you can fine tune for your preference and notice the difference between them where is most won't.

your sfv an ghost are diffrent/ better looking than mine (may be better kept or diffrent cutz)
hope i get the chance to tatse them ..:)
that legand i want to run again BAD ....and tri... i want the real
your sfv an ghost are diffrent/ better looking than mine (may be better kept or diffrent cutz)
hope i get the chance to tatse them ..:)
that legand i want to run again BAD ....and tri... i want the real
They look totally different outdoor/indoor. Like a totally different plant. You can tell how closely related they are. Even the legend and tk, very similar in growth and structure. All throwing the three leaves quite often. Flowers all have a similar og smell but still different. Ghost more skunk, sfv more lemon, legend more pinesol, and tk more perfumery. All super good smoke. In a couple months or so, ( when this tk and legend are done) I'll have to send you a care package to sample.
They look totally different outdoor/indoor. Like a totally different plant. You can tell how closely related they are. Even the legend and tk, very similar in growth and structure. All throwing the three leaves quite often. Flowers all have a similar og smell but still different. Ghost more skunk, sfv more lemon, legend more pinesol, and tk more perfumery. All super good smoke. In a couple months or so, ( when this tk and legend are done).
spoken like a true lover of the green ! what an offer :) most peeps on these boards dont love this stuff like you Genstash and i do . RESEARCH is so key . makeing friends with other growers that got the goods as well . or even know what well grown weed IS ... let me tell you organic is a red herring to get in all our pocket books with care and your lungs will thank you right?
ahhhhh that kush flavor ! its so thought provoking the dispencary i notice the folks i get along with well order a sativa or og kush . the folks i dont get along with so well order cookies or "what ever is the strongest ".... MANY friends/ famliy show up here with the "latest" and "strongest" flavors from dispo's or home and are usally asking for cuts when they leave ... or sleeping over if they hit the SFV oil ... it just is so nice
is it normal to be high and have the theme song to the Andy Griffith Show running through your head? Or did you old farts reminiscing bout them ole days somehow plant this shit in my head? UGH!

Peace and love bro's. Not me in vid. btw.
That was a great show.

You know what's even cornier than old farts reminiscing? -young guys who have nothing better to do than hang around old farts who are reminiscing.
I think you answered your own question earlier...

Most places are not wanting to pay for that top dollar smoke/growers don't want to let that good smoke go it stays in the Streets. Amongst family, friends...
yep. That's it.
I think te only point here is we all have stated that we are smoking bad ass strains that is getting it done for us and it has become our preference? Like I said before. Everybody seems to be smoking great weed. We are all happy?
I tend to agree. Even my non keeper strains that I run seem to get the job done. I might just have to hit the bowl 4 or 5 times instead of once or twice. That doesn't mean I plan to stop searching for better any time soon though. That is half the fun of growing for me.
Same here. I was like a kid in a candy shoppe for awhile after I got my card. I don't disagree with anything you're saying. I love growing almost as much as I like sampling the harvest, now.

It's like grains of sand on a beach -there are billions of them and they all make the beach what it is. -just like how all the strains of marijuana make the new MJ scene what it is -great and way better of a scene than it used to be back when you had to hide what you were doing. But what I have found out is that every now and then, one of those grains of sand turns out to be a diamond. And when you find a diamond, you tend to whoop and holler a bit! Unfortunately, I wasn't able to procure any of that epic blueberry for myself….It makes me want to find it again, though.
Same here. I was like a kid in a candy shoppe for awhile after I got my card. I don't disagree with anything you're saying. I love growing almost as much as I like sampling the harvest, now.

It's like grains of sand on a beach -there are billions of them and they all make the beach what it is. -just like how all the strains of marijuana make the new MJ scene what it is -great and way better of a scene than it used to be back when you had to hide what you were doing. But what I have found out is that every now and then, one of those grains of sand turns out to be a diamond. And when you find a diamond, you tend to whoop and holler a bit! Unfortunately, I wasn't able to procure any of that epic blueberry for myself….It makes me want to find it again, though.

really ?? you did not get the guys phone number to chill and blaze again ?? i would offer to buy the guys whole harvest if iwas so intruged by the smoke as all my cannasure friends would love it to i bet ...
i bought a room of cuddlefish hashplant that was awsome just cuz i wanted the smoke for headstash ...was only a pound but fuck was it worth every penny..made a new friend flush and blush as well ..
Same here. I was like a kid in a candy shoppe for awhile after I got my card. I don't disagree with anything you're saying. I love growing almost as much as I like sampling the harvest, now.

It's like grains of sand on a beach -there are billions of them and they all make the beach what it is. -just like how all the strains of marijuana make the new MJ scene what it is -great and way better of a scene than it used to be back when you had to hide what you were doing. But what I have found out is that every now and then, one of those grains of sand turns out to be a diamond. And when you find a diamond, you tend to whoop and holler a bit! Unfortunately, I wasn't able to procure any of that epic blueberry for myself….It makes me want to find it again, though.
Ok homie. The bowl is loaded with fresh. I think I vaped the same bowl of stuff for two days. Now I got fresh. This is gonna be good. I may go quiet for a few I dunno. Been off work for 2.5 hours and think I'm all set for this ride. Been busy getting my ducks in a row to make sure I don't need anything. Wish you were here homie. We could do this together and find some old school re-runs to stream. Maybe get up in the morn and drop a line and do some fishin and shit ole school. I like Chips and Mash. Yeah Mayberry is bad ass. Love the short term memory loss cause it's like I've seen em all a dozen times, but, the memory loss makes em brand new to me. Let's do this. :bigjoint:

really ?? you did not get the guys phone number to chill and blaze again ?? i would offer to buy the guys whole harvest if iwas so intruged by the smoke as all my cannasure friends would love it to i bet ...
i bought a room of cuddlefish hashplant that was awsome just cuz i wanted the smoke for headstash ...was only a pound but fuck was it worth every penny..made a new friend flush and blush as well ..

I know the guy! I asked him about it. He told me the his guy is completely off the charts about meeting any new people. He said that he only sells to him. He wants nothing to do with me or anyone. That's it. And the vibe is "Don't ask me, again."
I know the guy! I asked him about it. He told me the his guy is completely off the charts about meeting any new people. He said that he only sells to him. He wants nothing to do with me or anyone. That's it. And the vibe is "Don't ask me, again."

It should be understandable though, not everyone wants everyone to know what they do. When people know you got the kill sometimes it gets overwhelming with the sort of begging that goes on. I don't mind sharing but I am not going to pass around my personal stash just because someone can't get dank elsewhere.

Sometimes I get like 3 calls in a day to help out a friend and I am like dude you know I am working fuck.
I agree. If the shoe was on MY foot, then I'd be the same way. No point in risking the possibility of messing up a good thing.
Ok, here goes…

I kind of pride myself on knowing what good marijuana is. I've been around it for 40+ years and there probably isn'y any kind of marijuana that I haven't smoked….well, maybe a few strains, but…

So the other night, I am standing outside on a beautiful, starry night, with a couple of friends….and we are all smoking some strain that I got at a dispensary…"Candyland" is what it was. And we are all kind of looking like hipsters standing there, commenting on how great the weed is these days with legalization looming…etc. All the growers want to create the best strain so that they can become famous for it and blah, blah, blah…

And then another friend walks up and says hi and lights up a joint of "Blueberry" that his friend grows -just some black market shit that he has been smoking for years -homegrown by an old vet or something like that.

The joint comes my way and I almost pass on it because, after all, I am the pot connoisseur and this is just some dirty, old, homegrown, blueberry indica that doesn't even compare to this modern-day Candyland strain in any way shape or……*takes a puff*….Wait….WHAT?!?!? This is like the best-tasting, sweetest blueberry…skunk, berry flavor on the inhale and on the exhale…

And then the high…warm, flowing down my body like electricity -ears getting hot….SUPER color-enhancement…almost mildly psychedelic. It was "the" high that I had been missing since back in the days of experiencing Colombian Gold or Panama red for the first time after years of Mexican ditch weed. This was like that all over again.

And this is after years of smoking every conceivable strain from numerous dispensaries.

Even after all the hybridizing and growing techniques and all that's going on, WHY is it that I am able to only get at that real-deal experience from the underground? Why hasn't the real shit emerged into the public? I can't find shit like that blueberry -anywhere.

I am hoping that my next run of seeds will produce something that's even in the ballpark as that shit.

No, I can't get a cut from him. This cat is really, really underground from the OLD school and he doesn't deal with anyone. Too bad for me. And there I was thinking that none of that old, tired-out blueberry bullshit could hold a candle to my access to all the strains you could ever name! WRONG!

Have strains become so convoluted and focused on THC levels that something else has gone missing? Are we not allowing the strains to flower long enough to develop the "secret terpenes" -or something like that? Why isn't that real, real, REAL legit marijuana available everywhere?

And IF you know what/where/when/how it is, then please tell me about it in this thread. mosca seeds old time moonshinex old time moonshine dj shorts blueberry x bluberry
Nice thread. Just read it all while drinking my morning smoothie.

I've had "highs" before that were just amazing vibrations and some that were blah. One of the best I can remember was smoking some average ol import hashish a few years ago after a 10 month break. Surely the shit would have tested low thc. There was no melt. But the vibe was so nice and warm and fuzzy. Just perfect. Sometimes I feel like taking a break helps the situation but then I've grown some strains that just did it for me in a special way after consuming copious amounts prior. And then it loses that special vibration after a while. Strain tolerance? and maybe other strains won't do this. and maybe to some individuals and not others? We all perceive everything differently too and we all have unique brains in terms of receptors and whatnot.

I think we can all agree on one thing.

vibration >(or more important than) potency or a thc%number...... at least to people like us

the strongest most powerful potent stuff does not equal the best effects.

and the best of the best never goes far from the hands of the gardener/farmer.

also some people take a keeper from 1 pack(looks nice smells nice gets you high but isn't all that exceptional in terms of effects i.e. sells just fine) and some do multiple runs of high number of specimens to find truly special keepers because they have a passion for the herb................. or they seek out proven cuts. Key word PROVEN. all things to take into account.

as a grower who lives under prohibition and have no access to cuts and growers and this and that I have had to do it all myself. I've put more research into strains and breeders than I have how to actually grow and one thing I have learned is that a kewl strain name has absolutely nothing to do with the vibration of the herb. I've gone through a couple hundred plants, all which have been nice to smoke and would sell just fine but only a couple have stood out among the rest. I used to (figuratively) weep to myself because I will never have access to all the special flavor of the month or year or newest coolest over hyped strains(think cookies) but now that means nothing to me. I've found some great vibrations in unexpected places. Name means nothing to me anymore. Candyland..... Blueberry..... Super Platinum OG Bubba Cookie Cheese Dick Haze...... I could care less. Show me the vibes. :)

besides after the research I've done and what I've learned on this journey so far I roll my eyes at strain names on black market herb.
I know the guy! I asked him about it. He told me the his guy is completely off the charts about meeting any new people. He said that he only sells to him. He wants nothing to do with me or anyone. That's it. And the vibe is "Don't ask me, again."
Hey ole bro. Look around you man. It's everywhere. Sure it's hidden in The endless bs and muddled down by all the fucks ups. But, you are sitting on the number one place to find the finest growers and genetics regardless of what your preferences are. Taste, high, aroma, THC, CBD, all of te resources are right here to make the miracle(s) happen! It takes effort to find. It's there. This may be the number one, included archives, resource for the wonders of our miracle that exists! Mine is not the best. And neither is yours. It's preference suited to you're own unique world. It's a beautiful thing. You are special man. Only you can walk in your shoes. I would suggest a strain or two. But, I can't see inside you deep enough to understand what works for you. I only know what works for me brother.

Peace and love man. Embrace it.

D-Urbmon, I'm not sure what you mean by "vibe", but if you are saying that the effect is specific to the individual, then why was it that several veteran smokers were all impressed and kind of in awe of how good it was -even after we had already smoked a bunch of dispensary-quality weed just prior to it? If it was a specific vibe, then I guess we all got caught up in it.

I wish it was just a matter of finding a strain that really does it for me, alone. It's not the case. I am suggesting that there are definitely strains out there (kept close to the grower/owner) that are on a whole other level -in a universal sense -not in a sense of being specific to the individual. I'm not talking about the good old days. I'm talking about a few weeks ago. No reminiscing at all -unless you consider weeks ago to be the good old days. ;) And IF it had been just me, then maybe I would have just written it off and tried to tell myself that it wasn't as good as all that…but EVERYONE who was there was feeling the same way. It was just one of those cold slaps in the face of reality.

I'll tell ya one thing…IF any dispensary or recreational place ever gets ahold of anything like what I am talking about, then they could base their whole business on just that one strain. I'd drop every other dispensary that I've gone to (lots and lots and lots of them!) for that one strain….and I'd likely never look back.
I know the guy! I asked him about it. He told me the his guy is completely off the charts about meeting any new people. He said that he only sells to him. He wants nothing to do with me or anyone. That's it. And the vibe is "Don't ask me, again."

yes i get that message loud and clear ...:(
D-Urbmon, I'm not sure what you mean by "vibe", but if you are saying that the effect is specific to the individual, then why was it that several veteran smokers were all impressed and kind of in awe of how good it was -even after we had already smoked a bunch of dispensary-quality weed just prior to it? If it was a specific vibe, then I guess we all got caught up in it.

I wish it was just a matter of finding a strain that really does it for me, alone. It's not the case. I am suggesting that there are definitely strains out there (kept close to the grower/owner) that are on a whole other level -in a universal sense -not in a sense of being specific to the individual. I'm not talking about the good old days. I'm talking about a few weeks ago. No reminiscing at all -unless you consider weeks ago to be the good old days. ;) And IF it had been just me, then maybe I would have just written it off and tried to tell myself that it wasn't as good as all that…but EVERYONE who was there was feeling the same way. It was just one of those cold slaps in the face of reality.

I'll tell ya one thing…IF any dispensary or recreational place ever gets ahold of anything like what I am talking about, then they could base their whole business on just that one strain. I'd drop every other dispensary that I've gone to (lots and lots and lots of them!) for that one strain….and I'd likely never look back.

When I say vibe I refer to that very specific and unique high related to the strain.

Sounds like you are simply talking about an elite cut. Not a nice cut. Not a good cut. A true ELITE. Brought to it's maximum potential by the grower.

noun: elite; plural noun: elites

. a select part of a group that is superior to the rest in terms of ability or qualities.
It's just the way it is, I guess. It's a paradox, in a way…because, on one hand, you get to smoke the best weed, but on the other hand, you can't really ever share it with anyone. And sharing that kind of thing with people who really appreciate it is great…so it just seems like storytelling if I can't get it, myself -much less put anyone else onto it.

It's like Bigfoot. It never existed…until that one day in the forrest! ;) And then, all of a sudden there it was! I didn't have my camera and I have no evidence other than my story.