Is there an actual "kind bud" strain?


Well-Known Member
I am asking this for a friend who gifted me some really nice strains. He told me to look out for a strain called "kind bud" and would be really happy if I could manage to find and grow this strain someday. I've never heard of it. After poking around online, I just found this is perhaps a colloquialism for sinsemilla, or just high quality weed. I didn't get any more info from him other than that the high was top notch, and this was a strain that was really popular like 2 decades ago.

Here's the thing... I asked an old school grower in the area that's probably supplied most of the weed in my area. He's never heard of it. He has grown a strain of original skunk since the 80s.
Kindbud is just a catchall term its not one strain per say like some places got crippy and the uk everything back in the day got called "skunk" it doesnt make tracking down stuff you liked from the past like others said there was the blueberry one but thats an oregon thing mainly and the terms are all regional i guess

Kine bud = Hawaiian term

"Kind bud, more properly known as “kine bud,” is a term for high quality cannabis flower. The term “kine” is native Hawaiian for “excellent,” and it is often mispronounced by English speakers as “kind.” “I smoked a fat blunt of some kine bud last night with my friends and I am still high.”"

I reckon in cali at least the first so called kind bud woulda been mexican affie hybrids cos mexican was the most comm9n stuff they had then 70s hit andso did the afghanis but these days it just refers to any fire bud really

Kine bud = Hawaiian term

"Kind bud, more properly known as “kine bud,” is a term for high quality cannabis flower. The term “kine” is native Hawaiian for “excellent,” and it is often mispronounced by English speakers as “kind.” “I smoked a fat blunt of some kine bud last night with my friends and I am still high.”"

Thats interesting i know they call it Pakalolo as well if its grew on the island with care
Did you guys watch the youtube vid I posted?

Actual "Kind" was the original Blueberry. So as far as actual weed called "the Kind", that's it. Otherwise it's just a generic term for good weed.
Did you guys watch the youtube vid I posted?

Actual "Kind" was the original Blueberry. So as far as actual weed called "the Kind", that's it. Otherwise it's just a generic term for good weed.
i just saw the video thank you for the link i enjoyed it. the mother of my child is a 80's kid and she loves the kind bud so ima try too find the 1980's blueberry genetics and tell her i grew you the kind bud girl :D <3 :3
Yea it was what all good weed was called at one time. That was in the mexican brick weed days, anything other than brick weed would be called kind bud.
Well.. yes I remember those days Virginia we used to say Green Bud...meant anything other than brick weed...I mean we had the lime, the skunk, Christmas tree, "Orange Bud", etc but generally we called that Green Bud.
Now I learned to be more careful in my descriptions one night as I was standing with a bunch of Bikers...(Pagans)friends of my brother as I am no Biker...they lit a joint and we're passing it...I asked if it was Green and they said... I hit it hard...and yep it was Green ok...just not Green Bud...I had a hard time getting home that night having never done that before or ever again.
The person who posted “kine” bud is correct. And was thoroughly adopted by the traveling dead fans as almost any cannabis of high quality. Although Hawaiian has its own class as I’ve always heard it referred to as Hawaiian… and Thai.
Yeah, it is haole pidgin for 'da kine' bud, brah.
If thats the case would it not probably be the hippies in the 60s that corrupted the kine bud thing chances are? I know a bunch of em moved to the island then never mind boel as well