Well-Known Member
Just wanted to put out there that anyone can make a drug look/smell pure. The best "raw" heroin I've had was a white fine powder with a tinge of yellow to it. Unfortunately it wasn't a good return on investment so the guy went back to selling his (re-)rocked grey powder which reaked of vinegar but was probably a quarter the potency.
Heroin: add a few drops of vinegar to the powder. Makes people think it's left over AA from the original synthesis.
Coke: add a bit of red food coloring to a solution of acetone. Gives it that pink tinge and chemical smell that most people associate with good coke.
Not exactly sure on the procedure of re-rocking but it's a well known process in metropolitan hood/ghettos such as b-more. Where competition is high and how you market the product is a key strategy.
The fact that he has clonazolam is a good sign though. Probably means he sources mainly from DNM's. I've been dabbling with a vial I got of it, strong stuff but has a steep dosage response curve. 0.25mg has been feeling like 1mg of alprazolam (Xanax) to me while 0.5mg has me straight out nodding. No opiates required.
If you feel like it's not worth develing into those chemicals than that's of course your choice to make. It is your body after all and you make the final call. Just throwing in my 2¢ to this thread.
The coke is from the biggest vendor on the dn it is regularly lab tested that batch was tested at 78% pure wit no active cuts
more and more is being tested after all this levismole cut shit.
this is the brick my small bits came from

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