Having cartel connects wont help.
I mean, it does, i have high level cartel contacts and certainly helps in obtaining cheap bricks but a brick is a brick is a brick. If its stamped, wrapped etc still abrick nothings changed. On the upper tiers people arent cutting trying to make an extra oz or two as itd so cheap say 10-15 a ki just along yhe border. The profits are there and cutting isnt necessary.
Along the border we call good coke skama. There are two classes, for the nose and for the kitchen. See pure coke absorbs moisture out the air and will quickly become goopy worthless (for insufflation) gunk. In about 30minutes. So slight cuts are added. It should still be pearly though. Kitchen basically has the fewest cuts. If you do an a/b on bad coke youll see why. They also, as i was saying kinda just crudely make it. Cleaning it up and recrystallize is the best thing you can do.
Pink is bad..think about what would make that color.