is this cocaine?

looks nice enough has that pearly real shine, so many are fooled by a bit of shine but soooo much of it nowdays is cuts to a make it look that way, pearly shine for the win!

why the 30s? i like a oxycontin meself 40mg or a 80mg with a couple of clonzepam or vals to add to the mix lol but oxy is rare as rockinghorse shit in the UK
Man this thread is killing me. Blow near where im from sucks, gotta drive to chicago for anything decent (Tad too far for a good time IMO)

Looks good tho, qwiz ur shit looks bombbbbb. I dont dabble in it even but if we kicked it, Id supply the tinfoil lol..
this will disgust you guys from the states but when no rig about and not many in the uk really have em we will smoke wax like this.

My homies from the uk love their spliffs, they aint going anywhere.. P.S. car cig lighters can def burn up some wax in those desperate times, just get it hot and drop it on, use a funnel to catch all the smoke :bigjoint:
I would have already snorted that off a strippers tits by now..

not quite hookers tits but it was certainly all sniffed with a load of ket do love my ck1 aka ket n coke

this is the batch of ket i got some of not quite all that tho lol just 5g. banging ket tho.

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No, but was uncut out a ki. And the ki, cleaned up. An a/b and recrystallized properly. The reaction isnt exactly efficient in the jungle just dumping random amounts of solvents and acids etc.
Seen pharmaceutical caine plenty, this is a1
Unless you have a cartel connect, pharmaceutical connect, or a coca plantation, pure coke is almost a myth. Maybe if your lucky you have some 90% or better but pure is crazy rare.

Most of the shit isnt pure when it leaves its country of origin.

That being said, the best coke ive had was pinkish. I bought an 8ball and thought i got burned, bought a test kit and it was clean.

Shot the tiniest bump ever and literally almost came in my pants. (Coke IV users would understand, but dont try this at home)

I dont really like uppers, but that pink shit.... Fucking crazy.
Having cartel connects wont help.
I mean, it does, i have high level cartel contacts and certainly helps in obtaining cheap bricks but a brick is a brick is a brick. If its stamped, wrapped etc still abrick nothings changed. On the upper tiers people arent cutting trying to make an extra oz or two as itd so cheap say 10-15 a ki just along yhe border. The profits are there and cutting isnt necessary.

Along the border we call good coke skama. There are two classes, for the nose and for the kitchen. See pure coke absorbs moisture out the air and will quickly become goopy worthless (for insufflation) gunk. In about 30minutes. So slight cuts are added. It should still be pearly though. Kitchen basically has the fewest cuts. If you do an a/b on bad coke youll see why. They also, as i was saying kinda just crudely make it. Cleaning it up and recrystallize is the best thing you can do.

Pink is bad..think about what would make that color.
Having cartel connects wont help.
I mean, it does, i have high level cartel contacts and certainly helps in obtaining cheap bricks but a brick is a brick is a brick. If its stamped, wrapped etc still abrick nothings changed. On the upper tiers people arent cutting trying to make an extra oz or two as itd so cheap say 10-15 a ki just along yhe border. The profits are there and cutting isnt necessary.

Along the border we call good coke skama. There are two classes, for the nose and for the kitchen. See pure coke absorbs moisture out the air and will quickly become goopy worthless (for insufflation) gunk. In about 30minutes. So slight cuts are added. It should still be pearly though. Kitchen basically has the fewest cuts. If you do an a/b on bad coke youll see why. They also, as i was saying kinda just crudely make it. Cleaning it up and recrystallize is the best thing you can do.

Pink is bad..think about what would make that color.

I thought the same thing... It was definitely pink though. A real light pink and it was faint enough that at first glance you wouldn't notice. Was definitely fire though. Better than the rest of my local shit.