is this cocaine?

I used to get the pink coke back in the early 80s, we called it Rose coke. It was good but definitely not the best I've done; and the Rose was uncut.
my friend gave it to me recently and said its good stuff, i have no idea what good stuff is so im not shore on taking it, plus it smells funny dunno how to decribe it like a fuel or some sort smell.

think im just gonna bin it?

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Looks like some bomb ass fish scale to me I would not worry about the fuel smell that's just the kerosene they extract it with if your not sure you can always find a human guinea pig to try some

This is me bit for the wkend i had it sent 100mile aqau from me tho or else it was never gonna last for the wkend lolol
It's probably a wise idea to remind us that it was SWIM (someone other than me) who is responsible for all these things... I would also not be claiming ownership of those pictures.

Hope ya'll are using proxies/TOR at least.
It's probably a wise idea to remind us that it was SWIM (someone other than me) who is responsible for all these things... I would also not be claiming ownership of those pictures.
Hope ya'll are using proxies/TOR at least.

This is riu not that drug forum where u have to say that some1 who isnt me shit

Im sam from london england pls to meet ya
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@newuserlol I won't quote ya, and ya I mean - I totally don't give a shit one way or the other. Years ago I loved the cocaine. Still would if it were legal, but the point is this stuff can be incriminating. That's it. Obtaining your IP and then your address - well, you've given them more than enough to convict assuming you still have anything at all.
It's probably a wise idea to remind us that it was SWIM (someone other than me) who is responsible for all these things... I would also not be claiming ownership of those pictures.

Hope ya'll are using proxies/TOR at least.

Using SWIM is literally pointless, it's pretty much like saying "nah man wasn't me" when a cop tries to bust you fully knowing that you're in the wrong and fully knowing that he knows that too
That there is pure Colombian Coca!!! U have a really good friend or a very dumb one for him not to cut that up and make himself some good cash!
Brotha that there will give you a few months worth of partying! Tony Montana style!:p
that's the bombest coke I have ever seen. look how brown it is
looks like bath salts

Lol no u just never seen mandy looking so clean im uk we are awash wit the shit thats been tested and also cost alot more than other md in the uk because it most deffo aint bath salt n is alot better than most in the uk
Just wanted to put out there that anyone can make a drug look/smell pure. The best "raw" heroin I've had was a white fine powder with a tinge of yellow to it. Unfortunately it wasn't a good return on investment so the guy went back to selling his (re-)rocked grey powder which reaked of vinegar but was probably a quarter the potency.

Heroin: add a few drops of vinegar to the powder. Makes people think it's left over AA from the original synthesis.

Coke: add a bit of red food coloring to a solution of acetone. Gives it that pink tinge and chemical smell that most people associate with good coke.

Not exactly sure on the procedure of re-rocking but it's a well known process in metropolitan hood/ghettos such as b-more. Where competition is high and how you market the product is a key strategy.

The fact that he has clonazolam is a good sign though. Probably means he sources mainly from DNM's. I've been dabbling with a vial I got of it, strong stuff but has a steep dosage response curve. 0.25mg has been feeling like 1mg of alprazolam (Xanax) to me while 0.5mg has me straight out nodding. No opiates required.

If you feel like it's not worth develing into those chemicals than that's of course your choice to make. It is your body after all and you make the final call. Just throwing in my 2¢ to this thread.
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