GOP debate

If the voters of the US are idiots enough put Trump in the whitehouse, they will fully deserve the outcome....:shock:
What he said about Syria and Russia were spot on, and I doubt he'd make such a shit deal with Iran. Too many other candidates don't know WTF they're talking about and spout off about how "small" our military is. Our military is bloated and needs efficiency, not a blank check for "more".

He seems to be the only one to point out that the Syrian government and ISIS are enemies and that there's no reason to attack the Syrian regime if they're actively hammering ISIS.
Just took a look at the debate poll on Drudge.

As to who won the debate.

Trump - 51%
Fiorina - 22%
Rubio - 7%
Cruz - 6%

I didn't watch it, but it appears the Donald is impervious to attack. I assume they all went after him. Didn't work from the look of it. Mind you, we don't really give a shit about liberals' opinions on the topic, you can't keep your own shit together and we want the candidate you like the least.

How fucking awesome would it be if he was elected POTUS? Now that the door is open, think of all the liberal soul crushing executive orders he could enact.

I might actually change my vote from Hillary to him if he makes it to the general.

Republican Presidential Debate: 9 Moments That Mattered At The Second GOP Debate

it's freakish..that's all i can say..i have no words, i'm laughing so hard.


EDIT: 3 hours?!!!!:shock:

Hillary Clinton Says Donald Trump's Hair Is Like 'Soft Serve at Dairy Queen'
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Did anybody else find it funny that some of the foreign policy issues touched on were "Being like Reagan... standing up to Iran?" Or did the irony just fly over the right's head?

Everything flies right over the right's head. Except for semen, they seem to goggle that shit up.
If the voters of the US are idiots enough put Trump in the whitehouse, they will fully deserve the outcome....:shock:

That's what many said about Obama. The rest is nothing more than a history of corruption, lies, debacles, and deceiving the American people.

"You can keep your doctor".
aren't you the guy who says the only good muslim is a dead muslim?

might want to look in the mirror once in a while, old fart.

Excuse me? There is not ONE of your posts that is NOT an insult or full of hate. You're always on the attack.

You are one miserable, angry person. Get a life.
If the person or entity "protecting you" uses force to ensure you have no choice but to use them to gain protection....isn't that a bit circular ? (rhetorical question by the way, it IS circular)

Especially if they then say, "you have to pay us extortion to protect you from people that might harm you or extort from you or we'll harm you, so pay us the extortion! "

It is entirely possible to offer protection, without extortion or claiming to be the sole entity that must be used to provide said protection. You've just never been allowed to see it, that's all.

Your inability to escape the maze will forever have you on their treadmill, thinking the cheese they give you is a cake.

Stick to ogling cheesecake and getting all bulbous, you're better at that than discerning your own self imposed cage and the level of your accepted acquiescence reinforced by your indoctrination, slave.

what would happen in your america..

what would happen in your america..


You obviously don't like his positions and feel the need to attack but that last bit of bullshit you posted was a little over the top.

I'll clue you in. That's what we need to prevent and your President isn't getting the job done.
Peggy Noonan makes some interesting points in her WSJ piece today regarding the Trump effect.

The gift of Trump is that just by showing up he makes people watch the Republican debates. The force of his presence makes it all bigger, more exciting, as if something important is happening. That elevates the field. The other candidates are noticed too, and get a chance to make an impression. It’s enlarging.

The cost of Trump is that he turns it all into “Survivor.” That trivializes serious candidates. Mr. Trump has so upped the dramatic ante that the networks have jumped in as players, goading dopey candidate No. 3 to confront and attack dopey candidate No. 4. This is diminishing. They’re puppets in somebody else’s show.

This journalistic approach is in line with the general national mood of hating politicians. Will they cuff around the Democrats like that? And by becoming active players in the drama, do journalists themselves become the newest freaks in what they themselves call the freak show?

A Democratic pundit there to do cable told me something smart. Journalists are now acclimating themselves to the new reality, he said. A few months ago they thought Mr. Trump and reality TV were climbing over the wall trying to get into the real world of politics. Now they realize it’s journalists trying to climb over the wall into the new world of reality TV. That, he said, is now the real world of politics.

Above excerpted from:


i like peggy..when this happened along with rachel maddow's succumbing to msnbc's programming rhetoric..i had had's all about the advertiser and NOT the constituent. there are plenty of sources for news so the networks are an easy by-pass.

this was before bernie announced..hillary has dropped an incredible 29 points (of women's vote; her base) according to media..


but where did they go? where did the binders full of women go? i suspect we've all bought bottles of aspirin..remember one thing men..ain't momma happy; ain't no one happy:wink:
You obviously don't like his positions and feel the need to attack but that last bit of bullshit you posted was a little over the top.

I'll clue you in. That's what we need to prevent and your President isn't getting the job done.


man-up, it's called debate ben..back to your regulary schedule tip n go count your pennies from YT.
All of the news sources have gone to hell.
Even NPR although NPR won't skew a story. There are stories they won't cover.
the right likes to complain about NPR being liberal. But if you look at the corporate sponsors.
They are almost all conservative and far right
If the voters of the US are idiots enough put Trump in the whitehouse, they will fully deserve the outcome....:shock:

it won't happen because GOP is 32%..mainstream 68%..even if 100% of the 32% voted for him hands down..who are the other 68% voting for? take for took everything sheldon addelson, dick rott had to squash the mmj referendum in florida and we still got 58% of the 60% required 'super-majority' and 2016?:lol:..simple math, men.

numbers don't lie unless they are being reported inaccurately..and who would do that?:mrgreen:

hint: conspiracy within his own campaign..once it's over the machine shuts down including those kushy campaign harm in trying to keep patient romney on life support for as long as possible?..amirite?:wink:
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All of the news sources have gone to hell.
Even NPR although NPR won't skew a story. There are stories they won't cover.
the right likes to complain about NPR being liberal. But if you look at the corporate sponsors.
They are almost all conservative and far right

the right and left establishment are joining..hillary is a moderate republican..they can't make any money if they are not in charge; they know their gig is up..poor, poor marco..he was really looking forward to all that me-ahhhmmmmmmmi cashola..fucking pendejo!
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Did anybody else find it funny that some of the foreign policy issues touched on were "Being like Reagan... standing up to Iran?" Or did the irony just fly over the right's head?

that's why bernie commented during the debate 'shouldn't we be voting for reagan'?..
it won't happen because GOP is 32%..mainstream 68%..even if 100% of the 32% voted for him hands down..who are the other 68% voting for? take for took everything sheldon addelson, dick rott had to squash the mmj referendum in florida and we still got 58% of the 60% required 'super-majority' and 2016?:lol:..simple math, men.

numbers don't lie unless they are being reported inaccurately..and who would do that?:mrgreen:

hint: conspiracy within his own campaign..once it's over the machine shuts down including those kushy campaign harm in trying to keep patient romney on life support for as long as possible?..amirite?:wink:
You idiots predicted a Democrat house and senate in the mid terms, I don't think your predictions really add up to much.