Passing judgement, predetermined nature or learned behavior?


Well-Known Member
Do you think it's possible to completely get rid of passing judgement on others?

For example do you think you can stop yourself from seeing one person as beautiful and another as ugly?


Active Member
Everyone is beautiful to me. :-) were all so unique and different. Even identical twins are different lol. weird huh? Any who that's what makes everyone beautiful. Y the question?


Well-Known Member
Everyone is beautiful to me. :-) were all so unique and different. Even identical twins are different lol. weird huh? Any who that's what makes everyone beautiful. Y the question?
That's what an uggo would say...

hahaha, I kid. Your outlook on the world is beautiful.

Do you think it's possible to completely get rid of passing judgement on others?

For example do you think you can stop yourself from seeing one person as beautiful and another as ugly?
I don't JUDGE people for being unattractive to me. Everyone has their own tastes. I find some people attractive, and others less so.

Although someone that would be considered beautiful can turn out to be a real dick sometimes, and then they're strait up fugly in my book.


Well-Known Member
Everyone is beautiful to me. :-) were all so unique and different. Even identical twins are different lol. weird huh? Any who that's what makes everyone beautiful. Y the question?
Because I'm trying to stop judging but I keep doing it without thinking so I'm wondering if I can change that over time..


Well-Known Member
So you're saying YOU judge those people you find less attractive?

Or do you mean the blacks and the jews?


Oh wait, you're probably in the states.

Um....the blacks and the Mexicans?
Women by seeing them as attractive or not.
Maybe a fat guy by thinking why doesn't this guy go to the gym (which now I realize maybe he is)
Maybe someone who yawns with their mouth open
Or a gay person staring at me


Well-Known Member
Women by seeing them as attractive or not.
Maybe a fat guy by thinking why doesn't this guy go to the gym (which now I realize maybe he is)
Maybe someone who yawns with their mouth open
Or a gay person staring at me
how do you know it's a gay staring at you?

And also - why would you judge them for that? You worried you'll be gay by proxy?

If you fear a look will somehow diminish your heterosexuality, then it may not be that solid to begin with.

We're all a little gay you know...


Well-Known Member
how do you know it's a gay staring at you?

And also - why would you judge them for that? You worried you'll be gay by proxy?

If you fear a look will somehow diminish your heterosexuality,
then it may not be that solid to begin with.

We're all a little gay you know...
I've had gay men try to hit on me especially once they knew I was straight like it turned them on now when I see that look that's what I go back to and perceive them