Election 2015

Your a walking propaganda machine of hate there bud.
You seem very sure about how others are not living up to your standards ... maybe instead of whining about it ...you could be reaching out to the so called people that don't know how to live as Canadians and teach them how... you seem very educated on alot of things
Liberals want you to but tweed brand weed. Tweed being partly owned by jt. They will never open up the books on funding but you can bet jt will profit handsomely if he's elected to a majority or even minority gov!
Do people still buy from tweed?
After all their shitty product ...that is the concensus right? I have never tried
Hmm why would that be?
Your a walking propaganda machine of hate there bud.
You seem very sure about how others are not living up to your standards ... maybe instead of whining about it ...you could be reaching out to the so called people that don't know how to live as Canadians and teach them how... you seem very educated on alot of things
If you're for shria law you don't deserve to be part of our civilized society. It assumes all men are rapist that can't control,their sexual urges around unrelated females. Females are made to cover up head to toe because we as men can't otherwise reset rapeing them? That is the most fucked up pov I've ever heard of. All humans are equal. We should all that the same Freedoms. Devout Muslims wish to restrict all of us not just women.
It's not hate, I don't hate all muslims I think their religious choices are backwards, I am sure there are many good muslims but as has been stated it's hard to know who's who when their holy book specifically says to infiltrate our society and attack from within. You're putting your own spin on what I am saying. Read what I wrote for what it is.

I am intolerant of hatred, segregation, murder, abuse towards women, etc.etc.etc. Listen the christian bible had a load of this same shit it in, stoning people may have been acceptable 1000 years ago, it's not today. Yet they are still doing it. They are still mutilating women with acid for looking at men. They are still segregating children and denying girls access to the same standards of education that the boys receive. If it was christians doing this stuff today in the modern world I would be saying exactly the same things in exactly the same tone. It is unacceptable, the fact so many people turn a blind eye because it's labeled as religious is atrocious and in the future it will be recognized as so.

Because of the way the west has become so PC people that hold the same views as I do are not allowed to voice their opinions on an oppressive culture where men rule and women are objects.

I'm done engaging in this, it's pretty disrespectful that you are calling me Hitler and and a walking propaganda machine of hate. It's kind of funny that everything I said is verifiable fact and yet I'm labeled as a hate monger? I especially don't understand how it's hate when all I want is equality within the religion and for them to stop killing people.

I'll get back election talk.
If you're for shria law you don't deserve to be part of our civilized society. It assumes all men are rapist that can't control,their sexual urges around unrelated females. Females are made to cover up head to toe because we as men can't otherwise reset rapeing them? That is the most fucked up pov I've ever heard of. All humans are equal. We should all that the same Freedoms. Devout Muslims wish to restrict all of us not just women.
Yeah that's fucked up.... but as everything it does take education .... deal with issue now in that country and keep the population from having to flee is what I'm talking about.... or deal with it later when they consolation themselves into their own country and have another safe haven to kill from.... you don't think some other people that are Candian have some fucked up ideas similar to those.... but those they try to lock up
It's not hate, I don't hate all muslims I think their religious choices are backwards, I am sure there are many good muslims but as has been stated it's hard to know who's who when their holy book specifically says to infiltrate our society and attack from within. You're putting your own spin on what I am saying. Read what I wrote for what it is.

I am intolerant of hatred, segregation, murder, abuse towards women, etc.etc.etc. Listen the christian bible had a load of this same shit it in, stoning people may have been acceptable 1000 years ago, it's not today. Yet they are still doing it. They are still mutilating women with acid for looking at men. They are still segregating children and denying girls access to the same standards of education that the boys receive. If it was christians doing this stuff today in the modern world I would be saying exactly the same things in exactly the same tone. It is unacceptable, the fact so many people turn a blind eye because it's labeled as religious is atrocious and in the future it will be recognized as so.

Because of the way the west has become so PC people that hold the same views as I do are not allowed to voice their opinions on an oppressive culture where men rule and women are objects.

I'm done engaging in this, it's pretty disrespectful that you are calling me Hitler and and a walking propaganda machine of hate. It's kind of funny that everything I said is verifiable fact and yet I'm labeled as a hate monger? I especially don't understand how it's hate when all I want is equality within the religion and for them to stop killing people.

I'll get back election talk.
I agree with you. I don't hate anyone but those who wish to control me
It's an election issue...it should be discussed...growing up in Hamilton, there were only two or three "Canadian" families that lived on our street...all the other families were immigrants- Italy, Romania, Yugoslavia...our street was multicultural...fast forward to about 1986 ish...when the uniform of the national police force of this country changed, so did my opinion on how much accomodation should really be given to newcomers to this country...I had to go on welfare once...it was as unpleasant as I could.make it fighting for things like workboots or a bed to sleep in....when you find out that new people to this country receive more than the people who actually work and contribute to the system it's starts to make you think differently....I really liked the street I grew up on....it made me respectful of hard working immigrants to this country...I didn't need to be tolerant.
It's an election issue...it should be discussed...growing up in Hamilton, there were only two or three "Canadian" families that lived on our street...all the other families were immigrants- Italy, Romania, Yugoslavia...our street was multicultural...fast forward to about 1986 ish...when the uniform of the national police force of this country changed, so did my opinion on how much accomodation should really be given to newcomers to this country...I had to go on welfare once...it was as unpleasant as I could.make it fighting for things like workboots or a bed to sleep in....when you find out that new people to this country receive more than the people who actually work and contribute to the system it's starts to make you think differently....I really liked the street I grew up on....it made me respectful of hard working immigrants to this country...I didn't need to be tolerant.
I truly think we need to rework the system. The new comers should be welcomed and those that can work(almost all of the adults admitted can do at least manual labor and many can do much more specialized work and we should make it easier for them to do their trained profession) should be doing at least community service if they don't have a paying job. In not talking punitive community service. I'm talking helping the community be a better place. For everyone. As for funding... Social services suck I hope none of you every have to go through welfair or subsidied housing ect. We need to look after the poor and the sick and the old way better then we currently do. Refugees and prisoners shouldn't be getting superior levels of care over Canadians ever. Doesn't mean we shouldn't help when we can. But we need to be selective.
It's an election issue...it should be discussed...growing up in Hamilton, there were only two or three "Canadian" families that lived on our street...all the other families were immigrants- Italy, Romania, Yugoslavia...our street was multicultural...fast forward to about 1986 ish...when the uniform of the national police force of this country changed, so did my opinion on how much accomodation should really be given to newcomers to this country...I had to go on welfare once...it was as unpleasant as I could.make it fighting for things like workboots or a bed to sleep in....when you find out that new people to this country receive more than the people who actually work and contribute to the system it's starts to make you think differently....I really liked the street I grew up on....it made me respectful of hard working immigrants to this country...I didn't need to be tolerant.
I became aware of the golden welcome blanket in the early eighties when a family member managed an apartment building in Calgary. As a newly married, perpetually poor 20 something, I was pissed. As I get older, I realize that these people NEED a help up, but I still don't get why second hand stuff is good enough for Canadians starting out but refugees require everything new. I grew up in Germany as a 'foreigner' during the cold war, I've experienced intolerance towards me, but I still have ties with people there who treated me as a friend 40+ years ago. I would like to think I could be that person for a newcomer here. The muslim thing scares me though. I don't get religion, but to each their own, but when people are extremely religious, it makes me nervous.
No more refugee's
I know some. They are truly happy to,be in winnipeg where it gets colder then Mars for several months at a time rather then living in South Sudan. Mom and dad speak very limited English. Dad works at some store. They have 5 or 6 kids all living in a 2 bedroom Manitoba housing side by side complex style housing. The older kids all speak reality good English. The toddlers are still learning. But the other 4 oldest all speak English and go to public school. I don't have a problem with them being here or being on assistance. I just think the assistance programs where more fair to everyone. I'm sure they get more $ every month for free then the next door neighbors but they have 4 more kids and live in the same size sbs. Instead of saying no more refugees I say be more selective of who we take and lower what they get so it's less of an incentive for them to choose canada.
That's what the PC bullshit gets you. A Trump. Want some parallels to Hitler he's the dude.

He's scary dangerous, the worst part his rhetoric is making the whole republican party go even more batshit crazy then it already is.
Well how about deez nuts? Lmao
Well how about deez nuts? Lmao
How's he polling? prolly ahead of Hildog now eh? Heard Deez was doin good in the Carolinas.

My American friends keep reminding me the early polls don't mean shit, but I don't know if I believe them :)
I never checked so I could be wrong but the idea that someone who is a newcomer receives money to start a life...makes sense doesn't it? As someone who was born and grew up in Canada should have an education enough to work in Canada and support themselves. ... also as a Canadian you should have some family support too.... normally these peeps got nothing but the clothes on there backs....
As for how alot of new comers will have there whole families in one house (over crowded to us) but to them it's more than enough room.... because they were living in worse conditions before ....
Also alot of talk about being a tax burden (sucking the teet) shameful as its only money. ... this is not 30 years ago when times were better this is now where humans have fucked the world so much I don't think it will ever recover....
So I see Noone really wants refugees. .. so what party do you think is really going to do the right thing
Jt bring in more refugees now
Tm we will bring in so many refugees in a 4 year period
Harpo's bomb them and bring in a few refugees after we check them

I believe we now have the mindset to change how things get run where everyone has a certain standard of living that you don't fall under... better than it is now. Your food and shelter should be free and you work to help the entire country not yourself..... does his mean someone will work harder than someone else for the same.... fuck yes..... boo fucking hook whom would whine about it.... either we pick another way now that we ease into or we get forced into a worse system when we have no other choice.
Time to lose the me and start saying we
We all live on this world how can we ignore the plight of others that breathe the same air