Election 2015


Well-Known Member
I bet you would want the "undesirables " that do come here in camps too then after that we could look at Canadians too.
Give up the fear mongering


Well-Known Member
Shouldn't we be taking care of own first?
Apparently that's considered being racist or unsympathetic to some.
I say the problems at home should be taken care of before even looking in other directions.
The fact that a pensioner that worked 20-40 years building Canada up is supposed to live on $1050 a month while a refugee gets $2500 a month says it all.
Shit needs to change and if some get offended to fucking bad


Well-Known Member
Shouldn't we be taking care of own first?
Totally agree. ... it seems the system is broken... everyone calling for change yet... it's not changing alot ...more of the same with no different end result
Still need to bring some of those peeps in no matter..... Noone cares so much until it touches them eh


Well-Known Member
Oh just a heads up on JTs defense guy he loves action.... thinks of troops on the ground.... so to think we won't do some stomping with the libs in Syria or by that time it maybe called something else


Well-Known Member
So seems more of ya are for the con result then ... only 10k refugees over 4 years I think it was..... seems to be the lesser refugees
Although he will do some bombing probably.... more than likely


Well-Known Member
So seems more of ya are for the con result then ... only 10k refugees over 4 years I think it was..... seems to be the lesser refugees
Although he will do some bombing probably.... more than likely
Just think if every able bodied Muslim man that claims they are against Isis wasn't a fucking pussy and stood up for their beliefs ISIS wouldn't even exist in the first place. But they don't want to fight their "brothers".

Instead it appears their lying in wait to see which side comes out on top. While we have to send in our children to clean up their mess that their indifference created.

All these refugee camps should have conscription. You want to get out of the region? you fight ISIS for 3 years if you're able, or help the war effort in some other capacity. Do you not think it would be hugely helpful to the cause in the region if Muslims were fighting this problem?

I do.

If they aren't willing to help their own people why should we? What kind of logic is that? I'm baffled by our approach it's so American it's disgusting. Why aren't we providing Aid? Water, Food, Health care, Tents, etc,etc,etc.


Well-Known Member
When crime happens in our streets how many stand up to be counted or fight back in groups against gangs that have taken their neighborhoods over.... sure we have cops and such but you don't see people openly going against some group that they fear

Middle East is fucked up man no doubt about it..... it needs to be controlled whatever the original reason for the problems out there .... it's happening now so gotta deal with it


Well-Known Member
How many people were openly against the church in say during the inquisition (probably spelled that wrong)
Fuck then if you said shit .... look out eh


Well-Known Member
No big story on what the UN is trying
Hahaha I know .. I know.... no teeth MFs
FFS and Tom wants to go back to peacekeeping. ... that don't work anymore
Need for peacemaking but actually do something


Well-Known Member
This same woman wouldn't do shit for Greece. Now she risks bankrupting a good portion of Europe with her irrational decision making. Great stuff. What happens when the bombing starts?

Anyone with any sense will tell you there's terrorists mixed in with those refugee's.


Well-Known Member
You see, it’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn’t we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?3


Well-Known Member
Figured you guys would be celebrating that the "10000 over 4 years" that harpered into 9 that are oked

I know it's probably stats from way before this flood of people