Election 2015

Straight shooter eh my issue is that Isis isn't a problem for canada. It's a made up problem. Arm the "good guys" I disagree with that. They need less weapons in that area of the world. I say let them take care of themselves. I know that's harsh but why are we funding a war were not in anyways? When Isis starts attacking us then bomb the fuck out of their whole world. Turn them into the next Cambodia land mines everywhere. Canadians who travel abroad to fight any war should have their citizenship voided immediately.
You do understand the mentality of these people

If someone did the same to you here in Canada... either you stay to fight even though out gunned or you run
Shitty either way
If the place wasn't hell they probably wouldn't be running from it

Isis is not giving out hugs and candy
Dont get me wrong though I'm for peace and love throughout the entire universe

But ya can't cure some kinds of crazy
Sometimes you need to put down those that continue to brutalize others. .. those types don't care about anything
Dont get me wrong though I'm for peace and love throughout the entire universe

But ya can't cure some kinds of crazy
Sometimes you need to put down those that continue to brutalize others. .. those types don't care about anything
Peace is a nice idea but not realistic at this point. I would help my neighbor. His name is "Raymond" he's from China and 70ish years old. I help him and his wife June regularly. I use the quotes for his name because I think that's just the white guy name he picked when he moved here to fit in better. 3 days ago his smoke detector wouldn't stop buzzing. It was a hard wired unit not battery operated. He's very short I'm very tall so he ask for help. I cut the wires for him and caped them with merits. Then made sure his other detector was in working order. I don't have issues with immigrants at all we got lots of space in canada. But we have to be careful who we let in. More Raymond and June's who now raised their kids and have grand kids here. Bringing anyone who's a religious extremist in in direction is a big mistake. It's already becoming a problem and we need to address it. No one who wants shreia law should ever be admitted to our country.
If we quit dropping bombs and following the other aggressors, and went back to being peace keepers that can and will kick some ass, we'd be far better off.

Too bad keeping the peace doesn't pay the bills the way building bombs and gear does.
i think we should look after our own before going to fight/help another country.
the millions and billions could have been better spent on the stuff the current citizens need.

I agree, but I believe helping others is also part of the fabric of our country.
We can lend a hand to those who need it, here and abroad and still do fine. The savings from fighting wars could be enough in itself.
It's a religious war. You can't win those. You aren't going to bomb their religion out of them.

The people in the region need to fight for what's there's. This is America's fault Canadians don't need to clean up America's mess because we live in close proximity.

They were warned about Iraq and to not do it, but they did. Fuck it. The middle east isn't my concern, Canada is.

They are trying to draw us into a fight, that's why they post the videos. They are trying desperately to start a war so they can say look the west is evil and is coming to your homeland to kill you.

And besides that if these people aren't willing to fight for their own homeland and lives of their families then do they really deserve protecting?

Let the muslims deal with muslim problems. If the west does anything it helps ISIS' cause. They will just convince their Neanderthal followers that the evil Christians are coming to steal their land.
I just read it ^^...doesn't say much about NDP policy, other than they'll set up a taxpayer funded 'commission' to look at legalizing recreational use. They still don't say squat about what decrim will look like. Still much better the the goof Duncan though. He hasn't given it much thought he says, which is quite evident by his refusal to answer any of my letters in the last 8 years or so. The polls show him at less than 1% chance of re-election. Both the Libs and the Greens will legalize, and I trust the Greens more than the Libs. That said, the NDP are the best hope to turf the fascists so they'll get my vote. While decrim may be an improvement over what we have now, in places like BC, we will see a sharp increase in marijuana possession 'offenses'...it's easy money. Hopefully with a minority government, we can push them to legalize sooner rather than later.
Jesus fc am I the only one feeling less than confident about either option?
Can none of them use google ffs
Reefermadness still causing schizophrenic children and worse
None of them sound good...Blair is a fucking asshole to begin with, that Rempel loser for the CONs was spewing Harpshit's bs and the NDP guy called out the Libs for not knowing what legalization looks like, but didn't eleborate on what decrim will look like either. He repeated that possession should not carry criminal charges several times, but 'forgot' to tell us what the fines will be. I don't trust any of them.
Well she was bringing up supposed research from 2004 and the other one says he has numbers from 2013 and the ndp guy just won a bunch of votes for saying he'd chuck the mandatory minimums.
I agree that's awesome and important but the fact that 3 yrs from now some kid could ask hey why did u vote for this guy did u think he would be a good leader? Nope he just promised to chuck mandatory minimums lol it's sad and ridiculous
The liberals plan makes no sense the more you think about it. They aren't going to sell it in convenience stores, where they sell cancer causing cigarettes, so where are they going to sell it? Beer stores? Pharmacies? They are going to start selling alcohol at every grocery store in Ontario but they won't sell me weed?

Someone really needs to refute the Conservative ladies numbers over teenage use because everything I have read about every legal state in the USA is that use among teens has been dropping steadily. As well as crime.

As for the mandatory minimums

Do we want to become America? with a massive prison population that costs taxpayers billions of dollars, one we can't afford. Mandatory minimums have been a massive failure, the evidence is clear. California has let out a whole whack load of non-violent offenders because it costs the state a ridiculous sum of money to keep them locked up.


the estimated $150 million in state savings will be used to support school truancy and dropout prevention, victim services, mental health and drug abuse treatment, and other programs designed to expand alternatives to incarceration.

I'm hardly saying I'm voting for the NDP strictly because of mandatory minimums for plants being abolished, it's just another piece of the puzzle.


Some good little tid bits in that article too. The whole thing is a joke right now, the courts don't even know what's going to hold up. The conservatives have done nothing to make laws more clear. All they have done is ensure that our courts time is being wasted going over the unfair laws they chose to enact. A waste of our money.
The worst liars stick to the story, distract, deflect and blame others.

Of the 3 major parties at this point, who does that best describe based upon publicly known facts?

The CONs are easily picked apart and refuted by science and data collected in other countries who have already either legalized or decriminalized.

I'm interested to know what the NDP and Libs mj policy would be, but anything is better than mandatory min and filling the Harpco prison system with potheads.