It IS thoughtless, you're right. But not in the way you're thinking, because you're not (thinking, that is), you're REACTING. I challenge anyone to tell me I was not a good, protective mother to my children. As a matter of fact, I challenge anyone who knows me and my record to tell me that I haven't been protective of other people's children.
When it comes to molesting children, yes... get them before they ever have the chance. Sorry, but who jokes about molesting children or just "talks" about it?
That's not what you two are advocating. You are advocating bringing the wrath down on people who THINK about it, not ACT upon it. What about people who joke about raping an old woman? Any woman? What about people who joke about "poppin' a cap in yo ass"? People who think about it?
I ask you again, where do you draw the line? I draw the line COMPLETELY at thought police. That's approaching a fascist state, and if you're in line with that, then you're in lockstep wearing their little brown shirts, right along with.
This thread shows why America is doomed, so I hope everyone enjoys the thought policing future.
I have kids, and I've had.. "experiences". I will not EVER advocate policing thought any more than I can advocate policing speech.
This isn't thought policing, it's intent to commit child molestation... you need to get this through your head, people who THINK about molesting kids, WILL molest kids.
Bullshit. Legally there is NO distinction between a young child and a kid hitting puberty (with the exception of those who commit certain violent crimes, then suddenly they're adults). Yet, evolutionarily-speaking there is quite a distinction. You're not making the distinction in your speech here on the subject, either. You're speaking in very black and white terms.
Notice the pack mentality. I say something contrary to your belief and Im called a child molester. You represent such ignorance... now watch...Im going to be labled child molester. Theres some really smart people on these forums.
Yes, there are.

And really progressive thinkers, too!
Twisty hit on something that I don't think he quite intended to when he said that trying to treat pedophiles was like trying to treat homosexuals--their wiring's fucked. See, that's exactly it. So, like TF said, why don't we do this to everyone whose wiring is fucked?