The growing threat of right wing terrorism

Thanks for this. From what I could glean out of it, the crab and shrimp industry may well be the beneficiary of the crash in Salmonid, herring and ground fish populations in the area. Also, the higher crab population may suppress recovery of species that rely on estuaries as nurseries for their young. Possibly a permanent shift, the idea of which saddens me.

I think we are in agreement on the negative effects of over fishing. There has been a cut-back in the fishing fleet and the initial establishment of marine sanctuaries along Oregon's coastline so maybe they caught it in time. At least I hope so.

Have a great time diving in the Dominican Republic. Post pictures when you can.
As much as it galls me to say it, Nitrox is right on this one point. He's fishing in a very well managed and low by catch manner. Oregon crab and shrimp fishing is sustainable and doesn't affect other species in a significant way.

I tried to explain that to AC but I don't think it sunk in very well. Thanks for noticing what the truth is.
"Don't we have bigger fish to fry"?? or "Something is slipping through the net...":lol:


Well hell,
The only reason there's no by-catch in Oregon is that fishermen have already exhausted so much of the fish, this also explains the abundance of crustaceans. It's not that the fisheries are so conscientious, quite the opposite.

Scientific research has shown that exclusion trawling nets are ineffective.
The only reason there's no by-catch in Oregon is that fishermen have already exhausted so much of the fish, this also explains the abundance of crustaceans. It's not that the fisheries are so conscientious, quite the opposite.

Scientific research has shown that exclusion trawling nets are ineffective.

Groundfish trawling nets are a travesty.

I wasn't aware that all life off our shore is gone.
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Free Enterprise into 'X'

On pages 95 and 96 of The Road We Are Traveling, under the heading of "Free Enterprise into 'X'",[12] Chase listed 18 characteristics of political economy that he had observed among[13] Russia, Germany, Italy, Japan, and Spain between 1913[14] and 1942. Chase labeled this phenomenon "... something called 'X'".[12] Characteristics include the following:

  1. A strong, centralized government.
  2. An executive arm growing at the expense of the legislative and judicial arms.
  3. The control of banking, credit and security exchanges by the government.
  4. The underwriting of employment by the government, either through armaments or public works.
  5. The underwriting of social security by the government – old-age pensions, mothers' pensions, unemployment insurance, and the like.
  6. The underwriting of food, housing, and medical care, by the government.
  7. The use of deficit spending to finance these underwritings.
  8. The abandonment of gold in favor of managed currencies.
  9. The control of foreign trade by the government.
  10. The control of natural resources.
  11. The control of energy sources.
  12. The control of transportation.
  13. The control of agricultural production.
  14. The control of labor organizations.
  15. The enlistment of young men and women in youth corps devoted to health, discipline,community service and ideologies consistent with those of the authorities.
  16. Heavy taxation, with special emphasis on the estates and incomes of the rich.
  17. Control of industry without ownership.
  18. State control of communications and propaganda.
Sounds like home .
Fear.You are buying the fear the government sells .
I'd say you might have a case if the thread was titled "The growing threat of Islamic extremism", but right wing extremism here in America has been growing since Obama became the president. We've had a lot of random shootings targeting perceived left wing victims, especially lately. Most of the recent police shootings could very well be included in that as well.
Free Enterprise into 'X'

On pages 95 and 96 of The Road We Are Traveling, under the heading of "Free Enterprise into 'X'",[12] Chase listed 18 characteristics of political economy that he had observed among[13] Russia, Germany, Italy, Japan, and Spain between 1913[14] and 1942. Chase labeled this phenomenon "... something called 'X'".[12] Characteristics include the following:

  1. A strong, centralized government.
  2. An executive arm growing at the expense of the legislative and judicial arms.
  3. The control of banking, credit and security exchanges by the government.
  4. The underwriting of employment by the government, either through armaments or public works.
  5. The underwriting of social security by the government – old-age pensions, mothers' pensions, unemployment insurance, and the like.
  6. The underwriting of food, housing, and medical care, by the government.
  7. The use of deficit spending to finance these underwritings.
  8. The abandonment of gold in favor of managed currencies.
  9. The control of foreign trade by the government.
  10. The control of natural resources.
  11. The control of energy sources.
  12. The control of transportation.
  13. The control of agricultural production.
  14. The control of labor organizations.
  15. The enlistment of young men and women in youth corps devoted to health, discipline,community service and ideologies consistent with those of the authorities.
  16. Heavy taxation, with special emphasis on the estates and incomes of the rich.
  17. Control of industry without ownership.
  18. State control of communications and propaganda.
Sounds like home .
Sounds like some more right wing propaganda bullshit to me
I'd say you might have a case if the thread was titled "The growing threat of Islamic extremism", but right wing extremism here in America has been growing since Obama became the president. We've had a lot of random shootings targeting perceived left wing victims, especially lately. Most of the recent police shootings could very well be included in that as well.
Oh the government sells Islam as harmless at all costs .And of course all shootings are rightwing since only a rightwinger has a firearm .

Unless they are a soldier with an AK 47, then he is a freedom fighter.

US soldiers are not issued AKs Obama has a skewed view of the world. Not questioning authority has freed up a lot of time for you .
Eating government issue pablum is bad for your teeth and rots your brain .
Sounds like some more right wing propaganda bullshit to me
Of course it does, you are a consumer .You survive on government pablum
Stuart Chase
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Stuart Chase (March 8, 1888 – November 16, 1985) was an American economist (MIT),[1] social theorist and writer.[2] His writings covered topics as diverse as general semantics and physical economy. Chase's thought was shaped by Henry George, economic philosopher Thorstein Veblen, Fabian socialism, as well as the Communist social and educational experiments being conducted in the Soviet Union around 1930.;[3][4] Chase spent his early political career supporting "a wide range of reform causes: the single tax, women's suffrage, birth controland socialism." [3] Chase's early books The Tragedy of Waste (1925) and Your Money's Worth (1 9 2 8 were notable for their criticism of corporate advertising and their advocacy of consumer protection.[5]