The growing threat of right wing terrorism

Corroborated my argument perfectly. Instead of misunderstanding eachother, we seem to see eye to eye now.
I'm only reporting my observations. There is little scientific information to back my claims. But that's what I've seen. Fewer fish, fewer large fish and some areas that were marine gardens became barren. Some areas are better but overall trend not from my perspective. I stopped spearfishing altogether in some places that were once very happy hunting grounds. But the crabbing in Oregon....good. I'll post some pictures next fall when I do some crab dives.
I'm only reporting my observations. There is little scientific information to back my claims. But that's what I've seen. Fewer fish, fewer large fish and some areas that were marine gardens became barren. Some areas are better but overall trend not from my perspective. I stopped spearfishing altogether in some places that were once very happy hunting grounds. But the crabbing in Oregon....good. I'll post some pictures next fall when I do some crab dives.
Awesome. The only spearfishing I have been able to do was for lionfish in the Caribbean. I didn't know you were a fellow diver. I do tend to get moody over what I perceive as distortions of my arguments. I have a 3 hour layover in Atlanta too. I'll try to find that study I mentioned while I'm waiting then. Have you had a chance to see schooling dogfish in Puget Sound? How about basking sharks?
Awesome. The only spearfishing I have been able to do was for lionfish in the Caribbean. I didn't know you were a fellow diver. I do tend to get moody over what I perceive as distortions of my arguments. I have a 3 hour layover in Atlanta too. Have you had a chance to see schooling dogfish in Puget Sound? How about basking sharks?
Puget Sound is not my territory, I live a bit south. I have done some dives there and I've seen dogfish but not schooling, biggest shark was a seven gill shark. In the Santa Barbara Channel Islands I was gifted with diving in the middle of a school of Giant Sea Bass. Big curious fish half the size of a VW Bug, eyes as large as a softball looking right into my eyes. Abalone diving in N. CA. now that's what I did when I was an obsessed teenager and I'm pretty good at it to this day. Monterey and Carmel have some great diving. too. Oregon sucks but that's where I live so I've learned to deal with it. I don't want to own a boat so I'm restricted to shore diving, which is limited along this coast. Once I got used to it, I've been amazed at how rich the coastline is. A deepwater upwelling brings abundant food to this area and it teams with life. When you can see it that is. Cold, 50-55 F water, less than 8 foot vis and the open shore is battered almost year round with 12 foot waves which restricts shore divers to the jetties near mouths of the bays. So the diving In Oregon sn't for everybody and most times me and my buddy are the only divers in the water. But I like it. Spearfishing for black rockfish, and lingcod along with seasonal catching crab by hand is also part of the deal.
Puget Sound is not my territory, I live a bit south. I have done some dives there and I've seen dogfish but not schooling, biggest shark was a seven gill shark. In the Santa Barbara Channel Islands I was gifted with diving in the middle of a school of Giant Sea Bass. Big curious fish half the size of a VW Bug, eyes as large as a softball looking right into my eyes. Abalone diving in N. CA. now that's what I did when I was an obsessed teenager and I'm pretty good at it to this day. Monterey and Carmel have some great diving. too. Oregon sucks but that's where I live so I've learned to deal with it. I don't want to own a boat so I'm restricted to shore diving, which is limited along this coast. Once I got used to it, I've been amazed at how rich the coastline is. A deepwater upwelling brings abundant food to this area and it teams with life. When you can see it that is. Cold, 50-55 F water, less than 8 foot vis and the open shore is battered almost year round with 12 foot waves which restricts shore divers to the jetties near mouths of the bays. So the diving In Oregon sn't for everybody and most times me and my buddy are the only divers in the water. But I like it. Spearfishing for black rockfish, and lingcod along with seasonal catching crab by hand is also part of the deal.

Have you been to Indonesia or the Philippines?
Have you been to Indonesia or the Philippines?
Social Security...hrm you pay into it and the STATE gives it back to you...
Wonder how much money your gov. makes off of that you do not see. This thing called interest. And how about inflation? Another problem that plagues all these forms of gov. because they all have/had including present day America have/has a central banking system.
To further prove my point that social security is socialist. The gov. takes your money and invests it for you and gives you a return on it. So FogDog how is that not socialist?
Research FDR, the same socialist fucker that took everyones gold and made money a worthless slip of paper. He took us off the gold standard. He was obviously a COMMUNIST agent. America hasn't been a Republic since the Federal Reserve Act was signed.
Economically speaking Hitler's socialism was like our capitalist system now, do the research, all gov.'s are economic systems, that is it, people are secondary.
Nazism is national socialism, social security could very well have been a nazi idea.