Seattle sees fallout from $15 minimum wage, as other cities follow suit

Neither, a worker's wage should be determined by the amount the employer offers based on what he feels the position is worth and how badly he wants to secure the employment of that particular employee. Then, as always, the perspective employee can either accept, decline or counteroffer.

Pretty straightforward, common sense shit.
How does this prevent desperate people working for slave wages and employers exploiting workers for less cost?
Why do you believe taxpayers should fund the basic necessities of minimum wage employees? Why do you believe I should make up the difference corporations like Walmart and McDonald's employees require to pay for their basic necessities?

Do you even understand you support an economic position that shifts the burden of finance from the employer to the taxpayer? You spit and spout about how people shouldn't ask for handouts yet you support corporations begging for handouts.. Why is that?

In order.

I don't. I don't.

Do you understand I don't?

Please show where I support corporations begging for handouts. Why can't you understand my earlier response of "fuck them all"?

Why is that?
Neither, a worker's wage should be determined by the amount the employer offers based on what he feels the position is worth and how badly he wants to secure the employment of that particular employee. Then, as always, the perspective employee can either accept, decline or counteroffer.

Pretty straightforward, common sense shit.
In other words, if a man in China is willing to work for $.50/day, how does that improve the conditions for working Americans here at home? If I can just outsource my labor to China @ $.50/day, fire all my American workers working for minimum wage, I can pay six dozen Chinese workers to produce at a fraction of the cost of American workers at a detriment to the American economy because all those wages are going to Chinese workers.. So if it's cheaper and more efficient to use Chinese workers instead of American, what incentive do I have to hire Americans at higher wages?
If you make $100 and I make $1,000, and we both have a 5% tax rate, equally, who do you suppose it hurts more?

You pay $5 in taxes and are left with $95 for the week. I pay $50 and am left with $950 for the week, so who is burdened more?

A flat tax harms the poor/lower middle class disproportionately because they spend a higher percentage of their income than the wealthy class.

Again, I'm shocked to find out, somehow, magically I guess, your views line up exactly with the GOP platform for decades..

In order.

Who fucking cares? It's fair.

Who fucking cares? It's fair.

Tough shit.

Hardly, they're candyass progressives pretending to be Consevatives.
How does this prevent desperate people working for slave wages and employers exploiting workers for less cost?

The undeniable ability of the perspective employee to decline the offer ends any and all potential exploitation. Also, the undeniable ability of the employee to quit for greener pastures prevents it. Not too many pressgangs out there anymore.
In other words, if a man in China is willing to work for $.50/day, how does that improve the conditions for working Americans here at home? If I can just outsource my labor to China @ $.50/day, fire all my American workers working for minimum wage, I can pay six dozen Chinese workers to produce at a fraction of the cost of American workers at a detriment to the American economy because all those wages are going to Chinese workers.. So if it's cheaper and more efficient to use Chinese workers instead of American, what incentive do I have to hire Americans at higher wages?

In order.

It doesn't.

None at all, you should use the Chinese.
I don't. I don't.
You don't believe taxpayers should subsidize the difference workers require to purchase necessities. Then why do you support corporations like Walmart and McDonald's paying their workers slave wages which require them to utilize government subsidies to pay for basic necessities?

"I support corporations paying whatever they want to their employees"

"But I don't support those employees using government assistance if they don't get paid enough by their employer"


Do you understand I don't?
Yes you do. If Walmart or McDonald's won't pay for them, who do you think will? The fuckin' toothfairy?.. You and me pay for them
Please show where I support corporations begging for handouts. Why can't you understand my earlier response of "fuck them all"?
You show your support for corporate handouts by constantly bitching about the necessary social safety net programs that keep poor people from dying while never raising a peep about corporate welfare programs that give tax breaks to billionaire corporations.. When it comes to economic policy, you favor the rich and condemn the poor, just like the GOP platform insists. All our economic woes are because of poor people stealing money from hardworking Americans, not from rich people stealing money from hard working Americans.. You have your entire political philosophy ass fucking backwards, son. Do a little self examination
In order.

It doesn't.

None at all, you should use the Chinese.
Exactly, the GOP & your economic position is detrimental to the American economy while beneficial to the capitalists who employ it

"Fuck you, I got rich!"

You're exploiting Chinese labor for economic gain at the expense of American workers and the American economy

People like you should be held accountable for economic treason
The undeniable ability of the perspective employee to decline the offer ends any and all potential exploitation. Also, the undeniable ability of the employee to quit for greener pastures prevents it. Not too many pressgangs out there anymore.
Are you blind or just retarded?

Do you understand the meaning of exploitation?

If you are starving, you will work for $.10/day

Do you agree or disagree?

Paying a worker $.10/day is exploitative

Do you agree or disagree?
In order.

Who fucking cares? It's fair.

Who fucking cares? It's fair.

Tough shit.

Hardly, they're candyass progressives pretending to be Consevatives.

just because you call it the fair tax does not make it any less regressive, retard.

just like chanting that the polls favored romney did not alter reality either.

but a moron like you won't get this concept.
The undeniable ability of the perspective employee to decline the offer ends any and all potential exploitation. Also, the undeniable ability of the employee to quit for greener pastures prevents it. Not too many pressgangs out there anymore.


this is what happens when you open your mouth, we all realize what a fucking idiot you are.
The undeniable ability of the perspective employee to decline the offer ends any and all potential exploitation. Also, the undeniable ability of the employee to quit for greener pastures prevents it. Not too many pressgangs out there anymore.
You called practically every nation on earth shitholes earlier. A ridiculous statement but its true that some nations are shitholes. for most of the people living there. Those nations have very low base pay for its people, which is why they are shitholes. Individual employees have no leverage when there is an excess supply of labor, so naturally, the pay is going to drop until the last taker accepts the lowest offer. Sounds like a recipe for a shithole US.

Insert MLNC venal reply here
You don't believe taxpayers should subsidize the difference workers require to purchase necessities


Then why do you support corporations like Walmart and McDonald's paying their workers slave wages which require them to utilize government subsidies to pay for basic necessities?

I reject this assertion completely.

"I support corporations paying whatever they want to their employees"

"But I don't support those employees using government assistance if they don't get paid enough by their employer"

It seems like you're almost grasping it here.

Yes you do. If Walmart or McDonald's won't pay for them, who do you think will?

Have you got there yet? Any idea who I think should pay for them?

You show your support for corporate handouts by constantly bitching about the necessary social safety net programs that keep poor people from dying while never raising a peep about corporate welfare programs that give tax breaks to billionaire corporations.. When it comes to economic policy, you favor the rich and condemn the poor, just like the GOP platform insists. All our economic woes are because of poor people stealing money from hardworking Americans, not from rich people stealing money from hard working Americans.. You have your entire political philosophy ass fucking backwards, son. Do a little self examination

Actually, you have your political philosophy ass fucking backwards. You incorrectly believe it's ANYONE'S responsibility to keep poor people from dying, other than those individuals themselves.

Oops, all your bullshit is meaningless when your false belief that anyone's survival isn't the sole responsibility of that individual is flatly rejected.
Are you blind or just retarded?

Do you understand the meaning of exploitation?

If you are starving, you will work for $.10/day

Do you agree or disagree?

Paying a worker $.10/day is exploitative

Do you agree or disagree?

Decent vision. Not retarded.

Indeed, I do.

I agree.

I agree.
You called practically every nation on earth, OTHER THAN THE UNITED STATES, shitholes earlier. A ridiculous statement but its true that some nations are shitholes. for most of the people living there. Those nations have very low base pay for its people, which is why they are shitholes. Individual employees have no leverage when there is an excess supply of labor, so naturally, the pay is going to drop until the last taker accepts the lowest offer. Sounds like a recipe for a shithole US.

Insert MLNC venal reply here

Fixed it for you.

Not practically.
Well, fuck you then, for two parts: 1. you're stupid (obvious) because more people with more money spending it on more goods/services is good for our economy (something I suspect you're intellectually, academically, and pragmatically against for no other reasons than emotionally, (you sad fuck of a human being))

No you don't. YOU believe full time, hard working Americans should have to utilize government assistance since their employers don't pay them a living wage.

Why are you so embarrassed to admit it?

Do you agree or disagree?

(respond to the rest of your bullshit after dinner.,.)

1. Your post and especially that first paragraph are an unmitigated disaster.
2. I saw part one, where was part two?
3. I guess you still haven't quite noodled out my position, regardless of the fact it's dancing a jig right through this little exchange. I don't believe that at all and I'm not embarrassed to admit anything. That isn't my belief. So, as before, I disagree.
For those of you who don't know, that's ~16.83 an hour for their lowest paid worker. Forget the news, forget the government (read business) propaganda and educate yourselves. Anecdotal evidence and conjecture mean nothing, results do.

Wouldn't anecdotal evidence be actual results?
Um why would your husband's wage have any bearing on what somebody working at McD should be making? Why would your husband object to making $15 an hour?

An increase in the percentage of part time workers in the workforce has been a national trend for a long time. Saying that the ACA caused this trend is a little ridiculous. Given your lack of understanding of even this simple fact, why would your opinion on export trade matter?

Conservatives are dumb and uneducated.


Obamacare didn't even start kicking in until this year and the 2014 data is a projection, so your chart doesn't mean shit. Once again, dishonesty. Your cause is so good you have to lie about it?
Admittedly, your graphics show that people that voted republican are going to and graduating from college are at about the same or higher rate than democrats. It doesn't mean they learned anything while there. Do we want to play a graphics game where I pull up citations showing that people with right wing politics are less intelligent and less knowledgeable than people on the left? I can do that if you want.
You can pull out a citation of left wingers claiming right wingers are dumb.When your criteria for intelligence is whether people support your causes, you kinda skew the results.
you don't know that you're watching a 24 hour propaganda network? Granted, other networks aren't so far off from that designation either but none are so obvious about it.
"fair and balanced" is laughable and makes you sound dumb as shit when you say it...just letting you know, you might not be aware at how stupid that sounds and how much credibility you lose when you say dumb things.
MSNBC is much more obvious. Calling others stupid based on they're disagreeing with you reflects on your credibility, not theirs.