Seattle sees fallout from $15 minimum wage, as other cities follow suit

Admittedly, your graphics show that people that voted republican are going to and graduating from college are at about the same or higher rate than democrats. It doesn't mean they learned anything while there. Do we want to play a graphics game where I pull up citations showing that people with right wing politics are less intelligent and less knowledgeable than people on the left? I can do that if you want.

No thanks.
Fox News is fair and balanced.
you don't know that you're watching a 24 hour propaganda network? Granted, other networks aren't so far off from that designation either but none are so obvious about it.
"fair and balanced" is laughable and makes you sound dumb as shit when you say it...just letting you know, you might not be aware at how stupid that sounds and how much credibility you lose when you say dumb things.

From http://reflectionsofarationalrepubl...ated-than-conservatives-2012-election-update/

The 2000 pres election:

View attachment 3468094

2012 pres election:
View attachment 3468099

That's dated but it seems to follow the trend over the past elections too. Check out the link there's a bunch more fun graphs in there too.
Nice article and abc news sourced charts, want to see some peer reviewed studies that say the opposite?
You guys are certainly hostile lol.

As for my husband getting bumped to 15, that would mean his labor was no more valuable than a McDonalds worker making 15.
Who cares?

You don't have to be so sensitive. Really who cares if one person is more or less valuable than another? As long as both people have what they need, I don't see the problem.

However, there are good arguments that if min wage is increased, all wages will increase.
Who cares?

You don't have to be so sensitive. Really who cares if one person is more or less valuable than another? As long as both people have what they need, I don't see the problem.

However, there are good arguments that if min wage is increased, all wages will increase.

Abandon, what world are you living in where someone who goes through multiple years of schooling and then gets out and makes less than some greasy acne laden fuck flipping burgers and forgetting to put cheese on it down the road?

Why are you so against hard work and American dream type values where you start at the bottom like the next guy and work your way up? It's like you favor communism and everyone should have an equal share or something.
Abandon, what world are you living in where someone who goes through multiple years of schooling and then gets out and makes less than some greasy acne laden fuck flipping burgers and forgetting to put cheese on it down the road?

Why are you so against hard work and American dream type values where you start at the bottom like the next guy and work your way up? It's like you favor communism and everyone should have an equal share or something.
Why are you so worried about what other people make? Why do you want people to be poor? Do you need someone else to be impoverished in order to feel like you're a success? It's like you favor feudalism and want the lord of the manor to keep the other peons from having what they need.
Why are you so worried about what other people make? Why do you want people to be poor? Do you need someone else to be impoverished in order to feel like you're a success? It's like you favor feudalism and want the lord of the manor to keep the other peons from having what they need.

I don't. I feel like people should get paid what they're worth, not an arbitrary number. I feel that minimum wage is too low, but a dude flipping a burger at mcdizzles doesn't deserve $15 when an EMT who saves lives gets like $13.80. That's fucked up.
Poor? I don't want them to be poor. I want them to bust their ass and watch them achieve!
I def don't favor feudalism either- you're grasping at straws and making assumptions. It's a dog eat dog world, not a crybaby "I'm owed something" world. If people don't bust their asses they'll get rolled over like the next guy. Giving people shit "just because" isn't the answer and doesn't teach the ethics of hard work and humility.
When minimum wage has gone up before, other wages have also increased.

Well, I hope you're right, but it sure sounds fishy.

What do we tell all the folks that will be making less than burger man and have been through years of training to get where they are? Admins, emt's, first responders, nurses, secretaries, office managers, restaurant managers, dentist assistants... $15 is a lot in many places. "hopefully you'll get paid more in a bit, bro, um, maybe you should go flip burgers- sorry about your education debt and all the training we put you through." Colleges are already hurting for admissions due to lower priced state universities and the lack of quality jobs after graduation. This will only erode our education system and amplify the "I don't need to go to college I can flip burgers" attitude blue collar America already has.
What are you, an asshole? This whole discussion is about what other people make- that's your whole problem!
It's about corporations being subsidized by taxpayers so they don't have to pay living wages.You simply begrudge others of their independent ability to support themselves, I'm advocating an end to the need for workers to receive welfare. You're advocating continuance of welfare for corporate assholes living high on the hog off the tit of workers.

Yes, I'm an ass hole, thanks for playing.
It's about corporations being subsidized by taxpayers so they don't have to pay living wages.You simply begrudge others of their independent ability to support themselves, I'm advocating an end to the need for workers to receive welfare. You're advocating continuance of welfare for corporate assholes living high on the hog off the tit of workers.

Yes, I'm an ass hole, thanks for playing.

Nah- fuck corporations. I've never been down with them, but like anything else in the world there's some winners and some losers.

I'm advocating people growing some balls and not blaming someone else (corporations in this case) for their problems.

I don't think you're an asshole, but I do think you're a loony bastard for believing in this "livable wage" bullshit.
you don't know that you're watching a 24 hour propaganda network? Granted, other networks aren't so far off from that designation either but none are so obvious about it.
"fair and balanced" is laughable and makes you sound dumb as shit when you say it...just letting you know, you might not be aware at how stupid that sounds and how much credibility you lose when you say dumb things.

Yes, I realize it's "incorrect" to say that Fox News is "Fair and Balanced". They are too far right, I know. MSNBC is too far left. So is CNN. My plugs at Fox being "Fair and Balanced" is a jab at a certain too-far-left liberal bully that roams here like a prowling lion - when he's really just a tame little cat. :)

That's why I never watch any of them. I listen to NPR, and read internet news.
Nah- fuck corporations. I've never been down with them, but like anything else in the world there's some winners and some losers.

I'm advocating people growing some balls and not blaming someone else (corporations in this case) for their problems.

I don't think you're an asshole, but I do think you're a loony bastard for believing in this "livable wage" bullshit.
I think you're slow because you continue parroting debunked ideas and possibly retarded because they come from Fox News. But I assure you, I'm an ass hole.

You just contradicted yourself. You say you're not pro corporate policy but you're saying exactly the bullshit they want you to say. You say they're not to blame, that competition is intrinsic to nature (it is but it's not the entirety of nature's methods) and that there's some winners and losers necessarily. The problem is, people growing some balls, requires, as a matter of course, rising up against the current corporate regime and taking what is rightfully theirs. Corporations and the gov't are to blame for inequality.
I think you're slow because you continue parroting debunked ideas and possibly retarded because they come from Fox News. But I assure you, I'm an ass hole.

You just contradicted yourself. You say you're not pro corporate policy but you're saying exactly the bullshit they want you to say. You say they're not to blame, that competition is intrinsic to nature (it is but it's not the entirety of nature's methods) and that there's some winners and losers necessarily. The problem is, people growing some balls, requires, as a matter of course, rising up against the current corporate regime and taking what is rightfully theirs. Corporations and the gov't are to blame for inequality.

You like to just make assumptions and whine, don't you?

I don't watch Fox News, nor do I give a shit about which news gets the best ratings or who's the biggest pedophile on RIU.

Also, self-proclaimed asshole, I never said corps were not to blame, so don't go saying I contradicted myself when I never even said it. People growing balls has nothing to do with radical approaches like regime change. It has to do with sucking it up and busting your ass. If you're not happy that you can't afford the same spinning rims that Tyrone has, you don't cry, you don't steal, you don't riot, you get a second job and you save your money. Pointing tear soaked fingers at corporations and crying about how shit isn't fair is what babies and kids do, trust me, I have an 8 year old and shit's always "not fair" to her.

I hate the government as much as the next guy, and want them out of my shit, but I don't go around yelling about it from a box on the corner. There's not enough tissues for all you whiners. Maybe you should build a tissue factory so we stop importing so many from China, help your crying friends at the same time by giving them some discounted two-plys, and do something with yourself all the while by sweating and earning some cash. Who knows, maybe you can make it a c-corp and have several small business under the umbrella.
You like to just make assumptions and whine, don't you?

I don't watch Fox News, nor do I give a shit about which news gets the best ratings or who's the biggest pedophile on RIU.

Also, self-proclaimed asshole, I never said corps were not to blame, so don't go saying I contradicted myself when I never even said it.
Stopped reading here. Because you did, in fact. Therefore the rest of your self-contradictory, ill-informed tripe is also not worth taking the time to read.

You're blaming the the people at the bottom for being there, when the system is designed to keep the people at the top, at the top.

It's a function of nature that the people at the bottom, who actually support the system, will cast it aside. Sooner or later such a revolution will occur.