Round 2-Lowryder2-cfl grow.


Well-Known Member
Ok then so i'll worry if i see them open up lol. Think i'll give it a couple more days before i'm sure then it can go live in the greenhouse. Not sure how that's going to work out though since it's been inside all this time and it's quiet a bit cooler outside. But then since i changed my filter so it's on top of my cab i think it's bought my temps down a bit. They where at 75 yesterday when lights where on and i think about 65-70 when lights where off.

wen the balls open its too late lol, hard to judge with lowryders probably no longer than 5 oor 6 weeks from sprout b4 they fertile


Well-Known Member
I have no idea lol. I never go in there well not much anyway it's more like a shed than a green house at the moment just full of empty pots. It is just tough if the "runt" is a he that's where he is going i have no where else to put him. Even if they both turn out to be girls one of them is going to have to go anyways, cos before long there will not be enough room in my cab for both of them. I didn't expect them to get so wide. There may be enough room in hight for them both, but i don't think for much longer there both going to fit in with the width of them. Off to the green house for one of them before long. Just have to decide which one yet. Proberly be the "runt" as i'm fairly sure now Trinity is a girl she has white hairs coming out all over the place now.

what are ur temps in the greenhouse?

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
I have no idea lol. I never go in there well not much anyway it's more like a shed than a green house at the moment just full of empty pots. It is just tough if the "runt" is a he that's where he is going i have no where else to put him. Even if they both turn out to be girls one of them is going to have to go anyways, cos before long there will not be enough room in my cab for both of them. I didn't expect them to get so wide. There may be enough room in hight for them both, but i don't think for much longer there both going to fit in with the width of them. Off to the green house for one of them before long. Just have to decide which one yet. Proberly be the "runt" as i'm fairly sure now Trinity is a girl she has white hairs coming out all over the place now.
Bloody hell hmmm, those babies have taken off.
Sorry to hear you might have a male. Fingers crossed for Trinity.

You're doing a great job mate.


Well-Known Member
Subscribed!!! Hey, few pointers. I know I am new my self...however I have dont ALOT of reading, talked to people that have been growing for years and am very confident in my info I have built up. Specially regarding CLF's and small spaces. You need to put ur plants closer to CFL's dude..there getting about 20% of the light at that distance. They need to be atleast 4 inches from the light. You wont burn them....just put ur hand under ur light and lower it till it isnt uncomfortable. If your hand is uncomfortable so will ur plants and vise versa. That is the best light test. I would also suggest LST man..its not gonan mess ur plants and you get about 30-50% more buds by doing soaswell. Its definitly way to go with small spaces. Its not gonna hurt ur girl and will save space and give you about twice the yeild. Hope this helps and check my growlog!!! im doing some bagseed startin 12/12 from seedlings in that tiny cube!!! will be fun ahhaha.



Well-Known Member
Nice to see you around barking havn't seen you about much latey. Thanks for the kind words. Hope you have them mites under control now!

Bloody hell hmmm, those babies have taken off.
Sorry to hear you might have a male. Fingers crossed for Trinity.

You're doing a great job mate.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for dropping in yer i know my lights are too far away, it was just tempary for last night have inproved the lighting today all will be explained when i update my grow in a bit. Will be making my way to your journal soon sounds intresting.

Subscribed!!! Hey, few pointers. I know I am new my self...however I have dont ALOT of reading, talked to people that have been growing for years and am very confident in my info I have built up. Specially regarding CLF's and small spaces. You need to put ur plants closer to CFL's dude..there getting about 20% of the light at that distance. They need to be atleast 4 inches from the light. You wont burn them....just put ur hand under ur light and lower it till it isnt uncomfortable. If your hand is uncomfortable so will ur plants and vise versa. That is the best light test. I would also suggest LST man..its not gonan mess ur plants and you get about 30-50% more buds by doing soaswell. Its definitly way to go with small spaces. Its not gonna hurt ur girl and will save space and give you about twice the yeild. Hope this helps and check my growlog!!! im doing some bagseed startin 12/12 from seedlings in that tiny cube!!! will be fun ahhaha.


Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Thanks for dropping in yer i know my lights are too far away, it was just tempary for last night have inproved the lighting today all will be explained when i update my grow in a bit. Will be making my way to your journal soon sounds intresting.
I would be careful hmmm.
Sexologist is right about cfl''s but he needs to take into account, most cfl's are around the 18 to 20 watt area, you're is 125watts red/blue specialised grow light which is far more powerful than your average cfl.
The best thing to do is put the plant as close as possible and hold a thermometer near the plant top, if the temps are way above 80 degrees then move it away.
Look at the size of your light compared to most cfl's, it's about three times the size.
At least now your plants are big and strong enough to deal with small changes and the odd bit of stress.
Good luck mate.


Well-Known Member
Yep good point barking not worried at the moment though cos there in the dark till 12am lol. I have been thinking about it though and have decided to just stand the pots on video tapes wont start them off to close then maybe slowly move them closer. Last thing i want to do is burn my babies! Speacially Trinirty i have become quiet attached to her lol.

I would be careful hmmm.
Sexologist is right about cfl''s but he needs to take into account, most cfl's are around the 18 to 20 watt area, you're is 125watts red/blue specialised grow light which is far more powerful than your average cfl.
The best thing to do is put the plant as close as possible and hold a thermometer near the plant top, if the temps are way above 80 degrees then move it away.
Look at the size of your light compared to most cfl's, it's about three times the size.
At least now your plants are big and strong enough to deal with small changes and the odd bit of stress.
Good luck mate.


Well-Known Member
So today i added my side lighting. I don't plan on turning them on though till i only have the one plant in my cab, just turned them on to take the pics. So now i have my 4 20watt cfl's wired up again. Just waiting to see for sure to see if the "runt" is a boy before i turn them on, not enough room in there really to have them on with both plants in my cab. Anways there has been a lot of comments about them being too far away from the light which is true. So when they have had there night time and lights go back on at 12am i'm going to stand my pots on some video tapes to bring them closer to the lights. I did try to take some close up pics but not much luck thought it would be a good idea to get some other opinions on what sex they might be. Anyways here's the link if anyone wants to take a look.

As for the pics well being short and only just 5'2 lol. I am struggling to take pics now already cos there too tall for me when i stand them in my window sill (where i put them to take the pics best light there.) i have to stand on my tip toes as it is to take the pics haha. Before long there going to be too big for me to take out the cab every day to take pics but i'll do my best! Good job i'm growing a drawf strain i would need a step ladder by the time i got to flowering with any other strain lol. On the upside of being short though at least i'll have less washing then most of you haha!

First 3 pics are of Trinity that i took with the camrea i borrowed. fourth one is of them both together. And finally a pic of my cab so you can see my new side lighting :D

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Well-Known Member
I just checked them and oh! was my response lol. Fairly sure the "runt" is a boy now. What do people think? Pics below (sorry there a bit blurry.)



Well-Known Member
yea i think the little on is a male.. but thats ok cuz its still small.. are you guna kill it or go for seeds


Active Member
lr2update 004.jpg

pic was taken at a week ago at 30 days old, since that pic its grown a few more inches and buds have gotten bigger..

ive never done indoor grow before but your plant looks pretty outdoor usually larger than indoor?


Well-Known Member
OMG! They smell and quiet bad. So this is the story i woke up this morning and the whole downstairs of the house smelled of my plants not good! I think i have fixed the problem though, i think my cab had got pushed further back and squashed my ducting restricting the air flow to my filter. Anyways just got back and i can't smell them which is a good start guess i'll know for sure if i have fixed the problem in a few hours after my lights go back on. Sure they tend to smell more when it's hotter. Also just to be on the safe side i went round my whole cab and filled along all the edges and every little whole with filler so hopefully if the smell was leaking out from somewhere else i have fixed that too.

The "runt" i'm fairly sure is a boy, he deffo has at least 2 sets of balls now. So i decided he could go live in the green house today. Not sure what i'm going to do with him yet. It's gave Trinity a lot more room with him out the way hope she picks up now he has gone!

Only the one pic as i forgot to take anymore before lights went off lol.
Will still keep everyone updated about the "runt" but there wont be as many pics of him as i'd rather spend as little as time as possible in the green house i hate spiders! lol. So yer proberly only take a pic of him every other day or so from now on.

Oh and i forgot to add i burnt one of the leaves on Trinity hope it hasn't done her too much damage. Not really my fault as she was the one that growed into the light over night! Lucky really cos i think only the one leave has been effected and only at the tip.



Well-Known Member
Well all that time and effort and Trinity is still stinking the house out! I need a cheap way to control her smell and fast! Advice anyone please?