Round 2-Lowryder2-cfl grow.


Active Member
Ive grew out some diesel ryders start to finish and all females always started with two white hairs sticking out the very top.

The biggest of my two plants that a couple of days ago i could just see 2 white hairs sticking out at the very top of it, but now it has 2 more! About half way down these are are really visable though and diffently look like white hairs coming out the stalk on either side quiet long too at least 1cm and i couldn't even see them yeserday. Not getting my hopes up too high yet at this stage though. What do people think? Sorry tryed yet again to take a close up pic but no luck still couldn't make it out.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for dropping in, and good luck with your grow! If you start or have a grow journal please can you send me a link? Be intresting to see another lowryder grow :D

Your plants are looking nice a lush. I have 3 more lowryder sprouts started, 5 days old but they don't seem to be doing much at all. I don't know what I am doing wrong, different soil this time, no LEDs - hps instead. A 125W CFL is coming soon too. Fingers crossed they are more successful than the current 46 day old ones - They only look like they are 2 weeks old!

Actually, I just checked yours, maybe I'm on track for day 5 of my sprouts, day 7 of yours shows some changes, I'll run my ones against yours then.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for dropping in, will make my way to your journal to check it out later on. Gd luck with your grow!

Your plants are looking nice a lush. I have 3 more lowryder sprouts started, 5 days old but they don't seem to be doing much at all. I don't know what I am doing wrong, different soil this time, no LEDs - hps instead. A 125W CFL is coming soon too. Fingers crossed they are more successful than the current 46 day old ones - They only look like they are 2 weeks old!

Actually, I just checked yours, maybe I'm on track for day 5 of my sprouts, day 7 of yours shows some changes, I'll run my ones against yours then.


Well-Known Member
I'm liking how your plants are coming along. But in the last set of pics the taller of the two looked a bit droopy. Are you over/underwatering them at all? Other than that they look great. I really want to grow some LRs but I'm not able to at the moment. Keep it up man and I'm still checkin out your grow for future references.


Well-Known Member
Yer i know the bigger one isn't looking it's best don't think it can be over watering cos i havn't watered them for at least 4days now. Proberly just needs watering will decide later on after they have been in the dark for there 6hours. Trying to get my head round this whole nutes thing at the moment might try some nutes if i water them later on.

I'm liking how your plants are coming along. But in the last set of pics the taller of the two looked a bit droopy. Are you over/underwatering them at all? Other than that they look great. I really want to grow some LRs but I'm not able to at the moment. Keep it up man and I'm still checkin out your grow for future references.


Well-Known Member
The big plant hasn't got any worse over night which is good. Nearly sure now that it's a girl, cos it has white hairs coming out all over the place. Does that mean it's a girl? Tryed again to take a pic but no luck to blurry.

Tomorrow i plan on transplanting them into 7inch pots and giving them some organic nutes that i bought today with a NPK of 5.0-5.0-6.5 Any advice before i go ahead and do this fire away, as always any opinions welcome.

I did have some mircle grow nutes but i havn't gave them any of that and don't plan to after a lot of reaserch i decided it was maybe not a good idea. The only stuff the shop had was mg or this orgainic "fish, blood and bone." nutes. So i took that.

Since i'm fairly sure that the big plant is female i have decided to name her lol. Wait for it i'm going to call her Trinity :D

The little one the "runt" is still showing no signs of sex yet. Maybe it will soon. Not too bothered what sex it is if Trinity is a girl. In a way i'm heading to wanting it to be a boy so i can pollanate some of Trinity and get some seeds. But if it's a girl then i'll be just as happy. I'll just buy some fem seeds for my next grow instead.

Also been thinking about doing a bit of an experiment. I might take a clone off Trinity. I have read a lot and people seem to say it is pointless with them being autoflowering, better to just go from seed. Well they maybe are right but i'm willing to try ir just to experment and see what happens. Not sure whether i will yet need to do some research into cloning first. And i deffo wont be doing it if there is any chance it could harm Trinity.

As always pics below, they look like they could do with watering a bit droppy but i decided againist watering them today if i'm transplanting tomorrow unless someone tells me other wise.



Active Member
I just read through your whole journal with great interest. I am heading back to college soon and i am looking to do a similar setup inside a luggage trunk on its side. did your plants speed up a lot when you added the extra lights and have you considered, or are u planning, on forced flowering? good luck man.


Well-Known Member
I havn't changed lights i did add extra lights if you mean the 4 20watt cfl's but i havn't turned them on yet. Wanted to wait till i knew what sex they both where. So at the moment still only have the dual 125watt cfl on 18/6. Not planning on forced flowering was just going to let them do there thing. Can you even force an autoflowering strain into flower? I didn't think you could, maybe i was wrong? Glad you found my journal intresting :D and welcome i see this is your first post too.

I just read through your whole journal with great interest. I am heading back to college soon and i am looking to do a similar setup inside a luggage trunk on its side. did your plants speed up a lot when you added the extra lights and have you considered, or are u planning, on forced flowering? good luck man.


Well-Known Member
I don't think they would mind if you gave them a little fertilizer. Just don't over do it. I have used an organic seaweed fertilizer and it didn't cause any problems, I used some chemical one and it's much easier to go overboard.

Why not try cloning...It's not going to hurt the plant if you take a couple of small branches from the bottom.

mr west

Well-Known Member
theres no point in cloning autoflowering strains as theres no veg cycle, they will flower under 24 hrs liight.


Well-Known Member
Hi. Ive just been looking back over your pics. My Lowryders seem to be doing a bit better than yours at the age they are so Im now suddenly pleased with mine! :) I think your light was a bit far away to begin with, lol. Theyre looking bushy now tho so im excited about mine getting like that. If you get a chance itd be great if you could look at my thread, give your comments, Im not sure how to put a link tho! I have pictures!

***All this is LIES! I do not break the law :smile: All pictures are from the internet. These comments are just stories for funsies :smile: ***


Well-Known Member
Made a few changes today hope it hasn't stressed them out too much. To start with i have moved my carbon filter to on top of my cab so i now have about an extra 20cm of height space. Back to only having the 125watt dual cfl now due to taking the shelve out that my others where attached too. Also i repotted them today they are both in 8 inch pots now that was biggest that would fit in my cab. Just used the same soil as i did last time since i still had some left. Also bought some perilite and mixed that in with my soil. In the end i didn't give them any nutes since there should be plenty for at least a few weeks in the new soil. I didn't want to over do the nutes. Trinity still has a few leaves that are a bit strange but still she hasn't got anymore so going to leave them a few days and if she still has yellow/brown leaves then. If she still has i might give them a small dose of the organic nutes i bought. Just hope they don't out grow my cab now! Also took a couple of pics of them before i put them in the new pots just cos i was amazed at all the roots!

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Well-Known Member
Theyre awesome but isnt your light a bit far away? I thought cfls were meant to be kept 1-4 inches away from the plants or something?


Well-Known Member
Last night i think i saw 2 balls on the "runt" of the two plants. I have jus looked again and it looks like it's male to me, although it only has the 2 balls. How long can i leave it in my cab if it's a boy before it pollenates Trinity? Will try take some close up pics later on if i can borrow a better camrea.


Well-Known Member
Yes my light is a bit far away. Plan on putting a shelve in today so they are closer. Didn't want to risk putting them close to the light over night when i was asleep. Also it was too late yesterday by the time i had repotted them and changed stuff around a bit it was 5pm. Thought it was best to leave them an hour to settle in before the lights went off at 6pm didn't want to stress them out too much by putting them stright in the dark just after i had repotted them.

Theyre awesome but isnt your light a bit far away? I thought cfls were meant to be kept 1-4 inches away from the plants or something?

mr west

Well-Known Member
wen the balls open its too late lol, hard to judge with lowryders probably no longer than 5 oor 6 weeks from sprout b4 they fertile