Trump the “political figure” and presidential candidate doesn’t exist today if the tea party
didn’t make bigotry within the GOP acceptable to display publicly and Fox News didn’t give him a forum on which to spew his ignorance.
Just think about this for a moment: Trump is a
birther - and leading the GOP presidential field. And as we all know, the whole birther nonsense is basically just an accepted form of racism with the Republican party and conservative voters. It’s a way they can say “we don’t recognize/want a black president” without saying that specifically. But make no mistake, that’s exactly what they mean.
When you look at what Trump’s doing, he’s nothing more than a right-wing blog personified. He’s the blog that’s pushed the idea that illegal immigrants are swarming the United States bringing infectious diseases, crime and “anchor babies.” He’s the blog that pushed the idea that President Obama really doesn’t love America and might not even be American. He’s the blog that mocks diplomacy while “talking tough” about war, Iran and ISIS – even if nothing he says makes any sense. He’s that blog that doesn’t care if what he’s saying is true or even remotely factual, just as long as conservatives react positively to what’s being said.
To be honest, Trump doesn’t “offend me.” Not because I don’t find his words offensive, but because he’s not saying anything I haven’t been hearing from conservatives for years. To his credit, he’s just the only Republican who’s been willing to say these things directly and specifically while many others have only subtly hinted to them.