Laws are needed until people realise the right way to live with their fellow man. We ALL accept this, we make the laws. The government can't just take your guns, as they couldn't take ours. We had to morally agree that this was the right thing to do. We are a forward thinking people, always have been.What a strawman argument.
Hmmmm. yes. lol. Do I even need to reply to this? I don't think so.
Oh yes, the "for the children..." card. KNOW WHAT'S EVEN MORE SCARY?
More American children die from swimming pools each year than guns.
Quick, join my crusade to outlaw swimming pools and all standing spots of water!
Again, I've answered this question already... only under a different guise.
As I've said before on this forum, most laws are a bandaid solution for lack of morals and common sense, and are like putting pennies in place of fuses in a circuit breaker.
roflmao again and again.Gun control? You want gun control? Here, I'll show ya some fuckin' gun control!!
Not trying to barge in on you and Vis little conversation, but in fact I went to the gun range today to qualify for my CCW permit renewal. I took 3 of my handguns to qualify with as I like to be versatile. First I shot the Glock 9 MM, a sweet little piece of equipment, very accurate, shoots a smidge to the left, but you can compromise for that, 30 rounds with all in the 10 ring but three. Next I fired the SIG .380 APC, probably my #1 carry piece because of weight, those full size handguns are heavy with a full clip, didn't do as well, had about 5 out of the 10 ring. Next, my favorite, the Springfield Armory model 1911 .45 ACP. A heavy big bore piece that shoots straight and smooth, only got one out of the 10 ring. The point being, with a handgun, the heavier the piece the easier it is to shoot straight. The .45 had the least recoil of the three because of the heft of the frame. You just drop the sight onto the target and pull, bingo, a 10. The .380 had the harshest recoil and after 30 rounds, my wrist began to ache (Arthritus you see). Now I realize that to shoot a human being is more complex than a target, but by practicing, it will be easier to hit the culprit if the emergency warrants it. Stay tuned Skunk, I'll keep you informed of my other gun outings. I have quite a few more guns, only in America.Who are they, Vi? You know who I mean, these people that are going to take your liberty away should you lose your guns? the russians, maybe? Or your Government that you claim to love so much?
Who's your would-be enemy Vi?
I bet you polish your guns regularly, not in anticipation of killing anyone, I'm not saying that. I believe with most gun owners the relationship between the two could be deemed tantamount to a romance. That's why you don't want to give up your guns, you like the feel of it in your hand, maybe it has an intricate or rare pattern on the hand-grip, maybe the beauty is in the particular gun's outright power. Whatever. The future is peace, it has to be. Guns are a mistake from the past, why do we insist on repeating it?
There really isn't anything to be afraid of.
Although I appreciate you telling of your day and experience with shooting various types of guns, weight, bore... even physical strains (as I may use it in my writing one day) I fail to see the relevance to the conversation I was having with Vi'.Not trying to barge in on you and Vis little conversation, but in fact I went to the gun range today to qualify for my CCW permit renewal. I took 3 of my handguns to qualify with as I like to be versatile. First I shot the Glock 9 MM, a sweet little piece of equipment, very accurate, shoots a smidge to the left, but you can compromise for that, 30 rounds with all in the 10 ring but three. Next I fired the SIG .380 APC, probably my #1 carry piece because of weight, those full size handguns are heavy with a full clip, didn't do as well, had about 5 out of the 10 ring. Next, my favorite, the Springfield Armory model 1911 .45 ACP. A heavy big bore piece that shoots straight and smooth, only got one out of the 10 ring. The point being, with a handgun, the heavier the piece the easier it is to shoot straight. The .45 had the least recoil of the three because of the heft of the frame. You just drop the sight onto the target and pull, bingo, a 10. The .380 had the harshest recoil and after 30 rounds, my wrist began to ache (Arthritus you see). Now I realize that to shoot a human being is more complex than a target, but by practicing, it will be easier to hit the culprit if the emergency warrants it. Stay tuned Skunk, I'll keep you informed of my other gun outings. I have quite a few more guns, only in America.
Just a heads up on the wild wild west, nothing farsical intended. Am I to assume I may be included in your digest, Geeze, I may have to do a complete interview. I'll give you my real name before publication so the facts will be straight, you can nickname me wild Med.Although I appreciate you telling of your day and experience with shooting various types of guns, weight, bore... even physical strains (as I may use it in my writing one day) I fail to see the relevance to the conversation I was having with Vi'.
Hitler is dead Vi'.Skunk sez ...
"Who are they, Vi? You know who I mean, these people that are going to take your liberty away should you lose your guns? the russians, maybe? Or your Government that you claim to love so much? Who's your would-be enemy Vi?"
We have an armed citizenry to ward off enemies, both foreign and domestic. When thinking of a foreign enemy, think of Hitler and his troops valiantly marching through the Arch di Triumph, or think of the Polish Jews in the Ghetto right before they were marched off to the trains.
When thinking of domestic enemies, think of home invasion robberies or muggers in the street. Also think of David Koresh and the slaughter in Waco at the hands of government, jack-booted thugs. You see, a domestic enemy could be someone from your very own government who knocks on your door and says they are there to take your liberty away.
You lack understanding of this because you lack the American mindset. Not dissing you here at all, Skunk ... just stating fact.
How is it we can be so far apart on politics in general but agree on this and probably the illegal alien situation also. Mind boggeling, aint it?The Goverment and the muggers should fear a well armed public.
look in your rear view mirror, If you dont see one, you aint in California Dorthy!illegal aliens? where?
Amen, Why are so many mis informed people led to belive that banning private gun ownership will make us a safer nation......The Goverment and the muggers should fear a well armed public.