Well Played, Sirs And Ma'ams

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
he compared rape to paying taxes. enough for now, for me.
Actions against a peaceful person that rely on a threat of violence span a wide spectrum. They do share one similarity though, if you or I do them, they are universally considered to be wrong. If your nanny state does them, you ask for more. How is it that you think it's okay for your coercive government to threaten people and wrong for you and I to do it?

Please give me your best explanation of why you believe thuggery is wrong sometimes and acceptable others?


Well-Known Member
Actions against a peaceful person that rely on a threat of violence span a wide spectrum. They do share one similarity though, if you or I do them, they are universally considered to be wrong. If your nanny state does them, you ask for more. How is it that you think it's okay for your coercive government to threaten people and wrong for you and I to do it?

Please give me your best explanation of why you believe thuggery is wrong sometimes and acceptable others?
Why do you not agree to pay your share, Why have we not seen that list of things you are NOT willing to pay for. Please also make a list of things you ARE willing to pay for. Maybe then we will be able to see if you are really paying or taking.


Well-Known Member
Why do you not agree to pay your share, Why have we not seen that list of things you are NOT willing to pay for. Please also make a list of things you ARE willing to pay for. Maybe then we will be able to see if you are really paying or taking.
What do you mean by "his share"?

Do you like everything that your taxes are used for?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Why do you not agree to pay your share, Why have we not seen that list of things you are NOT willing to pay for. Please also make a list of things you ARE willing to pay for. Maybe then we will be able to see if you are really paying or taking.

Well, for starters...I'm not willing to pay for a hamburger if the condition of the bathroom floor has caused an e-coli outbreak.


Well-Known Member
in wisconsin, russ feingold, the only senator to vote against the patriot act, is almost certain to lose his seat in the senate. his opponent? a man who opposed eliminating the statute of limitations for victims of child abuse, does not think the 14th amendment applies to gay americans, and took over $4 million in government subsidies and federal grants for his business (although naturally, as a tea partier, criticizes government subsidies).

in colorado, michael bennet, who has been endorsed by russ feingold, is losing a tough fight against ken buck, who believes that if your wife were raped by her uncle, she should be forced by the government to carry that child to term. he also believes in privatizing the va, keeping openly gay soldiers out of the military, has faced ethics violations in the us attorny's office, and thinks wearing high heels is a liability for a senator.

in nevada, harry reid is in the race of his life against a tea partier and christian reconstructionist who advises second amendment remedies against the government, who thinks flouridizaion of our water is a commie plot to kill americans, wants medicare and ss privatized, does not think the constitution calls for separation of church and state, opposses abortion even in cases of rape or incest, thinks unemployment insurance 'spoils' lazy drug-addicted americans, has hinted at prohibition of alcohol, called the $20 billion BP fund for victims a 'slush fund', and wants to dump nuclear waste in yucca mountain.

in pennsylvania, three-star vice admiral joe sestak is all but assured to losing his race to a wall street insider who made his wealth on derivatives trading and voted for a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage (because clearly the 14th amendment should not apply to gay americans :roll: )

in alaska, the senate seat is sure to be won by a man who thinks unemployment insurance is unconstitutional, wants to eliminate the minimum wage, and believes that if your daughter is raped by her uncle, the government should force her to carry to term.

in kentucky, the senate seat is sure to be won by a man who wants to revisit civil rights, also believes that your daughter should be forced by the government to carry to term if she was raped by her uncle, proposed an underground electrical fece to fight illegal immigration, and wants to repeal birthright citizenship under the 14th amendment.

now, this is quite the group of candidates poised for victory. but, where is all the attention being focused currently?

this idiot...

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i have been pondering this for a while, and i have decided that this was a strategic move by the right. they decided to give up delaware in order to have an easier shot at the other states i listed by drawing attention away from them. it just makes too much sense at this point to be anything but.


ms. o'donnell, i served with me, i knew me, i was a good friend of mine. ms. o'donnell, you are NO me.
Fast forward to 2016, and nothing has changed- the American voter certainly hadn't suddenly become more intelligent and the choices presented to the American voter are getting harder to swallow rather than easier.
